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Show LiGHTNiNG FLASHES. Judge Lamed has reduced Connolly's bail to $500,000, which his friends hope to raise. The Pisk-Manslicld ease bus been postponed on account of the sickness of Mrs. Mansfield. The ship Alfred Le Grand has been wrecked on the Spanish coast and nine of hor crew drowned. The board of arbitration under the : Washington treaty met on Friday and I adjourned until next April. The statement of the Eighth na-i na-i tional bank shows assets of Si ,000,000 against SiOO.OoO liabilities. Jtichard M. -Blatobford was robbed on Friday afternoon in Nassau streot, New York, of iSO.000 in bonds. Five sailors of tho American ship James lirett, lying iu the harbor of Havre, were accidentally drowned yesterday. yes-terday. Tho opposition to the government of the Dominion of Canada have carried a vote of want of confidence in the ministry in the house by a majority of one. John It. Durff, of Memphis, hcTd ticket No. -i,'2iS, which drew the capital capi-tal prize of 3fi,000 in the groat library lottery at Louisville on Friday. No. .,070 drew $17,01)0. |