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Show WESTERN.' HnwaUnii News. San Francisco, 4. Tho bark D. C. Murray brought news from Honolulu, of the ratification of prince Lunalilo, as king of Hawaii by the legislative assembly. as-sembly. Ho was formally inaugurated, and his now cabinet is made up largely of Americans, Charles 11. Bishop, minister min-ister lor foreign ailairs; K. O. Hall, minister min-ister of the interior; Bobert Max '.ing, minister uf finance; A. F. Judd, attorney-general. The funeral of the late king took plAce January 11th. California. Vipalia. Cala., 4. It has been raining with but little intermission since fcatur-I fcatur-I day and shows no signs of abating Upwards Up-wards of live inches have fallen for the season. Farmers and stock men predict pre-dict an extraordinary fine season. Subscriptions to the Stoc-'a "3d Tulare narrow pai.ge railw ar0 cora-inem cora-inem at a livelv rat many persons who at first decline-- re now W-irig slock. Since tb? incorporation the treasurer rrport- nearly ail the first ten per cent paid in. Work commenced yesterday on th M.-nic and Odd Fellow's hall bui'dinn, u- cost "AiXO, and a so a new tispu-l church. Many new buildings ar'- being er-v;. v Judtccj W'.i.iani Ha:e. a prominent lawyer of this cay, died to-day of pneu-oi'ia. pneu-oi'ia. Tne mother of judec Louderback died yeiterdav, scd i it v-three. I'anifi" Mct'arlaiui was found guilty of burglary in tho municipal court to-dav. to-dav. The wo.ilher has ben showery dunr.i most of li'.e day. Tot;i ram lad :r thi sason inches. fan Francisco. 4. Jsrr.eJ B. Bun; ex irea-urer of Yaies c- un'.v, . r: is Had urea in Uui city aoctuedwiu beintr a defaulter from that county to the amount of forty-two thousand dollar?. dol-lar?. He came to this city recently from Barbadoes, and will start east to-morrow. Tbc Hodoo War. "San Fiancisco, 4. A dipatch frm Yr-ffca says a fearful snow storm last night stopped the advance of general Gimell's forces, but thoy expected to reach San Bremer's hiil to-nipnt. All is quie: on the frontier. The sealers in the region troubled have built stockades for defense. All the wounded in the late battle are at fort Kalamath, doing well, except Jerry Crooks, who aannot survive. It is thouebt at headquarters that captain Jack will hold no communication commu-nication with the peace commissioner. Captain Wright's company from fort Gaston had not beea heard from. onta.na. Corinne, U. T-, 4. Although the epizootic ep-izootic il very general in Montana, eoaches will leave here tri-weekly. A light snow storm commenced this evening. The Union Pacific railroad briige which was damaged at Bock Sprioes is repaired, and trains are now running regularly. The ice dealers here are securing supplies sup-plies for the coming season. |