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Show FOIi TIIR TiADlKS. The woman wlio ni:trrie.s i'or a home pays ten limes the worth of it. Widowers sviJoiu die oi'ciicr. How-over How-over crushed tliey muy he, it' you only lft them alone t'lu-y will yeueray re-wive. re-wive. Tho fiicndViX Mi-. -Mary A. Livcr-ruore Livcr-ruore claim i'or her tlie credit of originating origi-nating the sanitary cowmisMon, so useful use-ful during t he war. , . The illustrious planet Venus is now visible in the wee suia' hours, and a great many younij eoupleH plan it to sit , up to sec her, A San l'ranneo j;irl recently under-! under-! took the arsenic truatiueut lor procur-' procur-' iuy a clear and heautif itl complexion. She looked white enough in hercotliin. A young lady, on Iilt way to he mar-tied, mar-tied, was run ovlt nnd killed. Au elderly eld-erly single lady savagely remarked, j ''She ha eseaptd a more lingering and horrible destiny." Nut long ai'o an tiliVr of i0 was made by an Episcopalian tor the best work entitled, "lies: Kcligious Tnio-ing Tnio-ing lor tho Young," and IMrs. Ada Chaplin ol Conway, iMtis?., look the money. Two-thirds of the wealth of Calais, Me., is to ha inherited by young and pretty girl!. Information us to the sum total is desirable before- bachelors begin to buy one ticket up there and two back. Mies Annie M. Ilulettsof llockford, Ills., the young lady whom the supreme su-preme court recently refused to admit to the practice- of the law, is about to start ou a lecture tour, and tell the people bow she regards the refusal. Miss LilUo J)ovorcux Blako, in her new lecturo on "Modern Heroism," says that it requires as much courage for a woman to avow herself in favor of woman suffrage- when in the midst of a fashionable assembly as it does for a man to command a battery. There is a very stout old lady who rides a good deal in the Cincinnati street cars, and for whom, no matter how crowded they may he, the passengers passen-gers always find a scat, llcr persuasiveness persuas-iveness never fails, iler method is to bustle in and prepare to sit down' on the passengers' lapn. The hint is enough. A Wisconsin wife, the mother of twenty-two children,, informed her pastor the other day that she had read much about people being rendered perfect through suffering.' ".If suffering," suffer-ing," 6hc added, "can make a woman perfect, 1 am the most perfect person on Cod's footstool.,' Neither God nor wnn expects a wife to submit to brutality, but a woman who, finding herself outgrowing her husband or disappointed in him, yet lakes up the cro and, fitting her shoulders to it, bears it in silence to her life's end, litis joys that the world knows not of, and reaches the highest typo of wonialiuud. Mlizabnl U K. Churchill. Marrion V. Churchill says : " I would rather sco a police woman, club in haud, marching an offender to punishment, pun-ishment, than to see that same woman inarched to punishment by a policeman for lack of the money which would havo been her honorable salary iu (lie police service. There are women in the world better fitted for police than for parlor duty. Let them do it." The ladies whom Alexis danced with at the New York ball, protest it was the "sweetest thing in the world," and that they "never, never, never enjoyed anything so heavenly" in all their born days. The ladies who did not dance with Alexis protest that he is a "very common looking individual," --that he waltzes liko a prize ox, is lamentably defective in tasto, and that they "cannot "can-not abide the magnificent vulgarity," |