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Show Hkstlkmkjc is Want of underwear will 'find it to ihoir advantage to cb on Pehut, 4- Main straeL Nkw Moulbixos for picture frames, iult received tithe Pioneer Art OnHtiry. dV C- K- SVA0E- Dxs 20 per cent oil' furniture, silver, china, glnu, crockery and hoh-day hoh-day Koods at tho Crystal nlaoe, .8 Jdain Bi.BRl.TT & Co. Laraeit stock of clothing at Siegal Kro'a. 10 ! Nkw Booicb. Arrired to-dny W volume of the standard poots hand-sumnly hand-sumnly bound, just the thing for tlio holidays. Cull and ieo thorn at Dwtkr's Bookstore. dla A iiKAUTiPUL Rorlinent of Oon-tlenwn's Oon-tlenwn's Furnishing Goods of extra quality Dusvorh & Bokh. d!3 That's sb flno flavor; whero do yer got 'ein? Why at thor factory, if corse, you hot, at Sam Lery's. You can see him ninko 'em. 02 Miun St. d 12 Cutting & Co's California Canned Fruits and Jellies ara the best In tho market. Ak your grocer for them. We wtun to call the attention of our numerous lft'ly friends to our largo stock uf Shoes, both eastern and westorn make; unmrpnAei by anything ever brought to thu Territory in quality and prices. , i dr.; Dl'XFobd A Son. For Umlorwear go to Slegel Bro's. olO (J. At. Ottinobii'b laatand best painting paint-ing "The Kvoning Gun" now on exhibition ex-hibition at the Pioneer Art Gallery. Come and see it. il-i Gknts Attention'. Ed. Harris, at tho Litti.b Oioak Store "round the : cornor," keeps the boat imported Hav-- Hav-- ' ana anJ Uumoatic Ciunrs, Xobucco tind Notions. Como and Judge for your- -solves. Three doors east of Post Office. s2ti Forty-Five Dollar suits roduced to Sill; $10 suits to $3i; $;12 Suits to $2H; fc'J.'i suits to $23, at Dbuhy's, -12 Main street. 1I7 Largo slock of lino and heavy hoots at ! aiogcl Bro'e. ' o24 We a rim to calf tho attention of tho indies of Suit LnU City to our largfl , ..lock of bountiful Mink Fur, whioh wo j havii just received. ; di;t I)iimkori & Soxm. Mure New Ahiuvalb. Four car- j loads of Ho. J FUJt.MTUKB. i'Alt-LOlL i'Alt-LOlL nad UKUKOOM SKTS completo utid oh'gant. j 1 eximct in thrco or lour dnvs tour car-londB of COMMON KUKNITVKK of tho bust (innlity. ' 1 ' H. DlNWOOPKY. Fashionable Hats at Siegel Bro's. olO Dried Peaches. AVe Ebnll givo tho highest prico for clean, woll driod fruit, at our Provision Department, I at -Ino H. Clp.w.'on'j wot of 'J'liontro. I augl JI. B. Clawson, ifupt Tiik Grand Cheviot shirts at Siege! Bro'c, i2-l Kark Business CnANCE. For ;alo, tho California Storo, Main Etreot, with lot twonty-flvo front, a hundred and sixty-five foot dcop. Apply to E. B, Shoobridgo, on the promises, or at tho Herald oflleo. s2l I Overcoats, a fine assortment, at Siegel Bro'fl. olO Kino Furnishing Goods at Siegel Bro's olO Furs! FursI FuebI Wo iiavejnsi received a largo Block of Children's Fur?, which we will Roll at cast. din Dunford & Sons. Prince ALIOXIS CHEVIOT SHIRTS, SJ.OO, AT SI KG KL BROS. Tl'.'K Blankets. AVhito and colored blankets superior quality a splondid lot just recoivod at the California Stoke. 2I For fj no AVhito and Woolen Shirts I go to Siegel Bro's. olO AVe n av k just received a I urge Flock of Gentlemen's Gloves of all kinds, which we will sell at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction, di:; Dunforji & Sons. i The H em n randt Portraits taken I at CAttTEH'S GALLERY aro apprc-j apprc-j ciated by ovory person. Cull and see thcni. i N.B. Tho only gallery wlioro they are takon in Salt Lako City. (113 For SAi.E-.ai bbh. JSUGS; 10,000 I hi OATS-, Biwer, Bomis & Go's Ale, Boor and PORTKU. and Booth's BalU-moro BalU-moro OYSTFKS, For Salo at Wholesale Whole-sale by Brewur it Laphum, Goddurd s Ituildinz. in Basement, Main St., Suit Lake City, Utah. dl Conbumi'TIon. Scrofula, IIEGKMAJJ'S GENUINE COD LIVER LIV-ER OIL. Our Cod Liver Oil is war- ! ranted PUKE NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. It has stood tho test ot over twonty years' oxporionco, and cun ho relied on in ovory particular. -Manufactured by UkoEUan & Co., chemists and druggists, Now York, and sold by all druggists. !"' OGDEN DIRECTORY. rVrH-class Bmuiean lonsrs. MERCHANTS! Wulkci UiitUr, Zloii's Co-op. Men'Hii(ll Iiisl i I ul Ion, JnniCH Iloriockfl, C. Woodninmtt-r, F. Auerlmcli Ji Bio, HOTKL. Ogileii House, .lolm M.Unu, I'iojii iclur. LIVERY STABLE, I D. U. NrliH, Proirielor. nlO THEATRE. Momliiy Ev's, Dec. IS, '? 1, LAST NICHTS Of TUB Takulo.l it n 1 'oudorful PeLito Ailislo, La Petite Marion Tho crent duliuoator of Iriili chiinicter, AND THE NATHAN JUYENILE TROUPE MR. W. C. DUDLEY, MR. K. C. MUTiVILLK. 1H3. NAT II AX. Tho eoLcrlftinmeiU will eomiupncc with tho beautilul p!ny 1'rom tho fronuli, eutitlod THE YOUTH WHO NEVER SAW A WOMAN ! To follow witli Ibo laDthablo farce in ono ' net, entitltiU. thnt. RASCAL PAT! Tho iierforniiitioe will ooaoludo with tho liughiiLtlo Hibernian Inrco, &litlcl THE IRISH TUTORI Is cnifagu.l. mul will shsrilj &iiur, Mr. OLIVER DOUD BYRON, In MoClo.'koy's treat :lraran, entitled "ACROSS THE CONTINENT." M. liABNUM, A T TOKNE V - A T - L A. AV , Ollice, Kimball's Block, B. L. City. Si.cci"! attention Kivon to Titles, Nerfatia-lionn. Nerfatia-lionn. Sales or LitiKiiions in Minins Claiu.i' an'l Hoal Estate. . Collcoiions inaat or busuioaa done in am part oft'ie Unitad States by Ags.ijiation ol roliablo Attorneys. The Place to Buy GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS For IJ'iality and f'rioo, Imported or llomc-martc IS AT LATIMER, TAYLOR &- CO' PLASING -MUX, Sasli mul Uoor Fnelor: One block west of Tabernacle. I .117 91; monfy very light; seven per cent I gold freely bid; the bank statement hows two and a half millions incra.-e ! in specie; governments tteady; faloeks ; strong and higher, tspecialh" :PaeiEc j mail which opentd -I'.'l closed il. I-ondon, 10. Consols '.ij im.aey, aocount. 1 HOllORliiSTMIiSlj Tovs! Toys! Tovsli TOYS FOR THE MILLION 1 1 j Tlie Lar?f 1 and Fiurt Aort-1 j Bf nt of Tojs erer bronchi lo Oils riljr! j CALL AND SEE THEM I ! i FANCY GOODS! Of flTcr de;cridiun, suitable fur ' CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! HOLIDAY GROCERIES, FANCY DRESS GOODS And Fancy Notions, A choice li, ut W. B.WILKINSON'S, No. Sj Kisi Temple Street. A Fin Lot of Gla 8UIfi for Wax Frnlt or Flower. 23 C -A. H X TO THE LADIES. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Mrs. Colebrook Wishes to inform lier numerous friends, that she will open in a few days in her NEW STORE, Kive doors south of her old aland, with a very choice selection of LADIES HATS AND Bonnets. Jual received and now boing opened, a vory elegant lot of Feathers. Flowers, Ribbons. Laces Mrs. (J. returns lier bincore thanka for the liberal patronage she has received re-ceived heretofore, and respectfully solicits so-licits a continuance of the same. Z C- ILVE- I- NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Omen or Tun Ei-8i:ka Misnsn Oompasv ov Utaii. tiiltLako Oitr. Uiah, Dec. 2d. 181. The first annual meeting of ibo stockholders stockhold-ers of this company will ba held at the onioe of the company ia this oity, on Tuesday, January ti:b, J82, at lOo'olooS. a.m.. for iho election of seven 'IriistceB, to servo for tho oneuine year, and the traDSuctioa of such other business ns may oome before the moot- ,DK" WM.H. WOOD, dri SecreUry ni Treasurer. D'HONT KOOM X 1 KNT. EMMA HILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY. TJ1R STOCK BOOKS of the Kmiua 11 ill X Tnnoel and Mining Company are now open in Keld'j Building, and a limited number num-ber of unaisesaable shurea for aaU. Ths Km ma Hill Tunnel and MiulnK Com-pay Com-pay was located April 1S70, incoro rated August 14, 1571. and has tho most flattering pruej-ocW of any mine in Lktle Cottonwood. For particulars inquire of W. S. WOODIIULL. Vicr 1seh.. 1 Reid's Building, Or .IAS. A. MURPHY. Bbcbrtabt. Bttg il Raid's Building. Declaratory Statements IiKOPETtLY made out for ownrr' of city ltd, In conformity with Public No-lice No-lice of Hon. K. Smith; Probata Jude, puhlisbed in the Salt Lake Ui.rii.p, November Nov-ember ith, in. CLAYIUN Sl JUNAS5UN. OFKItoE-Fuurtb door south Qodhe's Corn " CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 479 South CanalSt., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Miaufactureri of the celebrated WILSON OIL TA N K- COLUEQ SCRIP! PREKMPTOKS wUl save $16 on X each quarter section by buying Agricultural College Scrip. Apply to TIIK BA.t OV Uu-li.k.llK 1", S auc6i6or lo Uoofer, Kldredge k Co MISCELLANEOUS. PLANTATION BITTERS WILL Purify llic Blood and Iuvijiorate, Ihe Cody, The bloJ i to the flesh what rain ib to the L-rai. ; "Why is it that Plantation Bit- TERS outsc-il all others? BcCflllC it irouioi dicstioc ! j Because it best ppcr ever dUcoverel ! BCCftllMCit purities the bluod by removing the acrid secretions of the stomach ! BeClUlSe U iiupana vigor and vitality vi-tality lo the whole circulatory system, and thus cures dyspepsia ! Because it puts new life into a lazy LU-t! BeCaUSC the most delicate ladios i can use U ! I Because lhoo ladies Who have . used it, all agree that, by cleansing I ihe blood from all impurities, it at ! once imparts the "rose-tint of health" ! to the check, and does away with all cosmetics, emulsions and lotions for the complexion ! BeCitllSe it bestows a fresh and spotless complexion upon both sexes, simply by freeing the blood from all impurities ! BCCilUSe it ia a strengthening morning tonic! BeCailSe it willcm-echiUs and fever! i .. iilLaUau it is a gentle alterative 1 BeC&USC it oorrools all the defects in the gastric functions, and cures nervous constipation ! BeCftUSC it is always kept at its original standurd 1 Because all of tho Druggists and Wholesale Grocers know this, and rccommand it I j BeCailSe all of its iugrcilwnta are j pure I j BCCailSC ita spirit base is pure Santa San-ta Cruz Rum ! BeCaUSC CVa Bark constitutes consti-tutes its aromatic flavor ! BeCaUSC it contaius Dandelion, Lavender Flowers, Anise, Winter-gran, Winter-gran, Chamomile Flowers, with other well-knowu iagredicDts used by all scientific physioians for centuries cen-turies ! WIVJiS ASD MOrilEItS.-Only woman knows wbit women endure.; and If thero id nny means of itsniiginK the distress of body and mind which so mnny thousand experienoc, day after day. and week after jejeek.wkh u. fortitude which puis to ahame 't"he courage of man, who will deny that so groat n. blueing to tho sex ghoiild be found in every household ? Millions of Men lmve been benefitted by its use, but anion the feoble and Jick of th( opposite gender, who. porbnps, need it most (in virtues aro not so widelv known. Thli foremost remedy of the ago this apeciCc foi : every species of debility, geiierut or loeal oon?titutional or casual, is PLANTATIOJi BITTERS. Ono rigiit of woman nt least will bo concedod the ngntoi suengtnoning herself Lo sustain Iho ills of whioh the laws of nature have mudo her tho unfortunnto heiress. i"-vffl HERALD Job Printing OFFICE, CIRCULARS, LEmill HEADS, Blhh HEAD3, STATEMENTS. CARDS. BOOKS, OKDJSK iJOOIi-S, RECEIPT BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CHECK BOOKS. HANDBILL, S, l POKTEItS, DODGERS, ! SIIOWCARDS. ! cehtificatj:s ! RECOUDEH.S' BLANKS, LEGAL BEAKKS, CHECKS, ETC - 'ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK MISCELLANEOUS. Attention Miners! WANTED , GOOD AROKSTIFKROl'S CALESA ! ORES at j SCHEMES SMELTING ' MUACE, At Union fort, Little Cottonwood, i i ng8 ! SEWING MACHINES j For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, i Em'iody all that it now ftnJ novel in irr Machines. They are tho latest improved ani lightest running ahuttlo machines in the world. Beautiful anu compact in model and unexcelled in material and finish. They sew everything from lace lo bearer cloth in the most perfect manner. Eviry variety oflltmmlug, Felling, Quilting, Cording, rtulllliig, Plplug, TnblQg, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., easily jiciformed. ( Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels, NO VIBRATING SPRINGS. Every Machine Warranted as Represented, j I Salesroom on First SoutH Street . i Suit Ignite City, opposite tlie New Meat Blwrlcet. IRA PFOUTZ, i! juytS A ' j I 1 1 S25 SAVED By Bus-in?! ' THE WILSON Lock Stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE ' AT " J. Daynes & Co.'s Two doors east of Post Ofllcc, SALT LAKE CITY. Warranted for Five Years ! CALL AND SEE Til EM FIRE INSURANCE. li jfe I Si is Merohants' Kichango Building. fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, - . $050,000. JOHN II. REDDTN'OTON. - President-CHARLES President-CHARLES It. t-TOUY. - - - Secretary. GI-XJ. II . HOWAIU), - - Vice-I'reKident. N. K. 1DY, - - - Muriso boorUnry. H.H. BIO R LOW, . doaeral Manager. H. R. MANN, Agent for Utah Territory Ofllct, under Ml R(Hug Rooms, jU23 Bnlt Lake City SALT LAKE BRANCH OF THE Great Western FIRE INSIIRANP.F r.n'Y. OF CHICAGO. TUKO, F. TtlAlV. President C. H. BS-KTr, IIK.VKY W.LA WRKN'Ofci f Dirctors CHAN, L. DAI1LKH, ) MARSHALL . CARTKR, Attorneys. H. R. MAIN, Miiger. OFFICE: Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A Branch ol' this SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE ! $5,000,000 : Having been organized in our chy, wc 1 arc now ready tor business and cam-j cam-j estiy solicit public patroM" gnaron- I ( teeing that all fire rists will 1-e cr rried 1 t a fair rate. H. R. MANN. X o-9 o o o Sisssei Scwinsr Maciiincs were Soirt within Hie past year. bcicvl'f.c American, June l'.Xh. THE STN GER Ianufaelurina; Company. A.T THE WOKLID'S PAIR Constituted by the dcujm of thcpeorle Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales Aud hare left all riTsli.'sr behind them. 1 OR H CV Sold in 1870 127,833 Machines I Sewing Machine Saies for 1870. "Tli a KSRiiitudc to which tie manufacture ol tewing mrvcblne h nt :a!nc.i '-rK'W'.i -r the Morn" rflara ',:o wliica ar.j oai c ;n h se.',-) ol tho uifcn ' :t i-rcro tf-r the year 1STJ to the oKsrn ol the IcaIidk ii,fr-". oa wlu-h thi j'y Toly. oord;nc to these icturns the number of lua- chiue (old by :h iaaaul.:urer m 1"0 il S. follow;; TheSlticrr - - i:7.S33 M.rcT-cc .... I7,.vft Wheeler .s WlLu - V..'S 0. :,i - - - :: uwo - .a i. - - t Grover i Uikcr -.s- - i re - WeeJ ... :: .1 1 ; i,.is A Lyon - - -i.:0 WiU'ox A Gibb . - -'.J l'a-a.in -,r AiuericAiiBnuoncoIe A OveneaniinfT 11. i V iioc .... .( , AnJ asreral otiier coiuiuiei who sold a few machine, Ii will !ie aecn by this Uble that the popularity of the Stnscr machines fr n-ccedri n-ccedri that ofill others, their Bale being aue-lialf greater tbin even thst cf jthefuxotis "Wheeler A- Wiljon" machine. This is owinc !o the f-ct thnt the Miifirr ' Company have lately coinrcence-t making, beijea their o'd erA wcll-e:tsbiithcd ! manufacturing machine, whut known ss tiieir "New Family .Machine," which j Is selling at tlie rale of nine to one better man thctr old style. Their to-I to-I tal ."ale? fur lt9 wero 56.7S1 Jiachinos apRinft the lCT.fio.. of ISTJt showing snluer ! ofone-half In the latter year." "Sew York Sun." I One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, j COW KKAELV TH REE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION I iVJactiiiies Sold, ' a, m ft" . n j j. a. f jtc I M'tit made within the jiatt three years. Tint t'ie CJrealrst 1 increase of our WnleN over all Other Mnrhlnrs, Ucluc -Vlthln ihe Vn Vrm. I'll i U Iitcontemlhle Proof ihul Uur M.u'hinea Are the licsl in the World. xilE KEW 1' AM 1 L Y SIXCiER SEVI"G MACHIAE trim aunenmems jor an niims vj itoj is id.-t C inning fcupreno faTor in the household, as shown by tho rapidly titcrMMue ul os, over 11 other macliines. iliis cw Family .Machine it nnw capable nT a ran' nd rariciy of w ir vi,'h h cas only recently thought iMipn-'ihK' Ui poi iorm by ni ichi ery Wo oNin jhi.I cun how ihst it is tho chenpeft. ruo.'l btnutiiti;. delicately n;r:nn;oa. nicly udju-U.!. t.iil ipcrated, speedy, sn.l jnuuoibly running o! li tie ta.iiily .onmK- Machiuei. I: rem i foible fo-ible not only for the r:ingo nnd variety of its aewing, bin n -o lor iiiu v;irie:' nn.i .liferent .lif-erent kinds of texture whioh il will b:w with c.mal lac. lily it -id p.-riivti ti, u-inc ;ilk t.witjt, linen or cottfn thread, fun or wao, miking ilu luni'Uichnl-eiiiiiit-itltcti, Blike on both (.idea of the t idrio crwn; ihu n:ily Milch w icii m utuvormliv U.provcd. or is at all nd.ii'lf i t-.r fli'.i-cls- work. ihus.. bci ,r cluih.or KiiluT nay bo sown wilh great (trotiKth mi uniinrmity nitcn. and. in a ni. iui) t . inm Tilling and never-weary ing in-trumcni may be intici-t. d i.r line uurk on gnuio or gon-ner gon-ner tiuc, or the tuckiug of tarlatan, or ruffl-mc ,,r itliuost any mhur .ts yvun t.v ! child which dt-licato linger" havo hum kn.iwu to in'n.irni. Cvt-i tho cnrelet. nA thonghtluBs linvo little r no trouble on I hi mai-liluu. Send for Viscriptivc and 2rice Ctrctifars, Wemnnufiiciurcoiir own n-wltef, iilk and twiM; f.irnbh Imosi n 1 c.;i( ii thr.'iid and oil all of superior quatitv but which fan ba roliud ou omy w.ion nbtainwd. ttirough our Prinoinal orBriinch UlBow. or Agtinoics. . . OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED OH REASONS. E TESMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED HU.E TL1KOUOHOUT THE UltV. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. V,'e extend n oordi.il Invitmion to nil to cm?e nd "ee th" Machine, tvhotf rr they wish to htiy or n -t. See all others, but do uni tony wltliont yon rismlns the Singer. Vinitnr alwuyn pnMlf'y otlfmlcd by Otiipftcril aumlinK Instruction f-ee. All Machines perfectly adjumctt before deltvot-y ai t SIEGER SEWINI MACHINE DEP'T, Z, C, M. I. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of Ealo Emporimu, !ttU Lnlco City, tJtttli. U. li. CLAW'bON, tupcriuveniiiMil. BEKED1CT, HALL C 0, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOL'KSALK DEALERS JN Aos. 131 and KAi STKi;i:'l, 1 , NEW YORK. RIGG3, LECHTENBERG a CO., WIIOLESAI.H AND RETAIL DEALERS IX GROCERIES, WINES, Liquors, Tobacco, Scsstrs, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. MIKERS' OUTEITTIKG GOODS 1 Parties dosiring to purohaso will t!o well to innpect our block, wliiob is complete in every department. i ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVAGE & OTTINGER'S. ) t23 . I JAMES IIAUtIK, Jun. J. U. I1AUUK. UEOKtlK llAUUf I Bie: C-ixxx Storo! HAGUE "BROTHERS, L, A T K J A M J' S 1 1 A ti IT V. , Tmportora aud UoIor lxi GUNS. PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, TACKLE. JSJctcldlo., Harness AND WllLl'S OF EVI5RY DESCKU'fJON. REPAIRS NEA1LY EXECUTED. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. Z. C. hi I. BOOT AtlD SHOE U e i it r t iia o u t , ut tlie ol the "joicSt oxcyrr'j , -v ' - - Evrry ptj-lc nnd quality ol' Bo'S aud fch'-cs iAI), TO OJil1' . . l!. lioo guaranUsed. C.WATB ON HAND A. IABOE AND cn"K.E BTOrK of llIOME-MArE:M,,EOOTSAXl)SiiOKS A FULL Ai.S'iKTMKKT " Shoe Findings, Horse Collars anil l. it kinds c Leatlier I XXXX3X1U WA NTIJQ. |