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Show Emerald Hill Mining Company, NoTict:-Tture aro delinquent upon iho rolloninii decribod Suu-lt on ttcciuit of A Hsiacuilavii ,,c tbo L'rd day of Xovem l,er. isi l, the roral amoiinta Ret opposite tba 1 low 3 rl'eoiive aharoholdera. as ' NANlf. NVOMilVnl,-. No.PIlttlB. tUJDhl i M. C.SiairU 8 i;,; . r, 7.1 II.B.IInwkinHl.i I3.-.7 "l'.-, to rA:u' i"'";':",ni"Q0'' witl1 nd .in order of the Bi.ard TriteE-, i.-:ade on tho :!rd I day or Si.romber. 1 871. ?o iunny el.nrc o! citih PJircel of mid -toct a. maybe neotiirr I will be told :il public .mctioii by John Mi-I-lon i Sinn. atNo. Montcomory jin-ct. i Fan t ran-i '.o, Calilomin. on the Jad day ol ! January. 1S.J , at tho hour of 1 .clock, p.m. ouaulday, to pay iai.1 elinmient a?st.--nicnt thereon, toReihar with wi:e of adrer-limine adrer-limine aad cxpenios ol ale. Ofli.-e. No. ot McrclianU' ExcbanVe 1 r ilirnrnia ftreel, San Franc i'o, t'nl. 1 Jli 1 CHEAP ADVKRTIJISO. Advertisements under this heading ot exceeding five lines, fifty cents for each and every ieierlion. Kach ad-j ad-j dilional line teu cents. WAXTED. AG1KL TO DO UESKBAL UOUdK-won. UOUdK-won. Apply to Mrs. CuttioK. l't West street, nearly opposite Ueortfs U- Cannn' rtrideno. d'-i A GOOD COOK, WHO CAN ALSO DO Ibe wn-ibiutf and ironing fr a iinaLl family. Apply to Thomas Fitch. dU FOR KENT. j pAKSI TO RENT. OR ONT SHARK. 1 Fori-ion immediately. Suonire at ' this Othco. dlT 4 TWO-ROOMED HOl'SE, ASD FUR-, FUR-, rV Dituro lor hIs cbcap. Apply t this UUice. Jjg ; A HOL'SE FOlt RENT AND FURNITl'RE i J. V for sale ntar centra of business. House i contains tun rooms and new and elegantly fur-. fur-. niched throuyhout. will be sold at & ret bariiuin on amount of doiwrlure. Apply to A. L. TruoJt Co., Rejil Eiate Uflioo. Urxt door to Pucltio llouBe, Main St. dU l)00M3EN SU1TU. OR SINGLE, THOK-LX, THOK-LX, ouijhly furnished, to families or monthly month-ly lodgers, with or wiihoul board. Knguire ; at thu Ofllco, or of Airs. Louisa Spencer, , westeide Hm Eaat street, between Third I and t ourth boulh. JS A NEW TWO - RT0RY IIOVSE OF 1 tweh-e rooms, elomiDtly tinishod, in- eluding uatli room and collar, with Kroundi B-'j fret front by JCJJ foot doop. with lurne : stable and fine orchard; situated nortb, ad-Joioiqb ad-Joioiqb Win. Jennitiirs' residence near the i depot. For pai tloulars apply to L- B- Hills ; at Demerol Bank, or at F. LUtle's otlice da ; A. H UG G AN, 1 Altoiuej- mi'l Couuirllor-at-Law, OQico. above Daft's old store, ! Opposito Wells. Farito ,t Co.'s. Salt Lnko City. Utt.li. dl7 SET11 M. I5LAXR, Attorney-at-Lam and Mining A gent t . orrios : ! At rcaidenco of Col. Hoseit Stout. dlG i UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD i NOTICE. AFTER January 1st, 1872, tbo Coupons of the Utah Central Railroad Bonds will I be paid nt the Bank of Deaeret. I GEORGE SWAN, Secretary. HaltLnkoCity. U. T.. I December Htb, 1S71. did ' CHRISTMAS! j THE MAMMOTH lBoot,ShoeandHat ! STORE, :DUNF0RD HONS i j Have on hand, nnd are oonManlly re-eeivine re-eeivine n larno nnd varied itock of. BOOTS AND SHOES i Hats and Caps, GENTS' GLOVES, Gents' Furnishings, Which Mi cy arc SellliiR at a Small Advance oil j Pastern j Cost FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! LADIES' AUD CHILDREN'S FURS AT COST! j u3 THE EAGLE WORKS jMAMACTUM COMPANY ! CHICAGO. Stamp JUIlla, ltuck lliiaktrs, aitd ! nil otlmr lnlcat Improved M1iiir illnchlnery. Circular Baw Mills, Steam Lngine, Crist Mills, Lathes, Planers, Drille. unrt all other kin'ls tf mnahinery at Wan-tact Wan-tact ii i'c l-s' Prloes. Plans aud specifications for mills nnd machinery ma-chinery lurnialiod. D. M. HURLBUT, Agent, Uauimor's Koarding House, 1st EastSt. j dl. :K.&E. BOUKOFSKY, Wholesale Dealers IN WINES, LIQUORS, GIGABS AND TOBACCO, Second South Street, HALT JLAIiJt: CITY, Three doors west of Wulker Ero's. do JOHN TAYLOR & BR0 Merchant Tailors, CUJlMliKtlAL ST11KKT, KKEP Confll:inllv on hand a clmice aFSort-nieut aFSort-nieut of FKKNCII, K N't; LIS 11 ud AiUUltlCAK Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., Of the Guest (jualiilo,1 an.l latenslrlcs. whirh wo make up to order in tho most lashionablo and approved manner. -PATKONAlK HOLICITKD-ea nnt.'2-I CHEWESY, SOUTHER & Cf ., Importrs nd Jobbers of FOKKICa AND DOQIESTJIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, MISCELLANEOUS. HORACE POTTER, REAL ESTATE ACENT. Chut; nix-M c&ThNllr &rwu up for tb rat sud LwiMjh wf Uubi aiiJ Lou, Qlottt, Ofllcwi 0TICK-So. XI ltrlur"! BallJtDjf, epppollu kUJt l.nt. Buwm, UU La COj. .12 NEW FRUITS, FIRST-CLASS &H0CETHES &PR0YISI0NS. G . W. DAVIS Bft to atiBwiioo Knelhvr srriTal tf Perl, GUNPOWDER TEA, li'rtib Buttej-, Jtc, JLc. And ! fall lin uficouls for l.h staion, all of thu tt but nuatiy and Irish. On.ll And Bxamlue. (JOOUli DHL1VHRKU PHEK. G. W. DAVIS, 7oa Doortfram Kimball i: Lawrence n THROUGH THE BLOCKADE ! Teasdel & Co. Ar. now TcMtlTtng as imu.oa. (iBantity.f SPLENDID Winter Dres Goods, Dry Goods Ribbons, Furs and Notions, CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, 8TA PLE ASD IANOT Confecttaerj, Frsits and Ms. TDK BLEBS SEWING MACHRE 8ALE8ROOM8 Are new opea M-i reflet with b full na-iorlment na-iorlment in allslylM. Mknowledged by all tt) e en af the hut Machines f th day,' Call and exarnhw htfare purcliasing. Teasdel & Co.'s QEWTS' FURNISHING DEFT, II now .pen one door loath of the EaElo Homo. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths & Matting. Lnilics will do well to eiamlao our Block of SHOES, BOOFfKBS, SLIPPEES, Ac, &o. Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSE. 65, 67 & 69 East Temple St. WEST SILO III. Jujl2 .TOYS! TOYS 1 FOR For Girls and Boys ! CHEAP AN"B GOOD Are now open aod JtaBjem. .ia to a? DANIEL GRENIG'S BAKERY WKST S1DK COMMERCIAL STREET, Nenr Second Mouth Street, mrii salt lake am-. NOTICE. IDKBUiS IciTtng for ten rnnrlreo tout Pie H'ti lB,L, retiirDioR (tie fltit of Jmjuutt p-t, nd irill ned ,nj jgnj ,titinM iQirmti l tu tuy rir, wfalcU cm ba trnnaetrd In Iho time A. . My BI!,Tr to pan VriDef.ro h No. R3 Mnr-thant Mnr-thant s EicIibds. u t x, - W JIAYDON, a.llUkCKy.I),,..:,,;!, Atfvl.Iw CALDEFT EROS COLUMN. HolidaY PRESENTS! i , .. ; j ; We (ire iu receipt of the iiiiW.nml cum-j cum-j plate editions oftlio Standard Authors ! ! i cmbrnces tlio wurV-; of Suott, Hilton, ! lo)ir, 8Ualir.pf nir , Jlloorr, Cowpfr, Uuriix, lljrou, BtiHvtr, Smollett, Plclillits, JoKi'pluiM, I Itolllu, Klc, ! Kuch cotiiplcte in one royal octrtvo vol., j bound in tlio most approvod style, nnd id tho Unpreceicnteil Low Price ..v I Cloth extra : S.O( Library Sheep - 5.75 Also a lino stooli of JUVENILE BOOKS Singlo ftiul in sots, and bound in the bct cloth. TOY BOOKS Printed on Linen Cloth in lino Oil Colors a large Viirioly to Pclcct from. B'Jr a- Whitixg Albums! Tlio most complete, eleRnnt find de-siriiljlo de-siriiljlo assortment jmblislictl. Prices from $1.50 to $2.50 Each "Wo lifive, to select from, the line?t and largest stock of , SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into the country, cm-bracing cm-bracing tho publications of L. I'r.mg & Co., T. A'eleon fc Sons, American Tract Socioty, &o. Our Slock or MUSICAL GOODS la complete, and consist?, .in pni'l, uf Of the latcitltiiprovoJ atylej ; j ORGANS Of the bet uiiikcrs ; From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, And a J:irto lot of Cheap Instruments For the Boys ! Froiseth's New Sectional AND TppajMcal Map of Utali, Momiledantl 111 pockcl rurin; nlno MINING MAP, Showing tlip levcrnl Itlinln DUtiltlB. Received and eiriircUil iliilr, a largo and .-lilendiil eloult uf MASON & HAMLIN'S CKI.KBIIATKU ORGANS Embracing Ten Dijjh'int Styles, which lC'! njj'cr at illauufacdirers Prices Delivered in this city. IFOIR, $125. Firo Octave, Uoublo Keed, l-'ive Stops, (Viola, Dinnaeon, jMoloda. 1'lutc, Tremulant,) with two sutd vibrators throughout, one of four feet pitch und ono ot' eight leot : from )irupared metal and riveted with iron, and hjL merely Etumped out of brnoa. Treinuluut and Knee Swell ; self-adjusting reed valves; improved bellows. Solid bluck walnut case throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved moulding und ornaments, orna-ments, carved auloi. WARRANTED JN KVJiliY RKSPKCT FOR I-IVK YEARS, and Only $125. Wo respectfully solicit the public pub-lic to call aud esaruiuc our Roods For the Holidays. CALDER .! Christmas and NewTear HOLIDAYS. Daily Arriving at Z. C. M. I. Clothing Department, (ientlemen's .Suits, Youths' Suits, Hoys' and Childrcirs Suits. OVERSHIRTS AND UNDERCLOTHING, Dress Sliirfs, Collars and Cull's, A t'rem variety uf Men';, Vouiln' and Buy-' HATS AND CAPS ! HATS AND CAPS ! (Jomforicia, Hearls and Neck Tic.-, very auitable for Chmtmas and New Year's GilK l'articular attention directed to the "Globe" and "Extra" Prize Collars. II LANK UTS and 1JUFFAL.O KOH ES A beautiful assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Trunks. See the Novelty Trunk at $3.75. CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. Chinchillas, Beavers and Cassimeres I'llO l.l'KISt Stl'l-' ill llhili. I Ail Kinds uf (iciitlcnicn's mill Hoys' C'lolhins; Blnile to Order in 1!ie. KcotsI Styles. ft LARGE ARRIVAL OF GENTS' BOOTS AND SHOES. H. H Cl.AWSON, Sii,..rimtnJcnt. ! Bazaar Universelle, Wo (iball Jurina llir ; C I HI I S T 31 A S HOLIDAYS Open a vory line sulcction ol' most neasonnMo, useful and ornamenul articles suitable for PRESENTS! : RARE AND CHOICE IN DESIGN. i . Som? of 'J1.0. f'uros of our last year's Baaaar will bo resumed, whilo now and , all raotivo additions will conJuco to mako this tlio most delightful resort for ! persons wishing to liurchaso HOLIDAY GIFTS. m It m.. H .i; ; Wo hui'. carefully aolootcd Nov.ltlos Trom thorouth of : ITALY, ' ; sw1tzerlan11, 'fham-e, knl-v.nd, tiKKMAN V, JAPAN, CHINA, nml oui- HOMK MAltKETiS, I 1'rcsonting such an array from these different marts as must meet tho wants 1 of the most critical. Wo .halt alifo Jiaploj- tonic olegont ! Silks, Poplins, Satins, Ball Dresses, Shawls, Etc., From Iho beat luonn of the new and old world. LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS AND GLOVES In c'enant iJirfiimod boxes will form one or (lie tuoit dislinolivo ioiilurea of ihb Kipoaitioo, In beautiful varieties. SILVEB A.3STI3 PLATED WABE. In Hi is we expect to stand pre-eminent for itjle, prion iind uicful variety. This Gnllcry of Art will be Opened Dec. 21st, 1871 And held each evening till January 2, s7'2. If. It. CXAWSOJV, Suni. - , Z. C. HI. I. Uttnll Dry Uood Uci'(. Madame Josephine Edmonds, IXP1AN AND BOTANIC PHYSICIAN. 20 Years Practice IN the treatment of disease? incident to Females, has placed Maduuie Ldmonds at tho head of all physicians running Buch prnctioo a special iy, and enuhlca cer to guarantee a eoedy and perm an on t cure in tho worfitcascs of suppressionfl. and all other mens Loral derangements. Ladies irill find in Mad am o Edmonds a skillful physician, and it is for their interest to consult her in oil diseases incident to women, before tampering tam-pering wktfpoisonous nostrums. (juackDoe-tors (juackDoe-tors and humbugs. Madame Edmonds describes de-scribes diseaso without any information from tho patient, and cures without the use of mercury or experiments, thus saving from wrong treatment for privato. chronio and cancer diseases. Correspondence striitly confidential. Office and residence While ; IIouso, Main street, up stairs. I Pationts visitod at their residence when desired. S-Doetor Edmonds, MadamcJosofhine's husband, will attend to male pationts. oct3 LEGAL NOTICE. DURING MY ABSENCE FROM THIS city my professional onRnKcmonLs bore will ba ntlcndod (o by Gov. J. Nccly Johnson. OTiec: Room No. . Trowbridge bu'ldiDp v IIAVDUN. Ueo. 13th, 1871. Attorncy-at-I.aw, , dl3 VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE For 87 1 . ; OVIiK O.IK ItUNDRKD I'AOES, I Printed In Two Colors, na superb Tinted Paper. Four hundred Knrn vlui(i of Flowers, Plains and Vt-f-ctnblcH. wi th Dicrir:ions, and ! TWO COLORED PLATES. I Directions and plans for making Walk" 1 Lawns, (Jnrduns, olo. Tho handsomest and best FLORAL GUIDE jn tho world AH I for Ten Cam, t0 those wbo think of buying buy-ing Seeds. Not a quarter the cost. 200,' W Isold 011871. Address JAMES VICK, d'2 Itoclicttcr, S. V. WALKER BEO'S. Wc invite attention 3VCA.G2SriFICE2XTT STOCK FANCY GOODS! Confuting in part of Fringes, Ribbons, Velvets, Satins, Silks, Laces, Etc., Etc., Which we arc Selling at Prices that will compete with arty City In the Union. WOOLEN AND COTTON DOMESTICS At a Slight Advance ou Cost. WALKER BRO'S. BAYLOR ilIO?S II arc on hand tho Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OF WAGON TIMBER AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they olTcr -A- rP VERY IJ O W PBIGES, K1RST KAST STRKKT, M Al.K-A-HI-Ol'K SOUTH OF THEATEH mas |