OCR Text |
Show CHAFFED EA'iB k FACE, i ! "ort Ltps, Dryness of Skin, etc.. etc ' , hK.liM.V''. S.'i a-: L( ' ; j -:"'-'-1"-1 Marnf.u-t .re-t . n.-bv iLvf ,t j ' i Vare of Perfume 71.--.ts -iVn.ly arcacd the perscs of h----e 'r,o hive n-rd MraRAY .t Las-ian's Las-ian's Florida Waxes, and tives 'xq'n-ite pr.j'Tcnt. nit fvT-r-TTi-ra-:plvr?. r.r.t to a 1 who approach their re-eice : the d-jiicate aroma is so rej Vef-hics; that it prevents all ev-l effects if c oe atmosphere in crowdea rem mi 665 Gold Hill, Nevada. A poor sufferer who was fast siukiDg under the weicht of a complication of dneascrt. writes to us from Gold Hill, stating how he hud tried ono medieiuc afier another, without benefit, until he got Bristol's Pills and Sarsapak-illa, Sarsapak-illa, three weeks use of which healed hia soree and made him a well man. SI311LIA SIMlLlIirS Cl'liVMlR HUMPHREYS UO.UHOPAT1I1C SI'ECJFIt'S. HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ainilo oiperiuuee, an ondro success: biiu-l.lo-Proiui.t-Liiii-iont and Heliablo. Ihoy aro tho only mudiuiuoa i.errocily ftdaptod to iwpular uso-so aiuiiilo that mistakes can out bu uiada in using tliuui; bo huriuluM u bi bo freo from danijur. and so olliciunt aa to bo always reliable. Thuy Iiuto raiaod tho bmb-est bmb-est couiuiendaiion from all. and will always render sauafactii. n. Nos. Coots. Cure 1, " FTcri, Congestion, Inflammations..2& 2, " Wut iu, Worm Fover, Worm Colio...i 3, " 'rylti-Cflicor tuoihing of Inf.mU... 4, " Jlarrlcea,of Childron or Adults 6 " ly no liter y, tiriiiioB, llilioua Colio...25 0, " iiolera-.lIurl u, VoiuiliuK 25 7, " CmirIi. Colds, lironohilis B, " XcuraiKla, Toothac bo. t aeoaoao...J U, " lloutliLclicri, Sick iloadaeliOi Vertigo 25 10, " I'iiepia, Billious Stomach 11 " SuitiircMMcil, or Painful l'oriods 'io 12, " W lilies, too Profuse I'orioda 2o 1, 't, " Croup, Cough, Ditlicult Breathing '25 11, " Suit Ulieuni, Ery9iielas,EruitioDS..5 15 " Jtlieuiiialisiii, Kuoumulic Pains 25 lli, " Jt evcr a.iuAue, Chill Fever, Affues 17, ' plica, blind or bleeding olt IS, " Oplitiiluuiy, andsuro or weak Eyes 10, Caturrh, ncutoor chronic lnfluonia-.50 a), " Wliuoplug-Cuugli, violent coukIih 50 21, " Astlmit oiiroBsed Breathing 5U 22, " liar lHwclnirncit, impaired honring 50 SJ, " Scrofula., enlarod glands, Swellings Swell-ings 60 4, Get ml Uobility, iihyaical weak noss 50 25, " Dropby and scanty Secretions 50 2xi " Nen-SlckucaH, sickness from riding..50 27, " lilUuty-liihciiae, Uruvol 60 28, r,.Krvou'' l"''"ty Neinliml KmuLlBsluuit, involuntary Dirfcbargos 100 I'lve lijxt, with ono 8- vial of iiowdor, very necossary in serious ser-ious caaos 600 20' Sore Moutli, Canlier 50 M "H'rliiary Wtakncw, wotting bud-.-50 3l' " I'niuful lerludn, with Spasms 50 ', " Nulla; ring it at obango of life .100 Si, " JilUlsy fiiiams, at. Vitus' Dance 100 34, " UlpLucrlu, ulcerated aoro threat &U FAMILY CAStS Of 35 to OO I.nrge vial, morocco or rosewood cue, coitt aliiiiiK a sjitcltlc Cor every orilliiiiry iIIhuuiiu u f biii lly in sultj;tt to, mill boo Ilk of dlroclioiis,...froiii SIO to SJ9 Smaller Family and Tmvel-liif; Tmvel-liif; cases, with 20 to 'JH vials, from93 to SpociDo for all I'rlvnte 1U-ciiscs, 1U-ciiscs, both for Curing and for lreveiiilvt! treatment, in vials and i'ooket cases to $5 Pond's Extract, Cures Uarni, liruises, Inmcnesi, Soniiemj. Sore Tlnout, Spraliin, TootlmcTie, Karachi:, Neuralgia, Klivuuiatltiin, Liimbnso, 11 leu, Ho tits, NtlngB, Sore Kyea, Itleciilug of I He ' I.uiigx, iose, Momacli, or of lllcj CoriiHj Ulcers, Old ioi ca. JPrlce, 0 OJ...5U " - - no iK8-Thoso romodioa, exoopt POND'S EXTRACT, EX-TRACT, by tbo caso or single box, aro sent to any part of the country, by mail or oiiross, roo of charge, on receipt of tho price Address, Ad-dress, Humphreys' Specific 'Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office and Depot, No. 562 Broadway, New York. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, And at Z. C. M. I. and Godbo's Drue St1" e, "Advortiaing is tbo Oil which wise men put in thoir Lamps. Mouekh PaovLBa. L IP. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG -A. CSr XI IV OP Rooms 20 & '21 Merchants' Exchange CALIFORNIA STRELT, SAN FRANCISO, Solicits Advertiaooientfl and SubEcriptions for the Salt Lake Daily and Semi Weekly Herald Ani for papers published in California, Ore Sjn and Nevada; Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Arizona and aJjueoot Territories; Sandwich Islands, tho Bn.i.h Possessions, Mexican Ports, Nicaragua, Panama, Pana-ma, Valparaiso, J apan and China; New Zealand Zea-land and tho Australian colonics, ho Atlantic States and Europe. ADVERTISING Has created many a now business; Has enlarged miny an old business; Has revived many a dull bu.-inwa; Has rescued many a lost buriners; Has saved many a failing business; Has preserved many a larco bii'ice;3; And insured succcii in any buiincu. "GIRARD'S SECRET. Ster.hen Girard used to say in hia old ace: "I have always considered advertising liberally ani long to bo tho preat medium of success in business, and tho rrclude to wealth. And I have ma Jo it an invariable rule to advertise in the dullest timM as well aa the busiest, long experience havinc taught mo that money thus spent is well laid oui, as by continually keeping my busincsj before the public it has secured many sales that I other" wise would have lott." Advertise your Business. Keep your name before the Public. Jndlclon Advertising will Injure a Fortune. If Baalutii li Dull, Advertl.e. I Business la Brisk, Advertise. Tboman who didn't believe in advor-li'imi advor-li'imi ha.' c-ne inio partnerrhip with the theriff, and that oScial does til I aiTenisics ! (white lead! ' ; ITO k 172 E1XD0LPD STREEf. - - J Of-r Special izduceniena to ; q sxd tit Jobbing irado of Uii Icmtory. ' 13 'A I DUNFORD S SONS Offer to the Public ;i choice Stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, ( AI'S, ;i.OVi:s, & 5, !)!!' Fl KS, At a small advance O TC. O O S T , To make room for SIRRING PITTJCITVSKS. Big Inducements Offered. Great Reduction IN TUE VKICES OK Winter Clothing1. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, Will dispose of tbo balance of their stock of Winter Clothing, ooQwiatiDfi of HEAVY SUITS, PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, AND HATS and CAPS, e"-kv i"' ooav tuvui iui men ayiing jjurcuasofl. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low figures to close them out, A FINE LOT OF HOUSE BLANKETS?, To meet tbo domaod croatod by the prcvalcoco of tbo Epizootic. French, Knglish Jnnrt American Suitings, ('outings and Cftssimcres in great variety aud latest styles. Men's anil ii )j suits of tlie latest fashions, from fiie flrst , .:-! ;es in Mew York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OP HOME MADE CASSIMERES AND JEANS, H WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION, MEN'S UNDEHOLOTH1NG, HOSIERY. GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AND aBNERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOEk, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. ALL THE NEWEST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success whioh has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced us to make Large Purchases for our Tall and Winter Trade Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSON, Munerinlcndent. " CI. M. X, RETAIL DEY GOODS DEPARTMENT. HOLIDAYS HAVING MARLY CLOSED, Wo wish to dispose of tho rcmiaLts of our Xj.:elc3wej stock OF HOLIDAir GOODS WE- OFFER BARGAINS IN LADIES' SACQUES, Dresa Goods, cS?c. A TEHY SENSIBLE REDUCTION IS OF1EI1ED. IN VELVETS, VELOURS, POPLINS AND STAPLE DRESS SILKS 1VE ARE UNEXCELLED IN PRICE AND m ALIIV. JOSEPH GORLIXSKI, CIVIL KNGINEER, U. S. MINERAL AND DEPL'TY EUR-VEluRFOR EUR-VEluRFOR UIAJI, SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, flVen -Me of City Mr.ret-j Lll kictla of 5ia;:t-carr. Upriiu, or Loomo- 30ILEPS, and TANKS, 31 i-I e or Rcpai.-frl. lEAPFR AND MOWERS AND i TUKE.-IIING Kepaired nd fat in KscnLc? Or-l- ' Soilew icd i laes y,.?h:'.r --2 m" tic aacSa ! 'rders b7 Telecrsth ;j MaU prcmnly at- JOES SLOA-N- 4 CO., Pnsrleton. 1 XEW MEDICJL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage." For the Debilitated Strto us By tm, TB Jf!'.riA.S. of tt'e Anlja;i--ii Mr.uiro g I t v-r-'i '-ry .:r.-'.. it.,r C,i f.rt.. , ' i r I1TICE DI fflSffi'S Sill VOTtCE IS HKHKBY lUVKN' THAT TDK i uii.torimoa will soil at public von.lno. to tholiit;att bidder !'or ciiab, at tho snutli tr,nt door ut tlio. t'tiuri lLiua. ii Suit Lake 1'ity, I Suit Lake County. Territorj ofj.'iah, mi tlit eishtucuili day of Vcbruarj, .i, hi nKnon n't'lock io tho forunwin, tho ti-llou inn ilivorituil trvl'erty ulid ri'iil e.-lat, iuutl,l in i-aid Suit akn fiiy tuid LVuniy t wit: Kiu-wh mul .'o-senbed .'o-senbed as rods f.mth t'ruiH by W nulsni.rth: cviiilbi.'1lh; on iho foalb liuo ot lot two, l.t ; rcdsi-ii-'t of tho nuith-wwt corner uf .-ul lot, runiuiit: them-o ni-rth U1 roJ.v thonco r:i.-t . rod'.ttn'nw south IU rols, thonco 'JS rod to thu I'laco of bu'iiinulnt!, boins u rail ot lot , in block hty-fivo iS'O. foiiUiimnn 1 s-iuaro rods ol Krouud as 1'UtoJ in idol "A" of .--ill Luki- City turvny. MtuatoJ iu tho l.thilisli-W&tJl l.thilisli-W&tJl of iudSalt Lake City. . Tho rrorortv to bo olloriJ for bip ut Haul time ana i-Uco ii th miuio ennvoyod to the underMned oil theoiKhth day ol March. A. . 1S71. by a Ueoaot Uul uxo,'iitod by JohuW. Jpukin and Klita .1 enbin. his wife, aa i-aitici oi tint tim part to the undorsisnod tu i.axinvi ol'ih.i Mvond part, to ,viuo tho imynn'iit ot a ciTinin I'roini.-Jory nolo dutetl tho pkIhIi dny of M.r.-h, A. 1). whoroin uudwheroby snid John V. Jenkins, ono yt-ar nller dans for alnortvi'ivod, protuiatvl to iuy to l'hiliii I'nBvU-y or order, th,-Mm. of mx huudrod and fntv-oin' dolltir.- midlorty-MscouLs, itlt interest' inter-est' i heron at iho rate of two .or cuiil i-t monih from the diilo thrreof until l-md, mtc-r-e.-t to be iiftid inonlhly; whioh mid not i ovorduo and limpid, aid dood ol ttuH u ra-corded ra-corded in mortKime recorJ btik t , Ml. H" nmllli. iiiilioComtty H.vorder'a Cilice o! enidSivlt Lftko C-nnU'. I To which record reUr-eiioo reUr-eiioo is horebv rundo for creator part ion lam y. T HMS ot- Si.k: Siiid iirooorty will be sold tMhohiKuest bidder for cuah, ibo money to ho liftid and dood delivered iuiuiediutuly uiler Sltt LKWIS S. Ull.LS. Salt LakoClty.l'. T., Jan. add, 1S73. j21 EAGLE HOUSE Teasdel & Co. Tho plaoe for tho publio lo buy. Winter Shawls and DroBB Goods, Teasdel, & Co. Flannels, Nubias, and Glovoa. Teasdel & Co. Homo-mado Boots and Shoos Boat io tho Toaritery. TEASDEL & 10. Sugars. Teas and CoGcch, Ohooso, Bttcon and Lard. TEASDEL & CO. Men's Clothing, Hats, Shirts and KurrriehiDg Goods. TEASDEL & CO. Carpets, Rugs, Mata huJ Curtains. Cur-tains. TEASDEL & CO. Bleos Sowing Machines. Wear longer and are less liable to got out of order, Tho bent in the World. No trouble to show Goods. Careful attention to orders and goods delivered de-livered to all tho trains and any part of the oity freo of charge. TEASDEL & CO., East Tomplo Street. Opposite Salt Lake House. FLUX FOR SHELTERS. Tho under itrned, harinf been appointed Sole AkcdU for Utah, of tho celebrated Hematite Hem-atite Iron Oro of Wjominjr Territory, solicit tho patroDaa-eof the TarionV furnaces, belieT-ingthis belieT-ingthis to bo tho Best Iron l lux ever offered, the rabic- OrderB filled at short notice. Apply to GORDON & MURRAY, Half Block No ii tli II, R. JH-pot, SMI To whom it may concern. WK tho nndersimed. claim and own twelve bondred (13fjO) feet. lnclndin Nos. .wo (2) and three Vi). la the Titos lod in Little Cottonwood canyon, and hold the aam by deeds from the original locators-and locators-and have complied with the laws of the di-trict di-trict in every rep&at. And wo hereby caution all p;nonsnotto trade, boy or barter for said claims, without oar BODsenb I.1VIAS. f Lit u of Anthony iTinJ deceased. ISRAEL IVTN8. READ This AdvenLseLuit AND WRITE For our .Manual of Evergreens AND SAVE ii buying and planting your trow, i 50 PER GENT. Prie. II coatl-worfiJS, to any; troK-nlantre P1SMKY . CO., ' " ISturgton B.y, wu, HEWJfOBKJRADF. JEHIAL READ &Co Mauufaoturere and Wholesale Dealers in Pl'K AIVU AVOOL HATS, Straw Good, Umbrillasi rf-c., No. 4flH, Urokttwky, NKW YORK. Ie. Jlui Hun. jr. d L. m. BATE8&co7, I . i irokilway, MH.W VOHH, iMPcnTiai in jeaaiaa ir Fancy Dry Goods, HOS1KKY, -WUITB GOODS, WOOLKKS, SHAWLS, YANKEE KO7I0NS, &c J. II. Bl'LOICH. jS THOS. M. ARGALL & Co lion's, Youths' Uoyi'and Onlldru'a CLOTHINQ, AT WnOLESALB, 313 . 3 I Dro.dwyp New York. ."w' "! (ST BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturer and Wholesale D OA lore in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 ud I3S OrauU St., New York, Corner Croithjr. one block oast of Broadwa DIVORCES. USOLl'TK lHVOKClW LUtlALLY (Ui-IV (Ui-IV tainud in dillor-nt Stutun. L0h-a avi,n.. whoro dimoriiiin, buiuthI iHiscuimuot, olo , ni.ilio.ionl oiiiiso: in. imblioitv ru.iuirod. nu cbitrKO until dtvoroo itrantod; udvioo Iron. Cull on or addroa JOHN FULTON, Cumielliir ul Uw, No. is.1 HIUiAltWAV, NKW VUHK CiVY. .l, HOWLANO & ASPINWALL, 54 So nth Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City, Will a.lvituu. liberally .11 cou.lf.. ni.itt. of 4kr. and Uullloii. Bullion imrulin.cl .1 hl.H.n nmrkrl r.lr. l7T ' MINES FOR SALE. DU. PAUL nillCnnHY owns four excellent silvnr ininoa within ono mile of ench other. Wood and and ivnlor .ilonilful on tli of Lhoui. Tho mines uro rioh. Urea running from JIH0 up to ior ton, can ho obtained from ouuh of tlium, in paying quuntlty, The ororico ofthoUrujjory lodo in ti.onty-soron fa wido;u Htrouk of four ffot will run g.J iuriuo. IJoinif doniroiiH of nondinc homo a nico creeriit from Utah, I will soil an in tor out in ouour all, or soil all ul lair fiurus. Ivieti lodo contaim l.fjOO foot, and tlio (Jiegory lodo is down mi foot nnd looks fine. This lodo is directly ui, thoBulub from the Ontario ono-balf milu, tnS the sumo diatiinco bolow tbo Hnwland xfo, In Jtluo Lodj(o Mininjc dintricl, Wasnujh Cnuuly, I havo j list tiiovod my cnirni lo tlio Wild Hill cabin, whore 1 ahull bo pleased to show mj Thoy aro ouch now claims- and but llttls known, and tho jonlousy, X ronrot to lay, oi-istlnu oi-istlnu anionKHtthoBo owninjt olaiuis horo, to i groat extent, hnvo koiit tliouo ueakini inch proporty from callinu on mo, I iuk cmittnlitu to co uio and boo. 1 will show you all 1 irouiii " PAUL 0KB00HY, M.'D.s Fon nniln- fro m Knydorivlll FOR SALE. The UtaliCrackerFaclory Tho ubovo oftnblhhmcnt. silunlcd on Main Btrcol. uii osito tho Walkor lioitso, lua nil ilie ihiichiiiory and utensils lor carryina on tlio Craukor nud Broud businoss, nnd ill olkrud fur nnlo on account of tlio ill hoaltb of tlio pro-fiuiVii'woll pro-fiuiVii'woll eoioct'!(i1aulll".!f iroc:Ti,' Con-foctionory, Con-foctionory, Ao , which will bo Bold t'bcnii. VJe have bottor fjicilitios for iniinti fticturiiiK thnm and biikinu. than any other in tho Territory, and bolnR tho oldost housd, have a woll uub-lidhed uub-lidhed business. R10KT0N &, CO. Imiuiro on tho promises. jn IRON & STEEL. SCOTT, DUMIM & It, DEALIiKS IN - WRICHT'S PIQKS, IRON BARROWS, AMD ALL KINDS OF - Miimjc TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, I'IPK ALL SiiSltH F FITTISIUII FORFUIIKAVKSdf I11LL8. HAKDWABE, BURDEN'S HORSE & MULE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS T0K Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, t-iercuies Kowaer, ALL LOW FOR CASH. AOKSTS KO Ammonical Preparation For tho Prorention and Removal of Jioilor Ecalo. del FURS WANTED. Highest Cash Price Paid fir Fun. AL0 HttvaoB CiKar, Wholasil "J THOMAS CiKIER, At Sienl' liro-8, unJor Salt Lake Ilottl.. FAE WEST FEEIGHT CO. IWfcd Ctuarteri, St. Lou It, DURANT&CUTTLVG) FORWARDJAG COMMISSION MERCH1B AGENTS I ALT LAKE ClTYi UTAB WE are prepared W contract (or ihiP metits from all fartJ o( the Linehatinif made iocial arramteojenu w tho and tcly jrwtiofc Freight from New Yrk. iio-t.-n. W-'"0 Chicago. Bt. Louis aud U Ewtiern Cie. Sail Lake City. We are offering extra inducement for the shipment of Ore and Bullion W all JiJW poiau. OFFICl Art. WilWOCBl:--'"1 blKh louth Of Iept, Bait Lk Cltf |