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Show Good Advick. President Porter of Yale college gave the following advice ad-vice to the students of that institution the other day: "Young men, you are the architects of your own fortunes. Rely upon your own strength of body and soul. Take for your star, self-reliance, laith, honesty and industry. Inscribe In-scribe on your banner, 'Luck is a fool, p!uJ; is a hero.' lJon't take too much advice; keep at your helm and steer your own ship, and remember that the great art of commanding ia to take a fair share of the wmk. Don't practice i too much humanity. Think well of j yourself. Strike out. Assume your j own position. Put potatoes in your oart, over a rough road, and small ones go to the boUoLii. Pvise above the envious en-vious and jealous. Fire above the mark you intend to hit. Energy, invincible in-vincible determination, with a right motive, are the levers that move the world. Pon t drink. Don't chew. Don't sm'ike. Don't swear. Don't deceive. Don't read novels. Don't marry until you cati support a wife. Be in earnest. Be self-reliant. Be generous. Be civil. Bead Ihe papers. Advetiiso your buinc.s. Make money and do good wilh it. Love your God and fellow-man. Love irulh aud virtue. Love your country and obey its laws." If this advice is implicitly followed by the young men of the country, the milleniuui is near at hand. i |