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Show ! lByW.D.ToleEraiih.J MOSS TWEED IN COt'ttT. New York, 10. A lare crowd appeared ap-peared at tho court of general sessions this morning, to be present at the trial of Tweed, who arrived shortly after 11 o'clock in charge of two deputy-sherifls. deputy-sherifls. Ho appeared unconcerned, i and immediately entered into consultation consul-tation with his counsel. Mr. Graham, Gra-ham, ex Judge Fallcrlon and David Dudley Field appeared for Twoed. lie was cheered by his friendo in court. District attorney Garvin announced his readincBB to go on with the case. Graham appliod for an extension of timo to pleud. Garvin had no objee- tion to giving reasonable time, in the mcanlimo tho prisoner being committed commit-ted in tho usual wuy. J udge Bedford consented, and lime was granted. : Chas. O'Connor and Gen. Barlow at-i at-i tended in behalf of (he peoplo. ! The indictments against Tweed and Connolly arc vory voluminous and refer re-fer to charges which have already been published of the payment of fraudulent fraudu-lent claims. The application lor the reduction of Tweed's bail beforo judge Earned, at Albany, is denied. Tweed i has been sent to theToomb's prison lo await a hearing in the case as lo ! whether bail will be accepted. I Later. Judge Barnard has just i granted a writ of habeas carpus to bring Tweed before him immediately : on Ihe motion lhat bail bo allowed. |