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Show CO'GRSSIO:XAU 8EXATE. Washington, 4. Hill introduced, and asked immediate consideration for a bill to increase the salary oftho President Presi-dent to fifty thousand, and the vice-president vice-president to ten thousand. Sherman objected, and the bill was referred to committee on elections. The consideration of the finance committee's com-mittee's suostitule for the Buckingham banking bill was resumed, and several amendments were otiered and rejected. re-jected. A copy of the testimony before the Poland credit mobiiier committee, affecting senators, waa received, and Patterson moved a select committee of five to consider the testimony, with power to send for persons and papers. Agreed to. Adjourned. HOUSE. Speaker Blaine, having called en Dawes to occupy the chair, appeared on the tloor snying he had a few minutes ago had an interview in the speaker's room, which had deeply touched him. It was with the widow of Bobert C. Wood, late assistant surgeon in the U. S- army, and daughter of Zachary Tayior, lalo president of the United States, bhe fad presented a petition, which he would not have read, as it presented state of lacxs that ought not to he expected, namely that a daughter of Zachary Taylor w-.s in need of assistance. assis-tance. Ho had assured her that he did not believe there would be a vote against tne bill which he now introduced, intro-duced, granting to Mrs. Wood a pension of fifty dollars a monih, to date from the death ot her husband, March lb, 't9. The bill passed by unanimous vote. The bill for tho payment of the Montana Mon-tana war claim passed, and the house adjourned. |