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Show (Ky W. U.Talosrai.li.l TIIK I.1)1CT.UK.TS AUALVST TWEED AS11 OTHKKS. New York, lo. Tweed aud Connelly ware arrested last night on the charge of felony and niisdemeauor on indictments indict-ments by tho grand jury. Upon the indictments against 'I'weed being submitted sub-mitted to recorder llaekelt, the district dis-trict attorney notified Charles O Conor, who applied to the recorder fora bench warrant for the arrest i,f Tweed which was grautcd, no bail being wanted. At, 0' Conor's request the district attorney will not take bail unless acceptable lo O'Conor. It is understood that the proceedings arc based upou affidavits made by Kcy.-H.T, who ia reported to have been prouised immunity in any prosecution that may be instituted on condition that ho would brim definite charges against the city uilieiak Kcy-scr Kcy-scr it is said, came from South Carolina, Caro-lina, where he has been staying for the bouefitof his health, a few days ago, and tho intended action has been kent sn-t f-r. Tweed had not the slightest suspicion of what had bscn done and was comfortably com-fortably seated in his private parlor at the Metropolitan hotel when tho sheriff at half past five formally arrested and placed him in the custody of his deputies. depu-ties. The affair was kept a secret and did not become known until at a very early hour this moruiDg. Tweed isith a party of friends went iu search of the recorder, with a view to have himself him-self bailed; but that official could not be found. Tweed wns therefore coo-liu'.d coo-liu'.d as a prisoner during the niht at tbo MetrouohLan Hotel. It is thought that this prosecution ! will preveut Tweed taking his seat at ! Albany. The warrants for the arrest j of Kiehard li. Couuolly were served I on him at Ludlow street jail. The j charges are for gross misdemeanors in office, and the indictments refer in j part to tho aliegd fraudulent opers.- lions of Connolly and Hugh Suiith, in paying large claims against the city fer gas. Connolly will be arraigned b( -fore tho recorder with Tweed. It is said that an indictment will bo foun 1 against a prominent individual whotu name Las never befm bctbro mentioned in connection with tho frauds and wliiui few persona bu-wcei to be involved. in-volved. New York, 10, p.m. Tecd ws seut to the Tooubs ly Judye Bedford Bed-ford and brought before dudgo Barnard Bar-nard on a writ of habeas enrput, and admitted to bail in the sum of N Ht. |