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Show I LETTER FK03I TINTIC (-liv s '- vf iU ll.mr.i, ' ! VlNTlC, Dec. Joth, 1571. V ar.' d.iiug the best we can out i here in Timic to keep our heads above I water, and esj et to do o, uotwith-j uotwith-j standing the adver-c circumstances we ; arc compelled tq light against. The j stoppage of our smclfersat lf.unian.3- viile and Diamond throws a damp up- on the prospects of the miners, but the j apparent inability of the owners of those -inciter.- to pnv for tbo ore purchased pur-chased by them, and the work done on, around and lor the smelters, caused very bad feeling generally, as well aa throwing a clog in the w.iy of enterprise enter-prise in vetting out ores. i is still woro when parties pretending to be in the employ of the smelling companies com-panies taki every chance to run down our mines to sentlemcn who are operating oper-ating to bring in capital to open and develop our e.-mntry. We do not wish men of capital to be carried away with Gulliver-like stories of immense de-; de-; posits of exlrav:igaii!iy neh ores, any more than we desire to sec muit of good seiuo and judgment carried away by the nonsensical chattering of ignorant igno-rant boobies who claim tho title of mining min-ing experts, but have not a vestigo of ) mining experience, and who would be j more at home currying homes. Enough on this score. Our annual mcstiti for the election of recorder took plar-o at Silver oity, on the loth iust., und resulted in the almost unanimous election of Mr. A. G. Sutherland, who has been deputy recorder under Mr. Moore for tho past year; Mr. S. If. Moore withdrawing from tho office of recorder with the good feelings, confidence and esteem of the citizens of the district, who at- , tested tho Fame on electiou day by giving to his candidate, Mr. S., one hundred and fifty-nino votes oul of the one hundred and sixty-two votes polled. The question of forming a new i county to be called Tintic, is being agitated. agi-tated. A geoniniittee to draft a me- j morial to tho legislature is in session; j and I think tho gentlemen who legis- ! late for us will too tho justieo of our ' causo and help us thiough. A great 1 many aro still at Provo studying luw in Judgo Strickland's court. That ' may help the "laming" of the "boy?," ! but it makes our little town rathor ; thin. We hope the census man won't.) come till the "boys" get homo. Have you any idea when Judgo Mc's court ! will dismiss hafohing-timo. j Vours, Fair I' lay. If our correspondent means hatching-mischief, we can't say. Eds. Herald. |