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Show Itll.HUOVEItNitlKNT INTHKTEICIII-'A'OltlES. INTHKTEICIII-'A'OltlES. We tnko tho following from the Omaha Herald of Sunday last: If people would know tho real wrongs that are iuflioted upon the people peo-ple of tho Territories in tho appointment appoint-ment of judges of courts, governors, audi other political "convicts" aud "superannuated cripples, let JlifiOl rrcetitfy' published "in tho Llorald. That gentleman, and thousands more who lived in Nebraska when it was a political Botany Bay, know all about it, from experionco. .Nebraska was highly liworcd under the administrations of l'iorco and Buchanan, but how was it afterwards, and how is it in Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming? Lot facts answer. And yet tho pcopla of Utah are complained of lor trying, in the most orderly and peacel'ul way, to rcMst law-loss law-loss conspiracy on the part of judge Mclvean, and others, to rob them of their constitutional rights and immunities. immuni-ties. To what extent these conspiracies aro carried was shown in tho law (?) e.b expounded by chief justice iUcKoan. Tho history ol American jurisprudence has never produced such evidences of monstrous usurpation of power and such flagrant violations of all law and decency ad the supremo court of the United States pronounced upon tho Utah court. As it is in Utah, so it is in Wyoming and Colorado, with rare exceptions. Governors; judges, marshals, and sco retaries, are sent out to these Territories Territo-ries as though tho peoplo who build new States were barbarians and have no rightswhich political corruption and the exis'inir powers have any reason to respect. And yet these new lands are peopled with a superior class of men aud women, whoso lives, property and interests aro as dear to them as these possessions can bo to those of tho older States. In several of the Territeries the evils of this kind of misrule aro simply outrageous and intolerable. They are a disgrace to the government and a libel upon all regard to right and just too. Mr. Taffe is a- Republican, his "loyalty," wo presume, will thoreforo be unquestioned even by the immaculate immacu-late Utah "ring;" ho is chairman of tho house committee on Territnrips.snd presumably knows considerable of the Territories. Wo therofore tako special pleasure in giving the following extract from tho speech referred to by our Omaha name.-jike, which was delivered in the discussion on the bill for tho admission ad-mission of Colorado. Bead it, study-it, study-it, gentlemen, it is all true, and from an intensely "loyal" source: It is au alarming proposition that men are to go west and htlp to buiid up and add to the material resources i of the country, without -having any ! represmtation whatever here or in the oilier branch of congress. They cannot choose their own rulers. They cannot vote for president; hey cannot vote for their judges. You have men out there without responsibility responsi-bility or interest, and not amenable to pubiic sentimeut; judges, lor instance, with regard to whom gentlemen said a few days ago a gentleman from Maine, a gentleman from Indiaua, and a gentleman gen-tleman Irotn L linois that the reports of the supreme courts of those Territories Territo-ries were not worth publishing, and those gentlemen know, of course, the characters of tho men they send out there. But yon must remember that th;re a:e contests about mines involving hundreds of thousands and millions mil-lions of dollars. io a New Edc-lacd Edc-lacd S;a:e or any ether State the pco-p'e pco-p'e have control, and a lair hearing hear-ing and the law administered, even io cases whore no more than the title to a hen and chickens is involved. But out there the judges ars imported. The Territories are made a sort of Botany t-ay or po.itical hospital fur poiiticai convic's and cripples transported from ihe cast. It is no; a condition of their appcu.:uient that they are learned in the ;aT7. It has been asserted that . ome of the tentiemeu sent out there Jo not know a verdict from a venire; out they are to gutss at the law, and 'her d. gurss at it. and juuements are entered and eseeutions iued on the hizird Xherciore it is of importance chat thoae repor s should be pub L-hd. Bn there gen'lemen say that thss reports are not worth teias published so loDg as tie decisions are given by judges tent out there that they maybe rid of thi'ir importunities. We know some of them are incompetent, totally and wholly, and thereiore the reports are not iiitrinaicai-y worth publication. ( Hit I teii th'j-e gentlemen that they !: ;o not appreciate the extent of the in- j ti.T'--li iu olved the- KmiJia, Cotton- ( wiwjd, a-iel otliff miued involving mil- ; j ii-iu.i ot dollar?; ai.d yet the ela-d of j 0)'Tafinua:ed erippV- to which 1 have 1 ( a:lioitd Li cooimi.:oned to adjudicate . cases of dueti vast importance. i |