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Show U.lr.(01l KtliH. llo.-.lmi, I'j. I ii Lynn, thix ui-irning Win. 11 roan killed his wile by slabbing her with a dirk. C'ol. Lawrence who jumped from a window of the American house yester- l dny in a lit of insanity, died to-day. '1 he Wliarfon Csi-. i Annapolis, 10. In tho Wharton ti iul to-day, altar aryumoiil the court I decided that the books and papers of I general Ketchum, containing ontriel of interest received from Mrs. Wharton could not be admitted. Jlrs. Chubb was : j again called to Ihe stand and corrected the question of l'ormor testimony as to conversations botwueu herself and the ' pri'oncr in regard to tha purchase of ' tartar emetic for the prisoner and to - which she then replied no, under misapprehension mis-apprehension of the question. Tho prisoner desired the witness to testify thai tho man from whom the witness purciiaeu uiu uiiicuu in uiu anuiu poison poi-son who sold to Hie prisoner. Tho court adjourned to Monday. Tliti Tniilnsoil tin: V V.ll.H. Odon, -y.-'-j p. in., HI. The road cast is reported clear and trains on the move, but none havo passed Bitter Creek west to-day yel. Tv:o or three passenger trains aro dclained there, and Medicine Uow don't know what thoy aro doing. This storm is moving eastward and has got as fur as Hitter Creek. llawlins. AV. T., 0:45 p.m., 10. Tho road is clear west, but not between here and Medicine liow yet. AVo have had no train from the easl since- tho 14th. The passenger train bound east just left. AVciUher clear and pleasant; no wind. O in nh ft ilic;Euiriv Termliiiia of tin i'. p. u. a. .New York, 10. Tho exocutiv eoru-mitlco eoru-mitlco of the L P. 14. R. hold a meeting meet-ing in this city to-day. In consequence of tho donation of certain Louglase county bonds and depot grounds at Omaha on the 1st tiny of January, '611, j by that city, it was resolved lo make thnt tho actual terminus of the U. T. R. R. ' Wu-liliigfoii irV4. j The senate coininitLce on election priv- I I ileges have decidei lo report adversely ' on IJlodgett'p, and favorable on llew-i llew-i ard's claim to a seat in ihe senate from ! Georgia, j The secretary of the interior has ad-; ad-; dressed a communication lo Apache chief Cochise, saying thai tho President would himself as a marl; of friendship, invite him with Lngo niul V ictoria, to come to AVaslunglon at Iho government expense. It is b'jlieved that Cochise will accept the invitation early next year. Tho olbVial weather report says, that a rain Btonn accompanied probably wilh high wind, apparently threatens tlie Pacilic Coast. Ariel' Tnimiiniiy '1' l I v-t. Wew York, 10. There is a great ox-eileincnl ox-eileincnl around tho city hall and among the local politicians over Hie action of lliegrand jury and Iho arrest of Tweed, ll is understood thnt indictments huvu been tound agamsL twonty or mora persons, per-sons, among whom it is said are men not heretofore publicly known as hav- r ing been connected with the city frauds and ballot bos stulling. It is slated C that two indictments havo been found li against Thomas C. Picld, and ono or more against other parlies connected with Hie city park management, ll has leaked out that James id. Swoenoy has " been indicted for felony, and thai proofs 1 against him arc even stronger than J against Tweed. An indictment is said lo have been found against ono notorious notori-ous fellow who voted six hundred repeaters re-peaters at the last election. A well-Known well-Known police judge has also been indicted in-dicted for his connection with ballot box ( stuffing. ( The grand jury expect to get through i their labors on Tuesday next, when some thirty or forty indictments are ex- J peeled to make their, appearance. Tho j anxiety is very great as to the expected developments, and an increased excitement excite-ment is exported when tho facts arc all ipadc l;nown'. Ono indictment ngainst Connollv is for auditing a bill of Ingor-soll Ingor-soll & Co. for $',H"1'2"i, and another for auditing a hill of Andrew J. Garvcy for $07D, (S8. Tho indictment say 3 that whilo Hall, Tweed and Connolly were tho board to audit accounts, that thoy actod on bills of A. J. Carvoy for $u70,-08S; $u70,-08S; that white Ibo papers wore in Connolly's Con-nolly's possession thoy were lost so completely that Connolly corruptly neglected ne-glected to audit these claims. Other counts chnrgo Connolly and Tweed with auditing bills against the county, fraudulently representing them to havo been passed by the board of I supervisors. It is thought that an in- , dictmcnL against mayor Hall must follow. fol-low. Tho opinion of judge Lamed of Albany, denying the motion lo vacate the order ol arrest in mo ea-c oi JLweeu, holds that iho ailidavits and complaint upon which tho order was issued mu-t he true, as tho defendant makes no affidavit affi-davit himself. When Tweed appeared at Iho court of sessions to-day he looked palo and crest-fallen; ho'tried to smile pleasantly whop a friend grasped his hand; hut his face had all tho appoaranne of a man who win completely scarod, and I tho air of pleasantness he tried lo as-; as-; Mime made him look all the more : ghostly. I The politicians of all clashes densely 1 crowded tho court room as Twted euler-1 euler-1 ed and hi-, adherent raisd ehcers hi his '. favor, but '.ho cheers were soon drowned ' 1 by the hisses of his oppononts. AYhen 1 iir. O'Connor entered he was greeted with cheers. Tweed's counsel was taken greatly by surprise when judge lied lord announced that the prisoner would bo committed I I without bail, Crahnui at once declaring that they lUnied the right of the court j to commit in that manner. Tweed was subsequently admitted to bail by judge Barnard in jU.UoU Alfred U. Sands I was accepted as solo bail bondsman. Neyy Yorif Nuns, His stated lh?t Pilt has paid MiSd llansfleld $Io,UUO to discontinue her libel suit against him. The Iiuoruationaliats this evening ' made arrangements for their parado to-1 to-1 morrow. Veto. 'I u K Kux. AtiunU, Cj., 10. Coveruor CVnly I : has vetoed the appropriation of a um to pnv the intcre-t oo gold bond--. . All" the Kukluxists were di5cbarKPd to-day except two. " ' ' ' A Lu Uy t'Ici K. Mmphi-. 10. Job u II. Luitf, who drew the t pri- in ihe Louisville library 1-aiery, is a clerk in the po.-t- ; ' office "hero. j i ' Pardon. '' ' i;;t-l.,m-;i, Va., 10.-Governor Wa!k-I Wa!k-I or has pardoned ix-Mayor Cahoon, I heretofore twice convicted uf complicity In the Ilanna-tcin forgci'io. Abiiiiltn, Sft'uniiah, (In.. 11.- t'olloctnr llobb has been lionorabty acquitted. j f ' 'I'Hc Flk-Mii"'flll Case. Connolly " NVw York. 0.l! is aid that the : potlponemenl of the Fi-k-Man-field suit on account of the illness of Miis Mans-j Mans-j fielri is probably the h.st oi the tasc. Connolly i.i si.:!; and conllncd to his : bed at the Ludlow -trecl jail." lie complains com-plains of aliection of the Lionels, which , Ins friends say ho lias been troubled with i ' for several year pn-t, which ans been It.hil'iiL "n air.iin by hi- confinement and lin k of exerei-o. Moiiclkvy .nrt btockn. OW Yrk, 1'. (Jold dull; -terling |