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Show RKl.IOIOrs BEHVirK-. j Ta II t HN Al.'LE StfLW- - Sc: Ills tire hold in the Tabernacle, every Sun- . Jay, at 11 o'clock a.m. and 2 o'clock ) p.m. Preaching during each service . by prominent Kldere. Twelfth AYabb. BiaWop L. W. j Hardy. Services every Sunday even- I in;, commencing at C o'clock, in the ; Ward ilaeting House. Sunday School i at 10 a.m. i Tuirteentu Ward. Bihop E. D. I Wool ley. Service every Sunday even- , ing commencing at 6 o'clock, at the , Asiembly Kooun. Elder Joseph F. ! Smith, will preach this ovening. Sun- day School at 10 a.m. Fourteenth Ward. Bishop Abraham Abra-ham Hoagland. Services every Sunday evening, coramoncing at 6 o'clock, at ! the AVard Meeting House. Sunday 1 School at 10 o'alock a.m. Twentieth AVard. Bishop John Sharp. Services every Sunday evening, commencing at 6 o'clock, at the AVard Meeting House. Sunday School at 10 a.m. German Service. Service will be held In the German Language, under the supervision of Elder Karl G. Mae-ser, Mae-ser, at tho City Hall, this morning at 10 o'clock. Germans and KwU are cordially invited to attend. St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Bight liev. 1). S. Tuttle, D. D., Bishop and Rector, Kev. R. 11. Kirby, Asst. Hector. Services at 11 a.m and 7! p.m. Hnnrlav School of KHI .m. MKTUODIST El'lSCOKAL Cuukcu. i i Kev. James M. Jameson, D. D., Pastor. , Worshipping atthe"Liheral Institute," i two blocks east of Post OHice. Preach- ing nt 11 a.m. Sunday School and j f Singing Rehearsal at 2 p.m. Preach-) , ing,T:0 p.m., at the Salt Lake Seminary J i Rooms, Main street, two blocks south of I tho Post Office. Seats free. All are j ! invited. I'kksbyterian Cuuncil. Preach ing at 1 1 a.m. and 7 p.m., in Woodmaneo's Hall, by Kev. Josiah AVeleh, Sunday School at 9:4" a. m. The public arc cordially cordi-ally invited. Catiiolic. Church of St. Mary Mag-deleno, Mag-deleno, Second East street, Rev. Father AValsh, Pastor. Mass will be celebrated and sermon preached this morning at 11 o'clock. A'cpors at i o'clock p. in. I Vvltolevnle Produce MnikK. ! ?Lt l.Mt HcFiiLD Orrur. ilt'fember II, 171. Flour, f ewt 3 3 Vm .1 ,"5 Wiioat, VU 1 1 Barley, " '. 1 03 Oats, " st'f-S Potatoes, "'m, '"I Onione, " 1 - Corn, cob, " ;""rt . 80 Corn, fhoilod, bu 1 1 SO Corn Meal,? owl 2 70 H 00 Bran, " 1 Shorts. " - 1 a l Beans, lb 3 Batter. " fresh i Cheese, 11 Hams, " 9 Hueoii, " Roof, ' 9 Pork. " 0 Mutton." JO Joi jo Ctiickcnsi t'ai-li ' Uay,ton " Coal, " 10 MtsUl u? Wood, ? nord 10 IM) : Hides, each ,)0 |