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Show GENERAL. Waihlngtoa Advice. Washington, 4. The comptroller of tho currency wont hereafter change United States bonds deposited as secur-ity.for secur-ity.for the circulation of national banks, except upon the condition of substitut- ; ing new rive per cenL of July '70, and 1 and January, '71. The Wilson committee was in session c alioittl d kLiaafkaineon, OuLexauiineci no witnesses. Burnside denies he is a candidate for the command of the marine corps. The house foreign committee, to-day, agreed to recommend the passage of a bill to incorporate an American, China and Japan telegraph company, with a capital of ten millions. They also agreed to invite a World's statistical congress to be held next session in this country. Sew York lute 111 c nee. New York, 4. The case of Graham, the alleged defaulting president of the Walkilt national bank, of Middleton, N. cams up to-day, and was ad-jeurned ad-jeurned for three months, the government govern-ment not being ready to proceed. The argument for a stay of proceedings proceed-ings in the Stokes closed to-day. The judge will render a decision in a few days. Arrived, the Manhattan, from Liverpool. Liver-pool. A man named ScharTer murdered his wife this evening, in an assignation house, at ;i0 Bleaker street, and to en cut his own throat. It appears she deserted de-serted him for a letter carrier. The man was tatten to Bellevue; the remains ot the woman were taken charge of by the coroner. Kansas Folltiosi Lawrence, 4. Colonel York was welcomed wel-comed home to Independence by a large meeting of cititizens, irrespective of pany. Both Houses of the legislature have passed a resolution for a joint committee commit-tee to investigate the charees of bribery in the late senatorial election. Evansville, 4 An accident on the i Louisvillu road, near Guthrie, kiled the . wife and child of liouL Webster, and . injure, and ten others. : Topeka, 4 The senate passed a con- I current resolution asking tho United Stales senate to investigate the case of Pomeroy; the house passed one asking Pomeroy to resign. The Caldwell Case. "Washington, 14. The Caldwell in vestigation was resumed to-day. Cald well's statement was read. It is simply a full and explicit denial of all the allegations wl' tlio witnesses who testified to his corrupt uso of money in his senatorial sena-torial election. He admits that he p id Carney $15,000 to withdraw from the contest, but claims that Carney made the proposition, and declares that he never paid a dollar to any one for a vote or influence. Miscellaneous. Cincinnati, 4. The Globe rolling mill was burned this evening. Loss $70,000; insurance S'AJOOO. Philadelphia, 4. Two more victims of the Conshopowen explosion died this afternoon, making eleven deaths in all Another was reported dying this even-Cincinnati, even-Cincinnati, 4. The loss by the Globe rolling mill fire is $10,000; insured, fo0,-000. |