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Show Paviki. (JHr.TO has strain reumod rtiri;M of bU Koptn.urn.nt; Breakfast, Dinner ami S upper at regular buu r as b.-f..rp. Luncheon at all huura. Perfect ' falmfactiuB guaranteed- fi (iKM'isi! Esolish din at Jlurton'f; : oK! "Ciiy Li'i-or Store, fl I Cords ok Wo d, and plenty of (iOUD COAL, at Newman Oo.'s ynrJ, near UupuL Delivered by 01 t.m;. fe-5 Foil Su.k. Tvp Uaion Seed, in lame r f-n. tl I pantiliei; apply to Aneon ChI!, K.-uniilul. janiy Ak tour grocer for Ghirardelli'a CHuCOijATE and COCOA. do ' K billy & Co. keep the celebrated ST A It SL1IKT. dll Socontsco Chcolati is tho best in Hie world. Use Uhikardelli's. 8 Kiout hundred Bed stead b, and 5,000 Clmirs, at Joulson's, tiroes beck's building. build-ing. n8 Use nosk other but Girbdelli9 EAGLE CUOCOLATE. 7 A Family Treasure. The happiest and best member of a family is usually called the lixbt of the household, because., be-cause., besides being happy and cheerful himself or bursclf, bo or she makes all eli-o happy or cheerful. Tho Cnarter Oak ia audi a treasure. f 6 LIGHT for tho World. 10,000 gallons gal-lons of .FLUID arrived at Ks&ss & Co" 3. dlo Kxcelsior Coal, from Kock Springs Uillur Crook. Little waste; strong heat, I very email trace of sulphur. Leave i orders with J. W. biNELL, Idaho Ktoro. jali O'Kkiu.y & Co. Boll HEAVY. FI.A.N EL SLUKTS and underclothing dll Gko. Suowkl, ttcavangor for the City. o-i For Bedroom setts of all styles, call at JoeUous; ho do lies competition in prions. i-5 Wasted, a good girl to do general , housework. Apply at this otlko. ja'-t ( On. is felling at retail at tho Tionocr Lamp Storo, a.- follows: Common brands HV per gallon. Crown "taiidari.1 TOe, per gallon. Imperial loO aro to t Too. per gallon. Ex''. v Public Beading KobM and Free Circulating Library of the Ladies' Library Li-brary Association is open every day i from 6 to 10 p. m., and on Sundays from 1 to 5 p.m., at room No. 9, over First National yank. d20 Keller's Winks and Brandies', at Morton s; old "City Liquor btore." n Ten Well packed rooms of furnituro for sale, by 11. Uinwoodey. nlO Sore Cure for the Epizootic. Call on M. Embody, at J. D. Lamb & Co's Drug Store, from 10a.ru. to 4 Dm. j23 Empty Barreixs for sale at Jtf or-! ton's; old "City Liquor Store." fl For tdk Staff of Life, also cakes buns, crackers, and puro home made candy, wholesale and retail, go to the GLOBE BAKEBY. ja23 EnzoOTic. Dinwoodey's mules have got it, but bis oxen have not ; there fore ho still dolivora furnituro froa of oharge. nlO If the ''opizoot" has attacked your horsos, lose no time in calling on Wm. Showell, Pioneer stables, lind South street, and save money. jan-il Tlic Tttie linsls of gncc-ii. Fallacies and frauds are short lived. They may ll jurlsh for a little while, but tho sober second-thought of tho peoplo i-or-demns them and they perish. It would take even the "Lightning Calculator" Calcu-lator" a lung tinio to count tho imitations imita-tions and counterfeit;) of tho supreme tonic of tho ago, Uosteltor's Stomach Hitters, that have betin broughtcut since the lirst introduction of that celebrated reined v. They have- collapsed one after a'nothur, but tho great vegetable preventive and curative is still on its discaso-eon-piering march. At this seasi-u. as tho air becomes more ana more chilly, and searching vapors affect tho integumetiU and create unwonted pains in the stomach and bowels, it is oftho utmost importance to tone and regulate tho system so as loenablo it to bear up against tho uiieongeuial temperature tem-perature which produces these disturbances. disturb-ances. Forer and ague, rheumatism, biliousness, nervous prostration, coslive-uess coslive-uess and chronic indigestion aro a tew among tho many disorders which yield rvadily to this famous restorative f 5 H. DiswooDir is doing a lively business in furniture, and guarantees satisfaction in prices and quality to all that buy of bim. eIO LIGHT, Light, Light. Live no longer in the dark. lO.OUO gallons of BEdT OIL just received at BEESE & C's. dls Cant I on to the TraTellng Public: Upon your arrival at Ogden City; Utah Territory, the junction of the Union Un-ion Pacific and Central Pacific railroads, you should know where a first-class hotel can be found, and where the bustle and noise of the engines may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable house where the danger of rire, which ia apt at any time to occur at tho depots, is averted. The town of Ogden is half a mile from the depots, and in the business part of the town and its principal street, travelers will find one of the most comfortable hotels in Utah, the Ogden House. It is well known throughout America and Europe, to be one of the coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. The Ogden House keeps carriages which are In attendance at-tendance upon the arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, to. convey passengers to and from the depots, free of charge. It is a two-story brick building, and built expressly for the accommodation of guests. The Ogden House employs no runners, but employs a porter to assist as-sist its patrons and take charge of their baggage. All visiting Salt Lake City will nnd it to their advantage on returning re-turning to take the evening train and come to Ogden, thus uvvinn the annoyance annoy-ance of risiug at 4 o'clock in the morning. morn-ing. ja4. Coal, Coal, Coal, by the Ton or single hundred weight, delivered, or at the yard, 37 Commercial Street, and at the Railroad Depot. HOOPER, HAWKINS & Co. j7 Bateman & BaitL are receiving Coal from the Celebrated SPBIGGS A1INE, which they oiler in lots to suit. OtSce over Mrs. Colebrook's, Alain 6treeL Lock Box '.482. W. F. Belding, City 1 Agent. jS Btjt toe Imperial Oil 150 fire test, the purest and scfest oil in the market. no9 Tourists and the traveling Public Pub-lic going east are respectfully aotiGed that the Utah Hotel, at Ogden City, is a first-class house, and by coming to Ogden on the previous evening, either , by Mail or Freight Train, they avoid the annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to take the morning train at Salt Lake City. To pleasure seekers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout fishing, while the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of the- kind known in tho United states. The Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Bath Booms, and runs its coach free of expense to guests. The proprietors, thankful for past favors, will spare no pains to pleaso guests, and will provide guns and ammunition, am-munition, with guides and carriages te the shooting or Ushiag grounds, by getting get-ting timely notice thereof. Eudkv tfc Williams, Propr' el3 Would Never Uie Theiu. If persons were aware of the injurious character of most Baking Powders now for sale in every town in our country they would never use them. A. baking powder to be good and wholesome cannot can-not be made by Ignorant persons, who know no more about the chemical combinations com-binations necessary for such results than a school boy. The only good Baking Powder prepared by careful manipulation manipula-tion from pure materials is Dr. Price's Cream, not a grain of substance in it not found in the system. And for his Special Flavoring Extracts, we have only to say that they are the finest, purest, and best to be found in this or any other country. f 5 BOOKBINDING. WE art prersred to Bind, in a substantial nd workmanlike manner, in tne Bindery tconnwttd with our establishment, o t: V t' a liO OKS, PERIODICALS, I i i i 1 :magazines, 4c, Ac. A. f e a 5iiffiio. both as to Pri" d Qll of Work, suartitM-. a First National Bank OIF UTAH, SALT LAKE CITY DESIGNATED DEPOSITOBY AJSD FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. W-K-is Hr-triT. President. AKTKOVT QODBa. GaS-ier. AuUi-rl-ed Capital, - - 50 0,060 PAID UP CAPITAL, - 150,000. KAKN1NGS, - 9 138,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldat Bankinj JnsUtnti.m m Utah A. Oeneral Banking Busine Transacted. AGENCIHS IN COLORADO ANT1 MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TNTKRK3T ALLOWED ON TTMTt; DRPOSTTS f!6 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SALT LAKE THEATRE. Wednesday, Februarys, 1873. T1IIRD APPFARAFCE of tho groat showman and comedian "YANKEE" ROBINSON, On which occasion will bo presented ttie laughable comody, entitled, SAM PATCH IN FRANCE. SAX PATCH, 11SRKE1' KOBINSON. JOSEPHINE, MISS JEAN CLARA WALTERS. FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY) Tho iiorformnnce will commence with the laughable farve, entitled BRASS BAND PRACTICE. FRIDAY BVEXIXQ BENEFIT OF "YANKEE" ROBINSON. PUBLIC SALE or MINING STOCK. "Y"OTICE is heroby given, that the under-i under-i signed Trill soli at public vonduo, to tho highest bidder for cash, at tho Law Office of S. J. Jonasion, two doors below tho "Salt Lake House." on Knit Temple street. Sail Lake City. Utah Territory, Indiiy, tho 2m h day of February, is;!, between tho hours ol" 11 and l:! o'clock in tho forenoon, ai hundred (GOOlsharcs, of ho nominal t:Uuo of twenty-five twenty-five dollars each of tho capital stock of tho "Doseret Silver, Mining and SmoltiDR Com-ininy." Com-ininy." ia eorporution oriraniicd and esistinp under tho laws of die Stato of MiirhiKaol, bo-lng bo-lng certificates Mos. 1!2, l',W, 194, 105, l'Jti and U1?, of ono hundred shares ench. The said shares of flock to bo offered for ale and to be sold at said time and place, are tho samo which have boen placed by Simon Bamberger as collateral security for the payment pay-ment of his certain inoiaissary noto, dated Juno !4th. IfcT'J. for tho sum of six thousand dollars, payable on tho first day of January 173; which said pomifsary nolo waa given hy said Simon Bamberger to William St-hade. Guctavua Bcaxson and John D. McDouk-hII. as hia part of tho purcbuie money of tho "bailor Jack" mine in Big Cotlonirood Mining District, Dis-trict, County of Salt Lake, and Territory of Utah; which said sum tepothor with intoreU t hereon, at th raio of eleven per cent, por annum, from and alter tho flh day of Juno, li'.l. is now overdue and unpaid. Tho undersigned will ell the above stares in pursuance ol a written Power of Attorney, attached to tho said noto, wherein tho said Simon B;imbirgiT did irrevocably appoint and authorize the undersigned to sell fa id pharos at public or rrirato sale, provided mid promisiary note was not paid wh.n due. WILLIAM SC11AUE, Attorney. Salt Lake City, February a, T. fob5 Everybody Wants ONE OF THOSE NICE CHAMPION ti- La I Washing Machines 22 000 SOLD IN twYEAR-Price twYEAR-Price -$10.00. Lidies Cill ni tbem it Chas. W. Stayner, general Aeent, No 5 Main Street, lalt Lake City. Uanll MILLINERY. TITT ntFAl'F-T .i-.-l nc;"t ir!m.rt of SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED. CHINAMAN WANTED FOR A SMALL A foHv: b. , r?cd cock. ,d 1 irrcr. Goo wajrs r:i. A bie per,on ' il.v call a: IV. ller-. in"S Book :ore. o ! acrjioihofrgK 0cc lebs j LOST. A SETTER pnfl FTP; AGED THREE -"A Eonth?: while, with liver-colored head and li ver-eo 1 cred spot on oo fhojlder: an-(oni an-(oni to the rase of Sr.ccr- Take him to the Hankies Home of A. W. Whito A Co-. cd bo rewarded. febo FOR SALE. CHEAP. ONE THOUSAND SHARES OF Vall-jo Tunnel and Mining Company's M-fk. of Littio 'o:tLnw.: also 1m toot in Winona-Tunnel. Pig Co;:..:: -.rood. Tel e, Burns A- Mi, j 30 !A' K.imcail Btock. FOR REST. FIRT CLASS OFFICES TO SENT OVER i'izst atidn&l Bank. j30 LODGINGS- CHOICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR A few ledgers and hoarders. Enquire at this office. 2l g-g?a DR. GROVES, Office, Second South Ltroet, Three doors weft sf Great W ester- Hotel, half a block et of Elephant 6 tore, gait Lk f"T. OEce hours from 9 a. .m. to 5 p-m mil Argent L-od e, No. 3, A. F. 4t A. M. STATED Communications of this Lodge held on the First and Third Tuesdays of each month, at Masonic Hall, East Temple, etreet- Members of Sister Lodges and sojourning so-journing brethren in good st c dine aro cordially cor-dially invited. A. W. NUCKOLS. W. M. TN'.H. BIRD, Sec y. dJ A il LT TOTIIE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. SUF-FICIENT. Will you pay 175 for an Organ when you can get one as good in every particular for 125, and three months' lessons free, by Jos. J.Datnes, Tabernacle Organist, which is alone worth 20.00. Buy a Prixce, axd save 870. VTe also sell a 7-Stop Organ, Or-gan, with Sub-Bass for Churches, Chur-ches, Schools, Halls, etc., for 8150. Call and see and hear them and you will be convinced that what we sa' is true. We sell on monthly instalments instal-ments if desired Remember that Prince & Co. are the oldest and largest Organ Builders in America. J. DAYNES A SON, d2 2 doors oast of Oodbe's Drat Store. NATHAN DAVIS & SONS' IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY NOW IN OPERATION, AU kinds of Casting: Done to order on the shortest DOtioe. Time puaranteed. ALSO AUEXTS FOR THE GRIFFITH & WEDGE VERTICAL STEAM ENGINES SAW MILLS, Shingle a.id Heading Machines Highest Prico Paid for Old Brass, Copper, and Cast Iron. rlRSX WETMS;SHET,aNAR NORTH A. P. HOTALING & CO. 431 Jackson Street, San Franciico. (Established 1853.) IAIl'OKTERS of fin, Winos and Liquor, offer to tho trsdo, ill bond or duty paid, J. H. MARTELLB, BONOIT Fit EKES, SAZERAC, and OTAKD, BUPUY&Co's, BRANDIES, HOLLAND GIN, JAMAICA ROM, SHERRY and PORT WINES, SCOTCH, IRi !H, and KEN TTJCKY WHISKIES. Sole agents for the Paeific Coast for the celebrated J. H. CUTTER 1 OLD BOURBON WHISKY! Walker Bro's & Co., Sole Agents for Utah. A. P. Hotaling & Co. A. TI- D YJSI EP 1 G ?OMlOUNJ BONE-SET PILLS Homt-mM tud parol? TocoUblo, rherHoTe Jd.ce. DrrrM?.. Indiiet-tion. Indiiet-tion. Liver Coj-r.-i-U Hea-whe. Low ol A;?.; Ed Foal 6tom-h. u break bp C-lds. Fererf. Coagh.acd Pnnfr the Biood. They will Clean lb" fetomaah. BnoTt tba Sn tern, and dUrel Iittt ire food ill all cm where P-jmc il needed. Try a box-Ton box-Ton will like thet.and ne-r wnt any other tort. Thj ar Ionic Catiaxue and Jtxpa-toraaL, Jtxpa-toraaL, ToatT-fiTee'iaUp-Tboz T-e-tT-tToPlLU. W am a ted u au.acu.oa. -t, Oeorgei Vim And MlA ji"Oireao-t the T-ril.r. 1 lo o a V" . "- - j-,. ;, Jt, . . U. If tbef mr-i- MISCELLANEOUS. GUARANTEED PERFECTLY PURE AND OF THE HtCH EST CRADE. MANSFIELD & ATCHISON WHOLESALE AGENTS, SALT LAKE CITY. Agent, lu Utah for ruiet, Castillou & Co.'s Charles Ileidsicli's GIIAIYIPAGrJE. URBAN A WINE COMPANY, ASD DEALERS IX CALIFORNIA WINES, ENCLISH & SCOTCH ALES Jfc PORTER. BAR GLASSWARE, etc. roi Fresh. Mince Pies EVKRR PAT at WALLACE'S. FRESH CREAM CAKES E-err Day at WALLACE'S, FRESH MARRANCS Every day t Wallace'. FRESH POUXD CAKES Every day at WALLACE'S. FRESH BUNS Every day, at TVaUe,ee. LICORICE LOZENCES, The Seat Thing for Co light and Cold', for Salo only at WALLACE'S FIRST SOUTH SThlFI", - SilT LA KE CITY. n23 mi- as KK CHEAP BOOTS UO TO Taylor & Cutler's AS THEY ARE CLOSING OUT THEIR WINTER STOCK VERY LOW. CHARTER OAK COOKING STOVES CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TOWN. A FULL STOCK OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS WHICH TIIEY ARE OFFERING SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ON. Groceries A LOW IX PRICE AS THE LOWEST. 21 ft Cans fresh PEARS and PLUMS 35 ocnts. TAYLOR & CUTLER, j EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Motel. mr GEORGE CHANDLER Begs to Iflf.rm his friends snd patrons that ho had oponod a Mf.Mar.el il tie Tent, fari, One -look south of Cedir Post. jac-6 ' "UTAH FIRE-BRICK CO," w. h. cnisnoLM. i c. w. bennett. President. 1 Trpas. ii bec'y. Ww. T. MATI1EWS, So peri o tend on t. Capital stotk, 830,000. We mannfacturo atSalt Lake City and Lohi-Make Lohi-Make Firo-Brick, Fire-Cotnont, Front (band-pros-'ed) Uuildinn brick, Stove Brick, Crucible. KlortJ,-c,Ac . Raw material not surpassed in ny rarl of thonorld, WouaoLehi, Ui-tjhain and uthex l W3T. Malhows tbe Fupeiintendet haa had over thirty jears eicritnpo Place of works in .S.lt Lake Citr. near .Ifbn-son'i .Ifbn-son'i Samclirir Work Ulliro No. w, ilam Sueet. lC W. BonneU'J" olhco.) Wo m l firnifh Fire-brick and all fire ma-terialcheaper ma-terialcheaper baa llioy cn ha tiaiprtd, nml ol" better auaiity. Wo invito all furnuce me1 to call. Fire-Ilrick mado to plan. Urit-rf CHICAGO & llT"S- LOuiANA' MISSOURI, New Short Ronte fri; Kansas City to Chicago, Without Change I , Via Pt. T.oui'. K-t. nty and NoTthern I (lte North Mi-"uri) and i'h ?. and A Hon Rilroad. em'-in,,- th 1t'iFMi.-i at L.--ip-B!V Mo., ai. 1 r.'""j' 'hfourN Jackioa-Tille, Jackioa-Tille, Bloomintiton and Jolieu The Shortest and Best Uouie to lb Eat, via fhicaeo! ELEGANT LAY CARS )tD FIMUFiLlIULEaSs CARS RB fir nrt from Kana city and B' Looi w Chicae. without change ' WM FALUCft filSliffl ND SMOKING CAR? 0UUUJ train : the only1 tbeee can lioa ! city and MUl-f NoLinemaksGoodTime, Or cWer 'r, V-cre e;infr,tr daticn. bri.-' i-!ai of lhii more JaVibn Depot, kansu au. JAS. HARLTON, Si'?'.'?'?1" T" Aioau C. A A. R. K. Laicaso. J. MjMULLIN, P . Supu. C. A. R. R.. ChiosiO. FRANK HIGH, Wostr-n TrsT.liin Af.at.O; .A.K.B. KaAMIGiU. Mo. jlS CHICAGO TRADE. M. D. WELLS &, CO., Haaaiatimn of and W hot Doaltn 9 ia Boots and Shoes, M. D. Wella, H. J. M.-rrland &. Based-?-, -U S. P. klcI-UT-, PACE, BRO. 4 Co., Ixtportrr a d Daalei. in LEAT11ER AM) FINDINGS "old crrr hotel corner," 7- Corner of Si ate and Lake streets. W. W. Pe. Boton, CHICAGO, JUJ19 'The Old Salamander." RIMOVAL. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON . REID, Whole -U DRUGG1S S and Paint Dealers, HaverercYfd 10 their N'ew Store. 8 aou 9k LAK1C STHK-T, crntr llearbort Street, ion toe old site) fHlUAUO, where, with buildiDRf erected exrresslj for thr busieess. Steam Elevators, etc. they nT or-ened of an im mease Stock. aiuarpaMed in the northwest- Special attention ien te Temtona bnsiaeaa. J FIELD, LEITER & CO., lxroxT-cis m joBBtasor DRY GOODS AND CARPETS MADISON AND ttUSKET STRiETS, C II I C A- o o . LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES GUARAXTEED. Special Attention Given to Orders. W1S1 N. E. PETERSON, GAS FIXTURES. Immense stock; and low prises. 147 State Street, Chicago. dis F. & E. JAEGER, 73 Wabaih Avenue, near Randolph, CI-IOAOO, ILL., D1BECT I-PORT-RSOF Crockery. China, Glass ware. Lamps, Lookinc i.ilcs, Cutlory. Britannia and Silver plated Goods. Tho lamest House in tho est. dl H. CLAT SCOTT, - 0TTOTOX. T. H. 0YL.NGT0-, K, J. OVISGTO". Scott &, Ovington Bro's, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CROCKERY. Ill SUSS; PARIAN, BRONZK, PLATED WARE, LAMPS, CUTLERS', MIRRORS, dec, No. 219 West Madison St, Chicago, I1L Wedding and riollday Gift a, Glaaa and China Made to Order. OVINGTON BROTH ERS.2IA, & 252 Fulton Street, Itrooklyn, N. V. Rue Do 1'aradis .l, l'aris. South Sido Office n-ith Sumrlos for Wholesale Whole-sale Only 1SS Madison Struul, Corner filth Avcnuo Rooms H. 11. SAVAGK, Manager. no2-J N. MATSON & CO., Importers and Wholesalo Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry and Silverware, Cort MAD ISO & Pf OWKOK STB., CHICACO, ILLS., Opposito Palmor'B Ursnd Hotel. dS4 HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE and BMULAR PROOF fiJ 5. 37" E 3 ! The Best Safes In the World I i HERRING k CO. 46 State street, and ooroor 14r Btreot and IodiaDa Avenp' OHIO o. ', Joo7 . JOHN V. FARYtll Co WHOl-8ALE; 1 NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, 'f ' AND j FJ-O OLENS. urgast Stock West of New York. "' Monroe Sc. rrallklill SU , CHICAGO. m 1e l. ii. wnm & co,, Kifi, lf.S 4 1T0 Stale Stret'l, Opposite raliuer'l (irand Hotel, C H I C -A- O ;Manuraeturer "f a jj.tlOOt, CHU-ori OFFICE FURNITURE, 0 (iLOI'.Eo, ' OMAiK.1 or ;:-- fv-bool Outline .M-i-a. Ctf c'fo 0r Fi-emhiP. in Uie -r- Wij-1,- t. Crrh 1 ,xi jo. ' wad Hot l Li'- to 4 Birpiis! B:r.m! Birpins! LIDDELL & BROO llarejcst weirod a .censif-xo-t pf CLOTHING. BL.Nh.ET3 and NOTIONS, Which they hare instructions to clc oat REGARDLEST'CF COST- Thej have also receirtJ a srl-ndid Uo oi STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Which ihey are selling CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. Pont f r-et the place, AFKW POORS N01UH of the 1ST OFFICE DOTH CKICAUC TRADt. J. W. BUTLER & CO., Manufacturers ajid Whileale PAPER DEALERS, OFFICE AND WFT S1PK STORK: A. 34 South. Jtfffr.on b treat, SOUTH S1PK STOKE: 35 A 3.7 Street, CHICAGO. IVint, Book. Fist Car. rtlio. Mfdtum. Di'Liv KuUvl and Colon-.!. Trimmc rl'rs. KrvdoM-e-ri dvvrij-ti.n. dvvrij-ti.n. Card 1-csr.i;. ira ajjd Tar Hoards. Wraf, :n IV pors. l'in(v and 1'a-r-er lia. HAMLIN. HALE & CO., WHOLKSALE DEALERS DRV GOODS, SOTMS, WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, COB.-ES or MADISON FRANKLIN STKKKTS. CHICAGU. HEW TORI QJDTADONS ALWAYS IfOUOWtl, el .iRTIMii, iTTEMIOM nHK BOARD OF PI KFCT'r.S OF THE Pe.vot tjricill.iril r.A M:inu!floti:ring Soci'-l offer a i.re.ui.im ol" tit"t. Inr t..the -ttit. of Utah - emt.iry for tho ho-t deairt for a Pii.loma. The hoard of Pi-tor; t W tho awnnlinfi cotnimttoo. ro-orrins t ho right to withheld ih"Hivnrii u in tlioir miH'iuent no dtvi n -utlicu-ntl. mci itorum- ( ir.itid for Co m v III lull. lJo-iii- "ill he re.'tiv. d until Airil bt. Award to hp announced April iilh . Ifv of dor Oi tho Hoard, jari hUiil. L. CAM PISFI.L. iireiai-T. 500,000 DIsIKlLJU'i'IUN Grandest Scheme of the Age. u im m urn i Capita! Gift $103,0001 $100 OOOforoniy$10 Ay authorit" of a Siooial Act of the Lei-laturool Lei-laturool -March loth, ls-Tj, tho third mn sifr mm For theoonelli oftho PUHLIC l,HHnV0F KKMl't'KV. in bo shy annomicod to come off in tho steal ball of iho t'ub.ia Libraty buildinK, at Loaisvillo, kuutucky, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1873. Al thi- Concert tho bo't uivi'ic-1 tnlcn: that can "' procurod l'iu all put oi tiif ouniry will bo eij.loyod,and ibu tinoriuou' oi $500,000 IN CURRSWCY! Willbo dirtribmed by lot n.. o"10 ti'-hel-hol.iorB in lu,Lt.0 Uifia, dor uno 01 nhi.h will bo caih. 1 181 OF 1 8- One Grand Ca-ta Gift l!'"H2 One Hrnnd Ca.-b Hilt... ''x Uno Urand Cah li ft. ,'!'';S Uno Ornn . Ch Hi "' Uno (.rnd t ash ti One Urnnd Ca,h ,:n','.'iV - o'? ';'' 4... e.,-u'.::v. Si tifh l-ili.f ;m uuH- i i.in lim Ctwh tia of im op-m 8o,,H1 l.iUbtl(lyf K"-''"li... oi-.tAO " C,(W0 Civ 1 j,ol Gift", all Cash.. frXu.yiJO "obiwlofthi. I bird Gl Conc-rt i. tia Jt.-uuifnt and oud...viui- Uj0 Jbjla 0Atarv oi Kiitucy, ,T I'' -l Uie (,w.,a aiitburi.iu tho ucortr " bvnuut, i, 10 tvrT ire- o ail Liti t'l fW7 mio. i To nowdo u.wnf tor and l)Tai!BorlJun.letaklUr,, Miitir-, JllUj I garni ftc-ifta. n1"1 Du mu "ol(1 ' l'KlCF.0F'K,'rS-WholeTickptf l'KlCF.0F'K,'rS-WholeTickptf fl", nn ' ' ::. hlovon lu o l0""" i'w.,0 lv,; M fot .-.i; li.: '"r.'-' and ttMWtor J .j..-o di.c.-ora, on IM ll,o ,111. auow io.-" ;:, , , , ,"", r!,'Kii.o.fo of i'"o- iL ,A -.Irnm J "t of I ,1 H ,i .1, rK in, llio ont.ram r ., j,,,.,, , s h,,- , JOOtl ton,, HI' , . . . ... , iims h. uki, ' j; '";"'"' ."."'ii'SVu.. 1 ""'J "" ilrosseJ. fTT.I'r. IJ-nl P. I. K. r..rfb vi'.'.f ;';,','"'r",'z"'""' V ntn.is. Nersiia. MO OTIC I'u vtr u Houses Bran Masli, TWICE A PAY. iio.oijO LBS. OF BRAN Jut received and fur sale TINOWLDEN'S. ,1 - "B teer Grl a pir- T when nd i will be V K |