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Show Xevaqa Narrow Gacce. Below we give two extracts showing what ia being done in it.e, -; ol'aoarrow gauge road from L.ko to Pioche: A contract has just been closed in this city lor a quantity of iron sufficient for sixty miles ol" narrow gauge road from Liko towards Pioche. The company com-pany cniracd in :h.s enterprise is made up principally of citizens of Salt Lake. Tho iron will probably be laid down here in?idc of five months, and the work of grading will commenco as soon as some necessary legislation is obtained ob-tained from the Nevada leg i.-ia lure. It is estimated that the road can be constructed con-structed through this mountainous region for a sum not to exceed $15,0uO a mile, provided it is not aided by any Credit Mobiiier or Contract and Finance company. The Salt Lake people are pushing on more than one narrow gauge enterprise; and they are quick to preceive the importance of such roads to connect important mining di3tricta. San Francisco Bulletin. By private advices from Salt Lake City we learo that Mr. Salisbury, of the firm of Gilmer it Salisbury, left that c ty on Tuesday last for Elko, where he intended commencing active operations in the construction of the contemplated narrow gauge railroad be twee a the two points above named. It is understood that Lloyd Tevis, who is now at the head of Wells, Fargo & Co's banking business, has agreed to back them with the necessary funds to complete the road to Hamilton, The prosecution of this work will be good news for Pioche, as when completed it will briog us within 140 miles of railroad connection, and when once constructed that far its completion to this place would soon follow. Pioche Record. |