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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Well informed New Y"rker say the Greelu-y estate id uueh pmalier than suniootd. c Wea'.herio k'oi;!ac l durinj.-th21.agt t tbree days inttustiy e ld. one huudrtd i , pcrs'joe frozen to duaih. , Alley apjieared U-fore tho' Wilson ', e.jtnujittte j'L'alerday and expl iluud ; 1 elb'ir.itt.-iy h.o prtvtyua tcotimuiiy. j 1 Poland jeftterday jrfiw;nted to the I hotiio the evid' oe taken by hit) coui-uuiitLe coui-uuiitLe io M biter matterd- It waa ordered nrioted. 1 One f.'ot aud a half of suow fell at the Tree Grove. California, Jan. 3"th, the nt of the seancm. Tot-J rainfall at Murphy's to Feb. 2d was sevectei-D iuehet-. Mr. Ilanlt;ra7e, formerly of ir-fjioia, ir-fjioia, was tound on Thirteenth street, Wasnintrton, jetcrday with his throat cut. lie will probubly die. fcupposed to have suicuJLd while insane. Nothing d'jnc in the Poland Credit Mobilier commit too yesterday, neither Amen nor John I. liiair, who were summoned, beiDK pretnL Adjourned to Thursday, uuleas the witnecses aj)-pear aj)-pear before. The Sprinp Valley Vater company insists upon the payment, by San Fran-ci.-co, of their water bill of $103,500. The board of supervisors have acceded to the demand and J2,(XH) of the amount will be paid immediately. The proprietors of several colieries in South Waled, who have announced their intention to import Chinese from California to take the place of tho Btrikerp, have received an anouyuioua letter threatening a.ssasiiiation. A true bill has been found aeatnst Robert Bowles of Londun, for misdemeanor misde-meanor in connection with certain sc- I I curitieH deposited with Bowles LJro'fl I of tbo .Paris house His trial will |