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Show Notice to Leave. Somebudy got! off a bonus "warning" or two, ad-j dressed to marshal Patrick about Ovo or sir weeks ago, and although they I had not the usual "dealh'a head and orossbonea" accompaniment they were ) deemed ponderous enough to atj'ord a mall sensatiou to some of the rabid ! anti-Mormons, much to tho chagrin of j tho marshal. Now comes a notice to leave of similar import, addressed to tho Mr. Jones who was tho detective in bringing the acts of the "eooial evils" to light, ljcio is how the in-toreiug in-toreiug document runt: Mr. Jones. J am authorized to aay to you that if vuu arc uot out of this city by the first of January, your life will ho in danger bereullcr. Signed by one hundred Gentiles. Dec. 11. 1871. Mr. Jones oommenoed packing his carpet-ban at ouco, in obodienco to the request of the "hundred Gentiles" that spoak.s for himself in the first person singular number; and Mr. Jones will continuo packing that carpet bag if it takes him till next July. If he shouldn't get tho job completed before tho first of February, the kindly-disposed writer is earnestly requested tc stand betwem him1 and danger a liltlu longer. Twenty days is entirely too littv io civc a man time to get away from a my liki! this with its syren al-1 al-1 u. Mi. ius. Don't blight his youthful pro-in'iiis in such a hurried manner. |