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Show I JUSl'iiDBKSTAtfDING BETWEEN TIIIEItS AN1J THE DUKE D' I AU.1ULE. , ; New Vork, 16. A special dispatch liom Paris says that on Thursday another interview took place bclween 1 Thiers aud the Orleans Princes which I i was of an unfriendly character. Thiers ! complained that the Duke d'Au-male d'Au-male had imt strictly observed his previous pre-vious agreement, inasmuch ai he had endeavored to interest the gouerals in! bis favor. Duko d'Aumalo denied ' this. Thiers sjid : ''1 know that you ; have viiitcd macy gjneraL who are ' ! members of the assembly, with a view -of obtaining their support. I doubt I not your aim is patriotic. I was pur- ! 1 ticularly surprised and discontented ' that you afso made similar visits lo j many of tho subordinate generals." The duko answered evasively and tcr- minated the interview with the dcclar- i ation that he would take the advise of! his friends, not as lo whether he shall , take hiss.at, but only with reference ' as to the proper time for doing so. ! General Uuurbaki told tho Duke i d'Aumalo, in the presence of General ! Ducro, that only a republic wa com- i retent to restore i-V-irc and he should ' sorve qo other ivsiiie. . The Oi leans plan I- i'ji- .;he "tight'' 'v 'e'.." advantage of Thieia' impatience ' and at tho first opportunity lor his i rc-isnatioo, make Duke d'Aumaie i pr-id uf. to fuiiow wi'b a declaration, proclaiming Chambord king and count , d Pans heir and d Aumalc lieutenant. : |