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Show OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. 0N1TKD sTritS 07ICKR8 70S UTAH: iioTraor Giurge L. Wood. Oregon. (run7 tonr A. Black, Ulan. Clff Juii J. B. McKpan, Sw York. Ainoclat Jaaticw 0. F. Strickland, Mich., ind n.;M. Ilawley. in. Mantel -M.T. Patrick, Ncbrwlu. D. 8. Atti-rnrJ tie. C. BaEM, 111. eorcf or-tii-nrml C. C. Cli-menta, Tut. Rci-ir "f PcMie M ofji J. B. OTarton, Pa. P.rf"UT ; LamI Offic Ororft R. Maxell Mich. D. P. A--"r-J. P. Trt, of III. U. A Collector 0. J. Uolluter. Cl. TZRBiToRiAL oKricsaa: IMt.-ale to ConN-M Wm. II. Hooper AtU.riicT-Oncra Zmbbtl 8 now. Miribi!-J. D. T. Mcalliiler. Auditor Wm. Cliyton. Itwiw-Jrn Jack. "irrtntt.dnl of Common Sctioolt Robert L, Campbell. (.ALT 1.AKK COUNTY 0FCKo : Prolate JU'ts-, KII Smith. !M.(iuca, Rfutnii Miller, Ium M. Stewart, V 0 Heal. Corowr, U. 9. Bfir. Stunfl. It. T. burton, rruieeatins Attorney, Z. Sno. Amuor md Collector, R. J. Gold in g' TrtMnrcr, Thfulor McKb. CV-oqij Cletk, D. BockfaolJt. Qonoiy Recorder, JWwin D. Woolley. Pa perl a tea dent, Robert L. Campbell. CITY OFFICERS : Mi 10. V.clel n. Will.. Aldkxjuk. lit Munldral Ward. Iaaac Qroo. ?nd " "A. Miner. i,d " " N. H. Felt. Ua M Jeter 01m ton. tin " Julia Van Colt. OOCSClLOa. R. T. Borton, Theodore McKean, Joseph J cm nb, Urighim Young, Henry Grow, John Clark, A. 0. Pyper, John R, Winder, Uwia B. Hill Recorder Robert Campbell. Trfurer Paul A. Scbettler. Harihal John D. T. McAllister. Auditor of Publio AccounU Robert Campbell. Asxeaor and Collector John R. Winder. Supervisor of Street Ituo Oroo. Burreyor Jcse W. Fox. Beard of School Itupec tor Professor J. B f irk, Robert L. CanipbeU, Henry L Doremua, Bealor of Weights nod Ueutrea Nathan Darta Captain of Police Andrew Bart. Water Mm tor Isaac Qroo. Inspector of Buildings A. H. Raleigh. u Wood and Lumber E. Dinwoodey " " Liquor Robert Campbell. u " ProTUiottB Jce 0. JJUM. Qoarantlne Physician Jeter 0 Union. Ofaief Knglneer Fire Department John D. T UcAll iter. Board of Kxarclnlng Phyalclani Doctors W.I Anderson, J. 8. Onus by, Jeter Clinton. Otty Markot Master Albert Dowey. " Sexton Joee)h B. Taylor. " Slock Insclor II. J. Fault. Baperintecdcct IMiie Atylam and D off I la) Iheodore McEuad. Phyilclao Insane Aaylam and Hcfplul JeUr OUnton, TlUCl YUWIS. let Mnulcipal Ward LotI BJter. led " ' Sam Del Torn bow. trd mi Oldeon U. a Qlbba. I 1th " . " Millon Alwood. 6lh " W. C. A. Smoot. I j |