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Show (By W. V. Tel-wrai-h.) I PKESIDO VIAL, TOl K. New York, 4. It U taid President j Gr-dnt y.'rerday a--urcd a dtleeation of lieorians th-t before the close or the setiou he ih-julJ, in company with members of the cabinet, make aD extended cou'brru tour, vi.-iting New Urleaus.'r.'.i Kk-hni'ttd. Kak-ih, Columbus Col-umbus t'baritft.m, .Mobile and other placed. From New Orleans he would go to Memphis, but Ws uodecidtd whether to return via Knoxville, or Nashville and LcuUville. Ho deehoed to state authiug positive conceDicg the appointment ol a southerner in the cabinet. |