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Show THL 'TWIN RELIC." Vh(.;i the n'oluiou r.uty merged into the J;.upa'uliL'an party it IkiJ aincd strcn.'-Ii iroai hriu .supported by !he .-ympatijy oi' tti'j uiilliGiH v.-I.o hcM lint a condition of involuntary servitude:, servi-tude:, or blavi'ry, was repugnant to the free institutions of a ivp'iMic. And when the latter lurty mJojted aa a plunk ol'iU platform tlio doctrine that tli') "twin relics" ot'iluvcry and poly-riniy poly-riniy hliould be swept away, it was on the supposition and declaration that polygamy wan also a condition of iu-vobttilary iu-vobttilary bondage. It was held and declnrcil that white, civilized, American Ameri-can or Anglo-Saxon women could not ar.nl would not willingly accept plural marriage, and that the women of Utah were held in tho most galling slavery, their letter3 all opened by Briglin.ro Young and destroyed if tbey contained anything that would dLelo.sc tho rce f tale of affairs, and that they wore prohibited from leaving tho Territory under pain of death, Ti mo, that ultimately ulti-mately revealH the truth, explodod tlicc and kindred absurd falsehoods, and the groundwork of sympathy with the "down-trodden women of Utah" wan demolished, but the attack wan continued on the plea of "morality." Hero tho actiyo support of tho country would not bo givon to tho rabid anti-Mormons, anti-Mormons, becauso tho people at largo aro not so lo.it to a senso of decency, but they know how unjust it ia to declaim de-claim against," immorality" in Utah, with so muoh of tho real article existing throughout the country. But clamorous artiban3 und sectarian-bigotfl keep actively at work, and tho old cry of "twin relic" is continued without the foundation on which it was at first based; and politicians, yielding to tho clamor, aro either passive in the matter mat-ter lor fear of injuring their prospects, pros-pects, or support tho crusade against tho Mormons to make political capital. Some autedcluvianaoalots, who havo an ingenuous way of disregarding history and facts, still think there aro credulous peoplo who will believe anything any-thing they say, and .so thinkingijeon-tiuuo thinkingijeon-tiuuo the cry of tho "down-trodden women of Utah." As tho women of Utah possess the elective franchise, and practically have more of rcnl woman's rights than aro enjoyed by iho fox in any other part of the United State?, tho phrase is excessively ex-cessively stupid, and could scarcely ho perpetrated by any other than narrow-minded sectaries lor the furtherance further-ance of some little pet project. Viewed in this light there is littlo reason now for Utah ladies to bo annoyed at anything any-thing of this kind. Uvery avenue of employment is open to them, we think, iu thisi Territory at least they arc branching out in n great many directions. direc-tions. They aro furnishing telegraph operator?, teachers, physicians, clerks and book-keepers, nnd it would not ! surprise us to seo some of them filling j editorial chair?; they have the elective ! franchise; they go east, west, north j and south as suits them, and they can afford to pass with Bupremo indifference indiffer-ence all such exhibitions of ignorance. If tho Presbyterians, Methodists, or Protestant Episcopalians, or any other religious society desires to build a church in Salt Lake, and gets up a begging circular embodying tho stalo, silly and thoroughly exploded falsehood false-hood concerning tho "dowo-trodden women of Utah," why, pass it with the contempt it deserves; and let all the money that can be got in this way, be obtained from the "deluded women of tho cast" who do not keep themselves sufficiently posted in current history to know the facts. As for that"twiu relic of barbarism" in Utah, it is not only a fact that the women who believe and practico it are not down-trodden and enslaved, but as a rulo arc high-minded, virtuous, pure, self-sacrificing, and in all tho nobler womanly equalities a pattern to their sisters eitber cast or west, or anywhere any-where else in Christendom. |