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Show IKLTGS. Baltimore fLTtiis the traj'ezc. Paris supports a wrectlitift academy. Georgia bis repaired fcer usury laws. T''x n 'a-rticri have commenced plowinir. The S'.irie icuadaticn destroyed 12,-CKJ 12,-CKJ n'i. Two hours by rail from Jafla to Jerusalem ! Buwliot; Green, Ky-, bs a colored fire company. (.'apt. Kidd's trunk hai hesa dug up aiuo at Cape Jlay. The French Assembly haa made io-toiieauoD io-toiieauoD an otfjnce. West Newbury, Coqu., baa two eatti with six leet ajjicce. Scvcd tbousaud wouiod bcloug to the Belgian Iateraatioaaie. The French government offers f500 reward lor an indelible iulc. New York detectives "divide" with ten thieved where they arrest one. Pennsylvania proposes a constitutional constitu-tional amendment making voting compulsory. com-pulsory. The Persian Shah is to occupy Buckingham Palaue during bis stay in England. A sinful Chinaman of Chicago will import some tiirbtiuK quails to vary the moDOtony of cock-fibtini:. Froude will take a deep and bloody revenge on the Ameriaan poople. Ho will lectore in Eugland about us. A rejected lover in St. Louia haB sued the father of bis heart's idol lor $10,000 for using undue iofluenoe. Tho Theatre Italicn at Paris baa a smoking room tilted up in the Pompe-ian Pompe-ian style, with pictures of the nino muses. Cotton worn in tho oara ia o, prove n-tivo n-tivo of ringing sounds or explosions in the head. Gun-oottou should not bs used. The tops of the telegraph poles are oonvenient Beats for travelers in M inne-Bota. inne-Bota. They are only about a foot above tho snow. Last year's rainfall in England amounts to over 60,000,000,000,000 gallons- At least, so tho English papers say. "Open your mouth and shut your eyes," said Hoax Amca eoaxingly to DawoB, "and sco what Heaven Bhall Bend you." Evening schools for married men have been started at South Adams, Mass., from which tho South EvoBare excluded. A too sanguine bridegroom appends to tho announcement of his marriage in the Vermont Journal, "No cards, no cake, no divorce." Mrs. Malono, of Macon, Ga., has wound up housekeeping by throwing one of her children into the tiro and flattening another by sitting orj it. The Indiana woman who threw a burglar down Btairs and broke his neck, is very Borry now. She thought it was her husband coming home tipsy again. Wendell Phillips wanls the governor gover-nor of Massachusetts to pardon a man who killed his wife and then tried to commit suicide. Phillips pleads that the oonvict was goaded to the crime by an unusually severe dose of mothor-in-law. |