OCR Text |
Show DEERE & Co., "W.SL15- Manufacturers of tho Etnuino MOLHSTE PLOW. l'hf-o rinw havo iVr the raft quarter of a crr.lvirv miunt.iiiu'd tho ruvut alien of tho brst lov III inc. All p'tiuino M.dme Views bear tho brand a; fhoMti in tho aboro cut. dia WATCHES a JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. to inform tho rwirlfnls of Salt Lake C':v and vicinity, tbat ho nut only Rimr.inipf in rrrlv Rcrnir. Clean and A.l.n.t Wmrliwnnd Chmpomotom, builiowi 1 nmki' thoui or any pan of tham, to order, and nirrnn: :fi w.Tk. -lust reco vwi a opw supply of Klpin.Swiw tino bt ck of first-las -tnwa. Two BANKERS, A. W. WHITE & CO B A. JT e h s KANT TKJiPLE BTiUCKT, B.lt L.k Cltr. Delet3 ia GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION, Exchange on all tft Principal OUxc. of th United States and Kurope. Particular attention given to Collectlont and procecifl rem i tie-J at Cnrrent rata of Juchanf o on day of paymanu GEO. E. WHITitKY, Attorneys Bank of California ... San Francisoe Lei A Waller ,'uv York Cook Coanty National Bank - Chicago Ilukell Hank fit. Loulj Bute Bank of Nebraska - - Om.hi xijU WELLS, FARGO & CO.. EXPRESS FORWARDER Bankers and Dealers in Exchange Dralu on Kurope. European CoIIocUodi promptly atuadod to. East Tampl Street, SaJt L.a.k Olt y. tall Thiq. g. Tbaot, Agent. First National Bank of Utah 'SALT LAKE CITY. 9m Special Advertisement on Third . mS SALT LAO CITY NATIONAL BANE Salt Lttlie City, Utah Ter.; Authorized Capital - $500,000 BnJ. M. DulLall, freaidant. Hugh White, CaabJer. naurSTiaD k KiaKPATBioi, Attorney!. :COftSPON DENTS Ifl NKW YORK - g--J fkae SAN P.tANCISCO-Caiifornia Trast Co. LONDON Jay Cooks, McCnlloch k Co. feli DESERET National Bank or SALT LAKE CITY! UTAH Paid up Capital, - $200,000. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. BRIGHAM YOUN'rt. Proaidorjt.l U. :j. ELD K EDGE, Vice Pros' t, I W. U- HOOPKR.i Wm. JENNINGS, rDirocton JUHN SHARP, ! J. X. LiriLJi, L. S. LULLS, Caahior, J peal is GOLD Dl'ST, COIN, KXCHANGJK, LA.1 W AltllA.VTN, CC'-1KUK CC'-1KUK SCK11, etc. Colleotions made and promptly rc- 1 mittcd, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE- INTEREST PAID ON Savings Deposits. LEGAL. D. S.DANA, ATTORNEY-A.T-LA W, ProvOf Vtali. James m. carter, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, Office over ljt Nat. Bank. I oclS KASI TMPLJi STREET. C. E. WHITNEY, ATTOENEY-AT-LAW, Office ovar Danford k Soni' Store, MAIN STREET, I SALT LAKE CITY. THOMAS FITCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 1 010 Street, Washington, D. C. Espocial attention given to obtaining PatonU to Mine. nov 15 BATES & ORMSBEE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, Agents for Purcbato nil d 8rUe ofUluci A Lands, Geo. C Bates, 1 V Salt Lake City, CHAELE3 W. QaHSBKK.J L'tah. Warner KarU. F. M. Smith. EAKLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BaLT LAI! 01TT, Firt South Stroeu Kooma 11 and 12, No H&. Kimball Block. TILFOBD, 8. A. MA1TN. TILFORDI& MANN. ATTORNEYS - AT-LAW. No. 30 First South Street. 06 J.B. Roj borough, S. A. Morritt Rosborough & Morritt, ATTOKSEY H A T h A "Y , Salt Lake City, Utah. Office, 1H South St root, flrt buildinft east Deo ore t Hank corner. ocl irn. HATD05. c. k. aiLCURisi' HAY DON & GILUU1UST, ATTORNEYS - A T - L A W SALT LAKE CITY. Oflico over lit National Bank of Utah. i!2 0. U. Hempetoad. M.Kirkpatrlck, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorney-t-Lw MainStreot, opposite Weill, Fargo Jt Co. 9U.T I.IKK flTT. flit TRIUNE BAKERY Cracler Mannractory, Door below .Walker House, Mat" Street, Salt Lake City. Wo have, now recoived our CRACKER MACHINE CKACRERS. GALLACHER & SONS. T SC'i ?U" LiHAddr, P. 0. Bo, til. TOIL! COIL!! COAL!!! 'IMl K ITHLIC A K V. HEREBY NOTIFtEP i- that t am tho Mo A con t for tho Gra.: Canvon Ol in tail L.iko County. Buy: can obtain this jt'lon-iui Coal by tho ton oi carloa.l by applwns t- mo, at tho oflico of J 01 A. Young. Salt L.iko City. J. SRKLXKRDOK.SslMman r.CR.B.Depot II. G. PARK. NOTARIES PUBLIC. M. K. OIU.MPIK. T. w. WOOD. GILLESPIE a-d WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC CONVEYANCERS, A-VD SEARCHERS OF RECORDS AcfsowxKOGKKisTS tak for the leyen DTA7E3 AXD TaEallOBlSa. Office hours, 9 . n., to 9 p. 11. Roo-o Ne. aver First National Bank, fait Lake Ciy Utah Territory. s5 CHA8. W. STAYJfllCIt, NOTARY PUBLIC, Dnlr qualified and commissioned by th Qovernor. OGceLst door south of Sarago'a Photorrap! GaUery. Salt Lake City. mi! I - S 2 1 a 5 s , 1 2 . s I 0 3 & n S g H 1 -I I a n. I w H ) K I M 2 t S EP& S 00 B a gf a 1 is CONFECTIONARY. rho undersiimed wishes to inform his nnmerous Friends and tho PuhJio generally, that he has everything every-thing in the above lino, CONSISTING OF THE FINEST ORNAMENTED CAKES 30FFEE CAKES, TEA CAKES, rLr ico, " MACARONIES, LADY FLNGEKS. tIC ETC., ETC, FRUITS, NUTS, AND THE BEST HOISIE HADE In tho markot, A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE AND :ANGY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS AND VARIETIES, Jsually kept by him, aro now Sold as Cheap as any House in Town. Daniel Gremg, EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET. Above Second South Street aogil Salt Lake City. WIYI. LANAHAN & SON, DISTILLERS AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, Waxehonia Ho. 30 Light Street, BALT1MUBJC. mv31 AT THE - New Auction House, Wostof Kimball Jfc Lawronco'a, all kinds ol BEDDING and LOUNGES Made to order. Carpet Made, Cleaned and put down. Cornices made. I'urnituro polish oil, arnl-bod and repaired. Furniture and Pianoi moved, liouso Papering and Calsomniing. jl5 . MoreLiglit 20,000 GALLONS Uf the celebrated IMPERIAL OIL, 150 Fire Test. ASl O 33 O "W 1ST, 111) Standard Fire Tcsl , FOR SALE. BY THE BARREL OR .CASE IN LOTS TO SUIT. PETROLEUM Non-Kxploslve Fluid, SIXTY CENTS PER GALLON LJMPS IND LISP GOOD! FOR TEE MILLION! I.TlTBE : Pioneer Lam d Store Nearly opposite the Market. I. 3EESE & CO H0TEL8, ETC. WALKER IIOUSE: EAST TEMPLE STREET, r SALT LAKE CITY, XT T II THIS norsE IS THE LARGEST AN I l best appointed House in L'tah Territory acd has aceomniedaiion :"or three hundred asi fi:"ty fuoit. Street cars and carriages connect edwuh the White Sulphur Baths. Readia? Rooms, containing papsrs from all points 5 Baths. Ear, Teloeraph, Newi and Cieftr Stanii , attached to tho iiuuid. H. S. GREELEY. A CO.. novl ProprioUTa. , Washington House Xlilrcl Sou tli street) SALT LAKE CITY Boaj-d and LodRlnar, per Wik 97 OO Board and Lodging, per day, 1 '3 Day Board, pr week, 5 OO Single Preach Spring Bad, per week, - a SO Bada,per night - GO aj - ... 25 A1IERICAl hotel,' WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Ttrmi-13 50 par tr; ;iVeehly Board -nd Koomt fia.OO to tla.Oui Table Board, S OO. A few First Clasa families can find pleasant quarters. Salt Lake City, November 23. 1ST2. J. C. LITTLE, ao21 Proprietor. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL O V UTAH JAMES TOWNS EN D PROPRIETOR. Thia House is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and hat accommodations accommoda-tions for 10 Kaeau. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparinr o build largo addition! to his Hotel, whwb when finished, will ran "iej it the Moit Complete Establishment in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION mil TAYLOR'S HOTEL,, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS KBiW-ir--uam!n. - - - royll GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN FLAK. 1 Situated in business part of the oity, with 1 acoommodation for 200 nueau. FIRST-CLASS acoonunad&tion for Families and Travelers. Hoomi, SOoi, TSc, SI.00 and SI. 50 per day. Dining; Hall and Rostaurant under the 1 management of M. H. Beardsley, late of the Morrison House. Omiha, and Tichaoi House, Linooln, Neb. Board per week, T Heala, 50o. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Stages leave daily forthe mines. Laundry oonueoted with the hotel. SMITH BIGAZE, W.T.REYNOLDS A CO., E- B. ZABRISKIE. Ban Francisoo. Salt Lake City, WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAV FOR SALS A FINE LINK OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call tho attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. B0LS AOENTS FORI "FiOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST 33 .A. IR, IN THE CITY OON!EOTKD WITH THK BOUSE. 64 MAIN STREET' Twodnnra aoinli of Welle, Fargo A Co'i Bunk. mri- C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORS I All tiadi of HEAVY HARDWARE' Iron mid fcsteel, ; Stoves and Tin Ware LACKHalVn TOOL. AgrlamHnral Implaaaata Aal Bllgoola, At Lowest Kataa. , 01 rosiTE ialt fcAiii norn INSURANCE. JL1L1ZII LXSl'RANCB fO J. B. BENNETT - - Prealdem B, J. VLSI - - Kccrciar) Cmcinnati, Ohio, ASSETS, J I NK 30, 1873. Cash on hand, in bank, and ia course of traafiniiiion- . $111,303 ; UnitL-d S'i:e3 liucda, mark a l Taiue lJo.ltC? l Morraros &i &46 6 Colla-.urjJ Loacs u-.iT 0 Accrued Imeresi AM2 5 Bills Receiviblu ; . Sti.iMT 1 Slate Lonaa ani iiiscellaneoua- 6.17 $ Duo rum Amenta Ss,o7 6 LIABILITIES. Outstanding Losaea and other Lia b'l'tifta , 177,711 0 H. R Mann & Co., Agents, Ofncet Banking ITonae of A. W ft lilted: Co, !.. Box, 351, iy2S OF THE Home Mutual LTSrHlCE COMPAW, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL .... $650,000. JOUX If. REDI5GTO.V, President.. CHARLES B. BTOBI, Secret. r,-. Principal Office., 433 California St., SAiVFRAKCISCO. H. R. MANN X Co., Agents, Office: Banking House, A. W. White Co. Pkostectus for 1873. SlxthI'eab. THKALDINE, An Illustrated Monthly Journal, universally admitted to be tlie haudsomcut Fer Iodic ali In the World. A Representative and Champion of American Ameri-can Taste. Not for Sale in Book nr News Stores. TUEALDDfE, while issued with all tho regularity, has norm of tho temporary or pure, liyht, and graceful lileraturo; and a collection col-lection of picturoi, tho rarest specimens of arti-tic skill, in blark and tvhito, Although each succcedirjs number affords a fresh pleasure pleas-ure to it. iriendi, tho real value and beauty of TUrJ ALLliNii will bo most appreciated alter it has been bound up at tho close of tho year. W hilo other publications may claim superior cheapness as com pared irith rivals of a similar class, illil ALU IN E is a uoiquo and original conception alono and unapproached abso-lutoly abso-lutoly without competition in price or character. charac-ter. The iiosscssor ol a eompleto volumo cannot can-not duplicate tho .luaotity of fino paper and engravintrs in aoy other shapo or number of volumes for ton times Ua cost; ami tnen, there arc the cliromo besides I ART DEPARTMENT. Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subscription iat tall, when THKALDINE assumed its present oublo proportions and rep rosontativo character, tho edition wa. more than doubled during the past year; proving prov-ing that tho American public appreciate, and will support, a sincere enort in the cause of Art. Tho publishers, anxious to justify tho ready contidoneo 'hus demonstrated, havo eserted themselves to tho utmost to aevelop and improve iho work; and tho plans for tho cominc year, as unioldod by tho monthly issues, is-sues, will astonish and ueligbt oven tho most sanguine friends of THK ALDUS' K. Tho publishers are authorized to announce designs irom many of the most ciniuom artists ot America. In addition, THKALDINE will produce examples ex-amples of tho best ibreun masters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest; avoiding such as havo become nimiliar, through photographs or copies ot any kind. The .luaneriy tinted plates, for 1873 will reproduce re-produce lour o'l Johnri. Da vies' inimitablo child-sketches, appropriate to tho four seasons. Those plates, appearing- in tho issues for January, Jan-uary, April. July, and October, would bo alono worth tho price oi a year's subscription. The popular leatures of a copiously illustrated illustrat-ed "CunLinas" number will be continued. To possess such a valuable opitomo of tho art. world, at a cost so trilling, will command tho subscriptions ot thousands in every section of the couutry; but. as tne usiulnoss and attractions attrac-tions 01 IliK ALUUSK can bo enhanced, in proportion to the numerical incroaso oi its supporters, sup-porters, tne publisiiurs propose to make "assurance "as-surance double sure,.' by the following un- paralleled oUex of FKEMIF.U CUKOMOS FOR 1873. Every subscriber to THE ALDIN'E, who pns in advance lor the year 157o, will receive, with nl additional cnarge, a pair oi beautiful oil chrumos. alter d. J. mil, the eminent Lng-ii.-h painters. The pictures, entitled "Tho illagu tell," and "Crossing the .Moor." aro H x m inches aro printed Irom I'.', different plates, requiring i impresionj and tints to perfect eaeli picture, ilie aauis etiromos aro sold lor s-o per pair, in tho art stores. As it is tho determination oi its conductors to keep Tilt ALll-.fc. out oi the reach oi competition in every department, Ui chromes will bo lound corrcsi"jiidiiifc-ly ahead oi any that can be uiiervd by. otLur periodicals. Every eub-senber eub-senber will receive a curtiocate, over tho signature sig-nature ot th- publishers, cuuran teeing that the chromos delivered ?liall bo oual to tho samples lurni.ined Uie aL-nt, ur the money will bo re-fundud. re-fundud. The distribution oi pictures of thia grade. I'reo to tho subscribers to a tivo dollar periodical, will wan, an epoch in tho history ot Art; and, considering Uio unprecedented cheai-ness oi the pneo lor 111E ALUi.NEit.-eli. the marvel lalls little nort of a miracle, oven to those best acquainted with the achiovo-mcots achiovo-mcots 1 1 inventivo genius and imiroved mo-cliauical mo-cliauical appliances. itr illustrations uf thoso cbromos, see November issue ol THE ALDUS -1 T1IE L1TEKARY UU'lBT.ttEXTS will continue under t lie caro of M r. RICH RD lihMli bluDDAttD. agisted fcy i ho best writers and pueu of tho day. who will strive to havo the literature of THE ALDINE always al-ways in keeping with its artistic attractions. TERMS. 3 per annum, In advance, ivith Oil (liromoi free. THE ALDIN'E will, hereafter, be obtained only by subscription. Tliero will bo no reduced re-duced ur club ra:e: cash U-v subscriptions must bo sent to tho publi-hers direct, or bunded to tho L'cal arrnr, without rchponlblllty to the pulillliem. except in cases wh-ro the ceni Scale is riven. beanr.c tho fac-almlle signature el Jixu btnos Co. AtiEXTS WAMED. Any pcr-on. wirhins to act rrmaEont!y as a kcjl ascr.1. will re.-cive full and projnpt iu-formauon iu-formauon by applyine to JAMS KIIT0S4 Co, PaUlUheri. ss n aides lake, sew york. W. 11. HAnRiNOTON, Agent, Herald Office. LUMBERYARD. All kinds of Lumber DO0R5, WINDOWS BMXDS. MOUI.DLNGS, SHLVGLES, LATHS, T. R. JOKES Balf-Wook too th ofTJ.O Dpoi, DES MOINES TRADE. DES MOINES t "Scale Company Ea- F. R. WEST, President Jti S. F. SP0FF0RD, Vice-P'i e UE0. A. JEWETT.Secr'y. 5 (JSjk w- RF.DHE.iD, Treasurer. 6 fer-S. S. HITCHCOCK, Srrr'l 0 WM. DICKER50X, General Ajrent. j We are manufacruric g, and can fill ordera oi ahort notice, the foUowins: Hay, Coal ait Stoct Scales: RAILROAD, WarefiouSP & Counter Scales WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES I FLOFR AXD BUTCHERS' BEAMS' B6Sa5 and Wnrehouit Trucks. Evry article warranted durable and SCALES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Address, for Circulars, DES MOINES SCALE CO., n2E Des Moines, Iowa. A. E. ROBERTS & CO., Manufacturers of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DESKS, CHCBCH, HALL, AND COURT HOUSE SEATS. DES MOINES, IOWA. Blackwell's Liquid Slating and Black Board. Orders solHtad. Send for Illustrated Cata'giieand Prit-o List. dl" MISCELLANEOUS. .A.T COST! o . CHRISTMAS m ieaTpresexts THE MOST DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY OP-PORTUNITY I OARL 0. ASMUSSFN WILL SKLL ATT JSiTr, And wishes to call special attention to his beautiful assortment of Uno Ladies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS RINGS, CHAINS, ' LOCKETS and CHARMS. Also a groat variety of tho best selected GOLD NECLACES, BROOCHES, BROOCH-ES, EAR RINGS AND FULL SETS A complete assortment of the bost grades of AMERICAN WATCHES tho most suilablo for Railroad Travolors. Farmers and Minors. For stronirth and good (toing they aro unsurpassed, and will keep longer than any other watch. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD UPON HONOR AND WARRANTED. The public aro cordially invited to inspect. CAUL Ct ASHUSSEN, JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, S. L. CITY. CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! Salt Laie Steam Cracier Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM MAXlTFACTlMlTNt. thohft QUAL-I QUAL-I ITY and OKEATEST VARIETY of CRtCKK Mi over produced in the Territory, Terri-tory, which I offer t the Trado and Public generally, at tho lowest possible prices. Merchants and friends are re iue-ted to call and ei amino my goods and prices, before purchasing. R. Y. ANDERSON, Salt Lnko City. Jan. 4, 1ST3. I'Uh Territory. now ion m get AN ORGAN. Can now boobtainodon Monthly or Quar-tfrly Quar-tfrly installment. I ha'o mail arraneeaienU with the manufacturer!, manu-facturer!, which will enable mo to Oder the m''St liberal terms of any in tbo organ bun-noss. bun-noss. TESTIMONIAL From Prof. Thomas. Salt Lako City, Utah. Dec 1), l7i C W. Stateb. Esy., fir The Estey Orran I c O'ider an t:-r!-lent instrumect- both isr swocac;; oi i-jdo and qmckneu oi touch. C. J. THOMAS, (Conductor of Theatre Orchestra. TESTIMONIAL From Prof. Archer. Salt Lake City. I'c. 11. 1-72. ?:.T I am bai';-.y to bo enaMM to a-rrt !ha;for ruriir : ne and dr:,-JCi off ,r:i I have, in thc-;sr-e ..; . -n-i-i o.i-ntn-f. n but lew Urjan --.irh fn et i, nr.n :.i-h -n tx'-rl.; -j Orraa.lor whi-fi yoa are are at in :h;. r-.iy. Kef-(--::::;iy y- nr. IL it- . : 1 EP. . Pr-i-.rfyf Music Chs. W. tvtse. Esq. The YOX'TTDILANTE i; oa no other ciias. w.'Itayxer, (iIXERL AGE XT, No. 5 M aia street, 1 ext to arare's (J al 1 ery, ii Salt Laic City. MISCELLANEOUS. Administrator's Notice fllE VNDFRSIGNED HAVINt) B"! Ji appoiMed by the Proba:e Court of L'avj IP. Williams, of Bountiful, deca-ed. this i t notify ail persons Leowiej themclvi-s ic deb:ed to said estate tc come forward ar make imicediaio pay meat of the .ia: an th-se having claim; au : d i tie otUte to pr ient them at once for f L'ttli-mcnt. JOHN FISUEK. Adminwtrator. Bountiful. DavisCounl.v, l".T., Jan. 7. l.i jaT FOR SALE. 4 1 B0RSP-POWER "LTTTLB t? I A N T' jTi. Engine and Boiler cvmpietc, ia fuiiwott' ' ing cundiuon, sale by 60RD0N &. MURRAY, , Half block south R. R. Depot, trait Lakt Citi". y-i M. T. BURGESS, F i Civil Engineer and U. S. Mineral Surveyor, Will prepare the necerary Parers and Dia-crams Dia-crams tor Patents and Protests. Office in Building occupied by Surverai General. ianl TO THE TRADE. . John Russell SlaDifaclDrini Co., J. RUSSELL & CO., Q-TtEElSr H1VER WOEKS, S orks and VVaretinuses, Turner's -Kalis. Mass., Manufacture the finest and largest variety TABLE CUTLERY In the World. Their Oood can now be found upon the Lists of all A 1 Jobbing Houses. Office find Nnmplr Rnom; SO ('ham bers Street, K W YORK. J no. kum'U n fi; Co. janl9 m -h w a - i H R DO CO t " S Psh 0 , g c ffl vk I S g ? I BJ - 2 I 2 1 5 I " S co m g ; ! 1 5 i rf g i-, S U z ; r c fcc 1 5 t B O oo S g Pi s I 1 a g N i i . S h .1 CORN, OATS, B RltY, FLOUR, CORN-MEAL, BUCKWHEAT- FLOl'R AD PRIME BL'TTER. For sale cheaper than any olhor houfo in the city, by GORDON A- Ktt'RRAY, Half block south of R. R. Dopot , Salt Lake City. Cnli ami Seel j iy IKOxN & COAL,. BEB ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTH. Iron and Co at Capitalists call on mo, I own it. I will divide Address, H. Jit. ULA1K, (19 P.O. llox 10, fn.lt Lake City. WANTED. 52.000 CASH. FOR ONE leer. Will divide the finest mining intorest in Utah for the use of tbo money. Address. S. M. BLAIR. Salt Lako City,' P-0. P-0. Box Imv HENRY WACENER, Bait Lake City, Utah, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAOER BLER, ALE AND I'UKTER, WHOLESALE I'D EETAM., i SFCOND SOUTH STREET, throo doors iwt Elephant Store. octn NOTIGE. rHE UNKNOWN OWNERS HP VIVE Hundred and Fifty ( Vkii feet in the Owen ,t linrkiner lotlo. and - our II tin irtni ( ih) tori in tho Lri'han Hoy lode, will t a so n tic thai ivo havo done In boron tho abovo nnmed clnini" , to tho amount ulUne llun red UUHj Dullr I oach. Tbo -amo boins jevon und ono-ei em li iT 1-7) rCnt.i pcr foot on tho Uwen A- liurdner and eight and on"-lhird (S 1-Ji cent.t per iiut in tlii Urphun Hoy. .-nirl elainn bi'inn eitu-ated eitu-ated in Little Cottonwood Di-uici. '"It i c Cuunty, l.uli Tt'rritory. And o i and ench ol you are hereby notitied to pny your pinion abovo statod, wi hin moot.' (!) da,s irum lilato uf thi- notico, to A. W. Wliiiu.V r,i,,i SaJt Lako City. JI EN n Y OWEN, S. S. EVAN.;. Salt Lakk City. Doc 7. I ds iilli wm TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THE EAST, NORTH AND SOUIHEAST. no. a. STATIONS. Iphkm MAIL. Leave SALT LAKE 6:00a.m. Lttp.a. " OMAHA 6:33 p.m. i:X a.nj. ArriTBURLIK0T0K 6:00 a.m. t;0p.ni. - Oalebori:(C.B.4Q0 7.-00 a.m. 10:50 .ai. " Menoot " jlLHa.iB. S3a.nj " Chicago " I '.JP.aj. 7:00a.m. " Peoria j i-'fJ a.m. j HV; a.m. LiMl'rlf l.B.AW. j 6:15 p.m. -.?;.m, CiLcinnivtl - - Jll'Op.m, i:J!p.m, " Loianpnrt , 6ypm ft-.aOa.ta. r. p. a w.i " OnVorobn I 2 & a rp V.Vr rw. ryThroiirh Cam from Mi"ori RItot to ICi'--, Inliaf.at.f.lu, Ciacinnati. Losana-p-nand ColumbuiJ Cir..,.-ti"nii at thoe r"1nta with Hum :t. l.ncio ih v frth and Surh. T-) i H.u Mhorl.u, (iulckilt aa'l t.haapaii Rnnu. D1 O'.i b w.itM, hat obtain T--Vt via the BurlinaLoa A Miaaouri River Railroad, A-fi- TOVZALTN, 0. .PKRKIISf! , avalPauiAxnat. UaalOar'L I ST. LGUIS TRADE. S llllSlElill) j ffiSSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Ijtalized by Sialf Anlhoriiy and Prawn in Public in SI. Leuis. 6rand Single Number Schema. ; . 50,000 NUMBERS. ClavaaO, to ba H r n t. 1S73. 5.SS0 iVi';i, Amountirtff to $3tK),000. 1 t prim of.-VO (H)0 l'fl-.nff 100 pri ol 1.1.4.MI Wi-im.p1 l.OUO 1 rr te ol 10,' tU) Wr(Mol UJ I pniii of t.Mf W.ni,of 300 4 priie of 5. uno W .rit. n( 0 I pni of S.MUt Sft ,;.,. (rf OU 0 rnt ot l.OOl 3ft .r-.-.." ISO P"""'f lipr1;.- JOO 40priwor 'A$Q ft.OOU pruil 10 TlcMata, '0. lUlf rirktti. tS. Uuartera, ti.51). r Onr lonerMw are fimli-rol .v thp ?tn. are aln-aa ilntvn al lop fim iLacui".!, .uiJ .ill riviop Tbf .'QJ.-iaJ .Irawii'ir -ti t j..ihii-li(sl t& Lbe , 8:. L..tii (aiw- - co,y f di-awtug m.i o P -rrliA-wrt of ticifU.) .- U a-ili ir'a (rinillar achrma the laat dnv f pvpry month .luring !tn vr STi t K-mit m oar r,k i",, ir OFFICS MONKT Our-KIS. KK.ISTK'.KP I trrKS DRAFT, or KXPKtS S,u,1 ior ,-irvular 4J-' 1r nl'KHAT.niLl.alt to., Pc-i OfBoe floi J-6. fT. LOUIS. Mo. mvl7 SPECIALJLAVORINGS, V.VX1LU, LE.H0X, ETC., - For Flavoring Ire Cream, Cakes and Pastry. Wilh prc;it care, by a new process, ivo extract from the true, ecjoct J-'ruiis nnd Aroinaiks, c;ich clianicki-isilc tla-vor, tla-vor, nnd proiluco ".iwi'icj of rir cxtiUenK. Of preat strength' and' jvrfeH purity. Xo poin'tious ot'.t. ,-iy rk'tw as represented, yod.eeitcach h'UU fivfl viMsure, holding flne-?tif more- tfianothrrs purporting to hold fame quantity. I'te them ona mil u& r,o other. The tn delicate, d-lt'tu favors trer made. Ho Fiipermr to the cheap extmcts. Ask for Dr. Price's Special Flavoriuipj. Jlanu' fuctured only by STEELE &c PRICE, Depots, CHICAGO nnd ST. LOUIS, Manufacturers of Dr. Jbict's Cream Bilking Ihiaier. EVERY HOUSERBEPER WHO WANTS A UAri'i 1'A.MILY, LTtnT nsTtt. ttcr.rLn M'ho Always Wanta a Full Uoiiae EVERY STOVE DEALER WHO MKANti lfl SIXKrS, EVEHY Mil. MI OS CSILE Who desires Health by tiood Livinu. suovld nt T onl or Tiia CELEBRATED ASK YOUR TINNER FOR THEM. If ho duos not have on assortment SEND YOUR OKDER TO mm ai5iiFiCMRi.ii i SAINT LOUIS. Wbolcnltt Ueiilers in nil kind, of TINNEHS' STOCK, And all LIVE STOVE DEALERS. novM EPIZOOTIC, EPIZOOTIC!! Ki'izoono hi 'Jrent Di-eover in Veterinary Medicine FOUND AT LAST! A Specific rir the II'Ml-L I, I'll V. MIC. Cora eOected in frm ihrc" t !: dfne. I'rica II per bottle. Whole-ulo Sl'l per (K.r.n. Ak for HIPPQCRASTUS ! Wii',lc-alo a:iJ Uct-il by; G. F. CULM ER &. CO, OHUKHDKrK -ni.tmK, Fitll Lake Clly. ' ' i d r r fr-m a di-'inr-i. hv l'-t- "r or I flirt n rh ie -r.f i:nr(1-li.ite a U-i'.ion. MHir-no orwadnd ).y cr r- f. noT TUISWELL KNOWN B11ANI) - OF- JAPAN TEAS - FOR fcAJ.K AT r. " . Grocery Dopartment. all CLAWS'jN,Sot. |