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Show Christmas Pauiii. The preparations prepara-tions for Christm:i p.ii ti.'i are somewhat some-what extcn.iivo and give evidence that the world of Utah means enjoyment and festivities during the holidays. A Christinas parly will bo given at Lewiston, Camp l'loyd, Dec. 251 h, which is under tho charge of competent compe-tent committees of well known gentlemen, gentle-men, who will make it a success. The Ophir Odd Fellows Association will give a party on the same evening at Lawrence's Hall, the committees embracing the names of a number of of well-known gentlemen in Ophir and in this city. A number of respectable young gen tlemen in town ate gcttingup a Christmas Christ-mas parly for the same night, to come off in the City Hall. This, we believe, Lithe Grit ball given there since the grand inauguration ball. Two evenings later tho Masonic Brotherhood of this city give their ft. John's day jrrand Masonic ball at Skating Kink hall; tb? invitation, general, reception, executive and floor committees being composed uf prominent promi-nent gentlemen in town, members of the fraternity. Besides these there will be undoubtedly undoubt-edly a largo number of other parties more or le?s pretentious, for already the IIkuai.d job office has struck off' several invitations for parties furlher on in Christmas week. |