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Show A FEARFUL MARE S NJCST. i Jo. our exchanges we find the follow- j iug press telegram from this city : Salt Lake, December II. Letters received hero yesterday and to-day, from capitalists iu Europe, express grave apprehensions uf civil war in : Utah between the Mormons and Gen- : tiles, and probably of the Indians of; Wyoming and Arizona joining the ! Mormons and driving out the miners. J The answer to this is that such appro- j hensions are totally unfounded. A ever ! visa possibility of disturbance more : remote. The idea of the Indians in-' tcrfl-iingis absurd. The authority of the government here i.s supreme, and ' acknowledged by all clashes and creeds. ; All Mormons yield obedience to the processes of the United States courts. 1 Peace and good order prevail everywhere, every-where, and in no part of the United 1 States is there mnre security for lite and property. i lids i a iiiee plot ! And people; bore wonder where European capitalists capital-ists obtained the information of Mormons Mor-mons and Indians combining for tho ; purpose indicated. The fact is, it is j an old, old ffoiy, revamped and sont j out as "iicw.i" to tho world, having . been discovered by the veracious cor- : respondents uf some leading New York dailies. It bad iu origin in this city, was telegraphed east, got to ', Washington, then into tho New j York papers, and afterwards to ' Europe. If anybody desires to j know wliv it. was fshirrp) we be beg to direct their attention to j the fact that still more troops were i wanted at Camp Douglas, and if the ; idea could be made feasible of such a ' combination of forces there would be j grounds for making a demand for j them. Minors and miaiug men, and '. all interested iu business, should under-! Sland how much they ar? indebted to. tho inJeiLuble ctiorts of the Utah , ''ring" to destroy eoDu'deueo abroad :th regard to Call. We may aid thit iu no pan of the UuiieJ States has theic ever becu more security for j lili: and proijerty, and In muny parts not one-tenth so much. |