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Show NIGHT REPORT. FOREIGN. GtrmiDf. Berlin, 4. Biimarck submitted a proposition to the federal council, for the appropriation of twenty-five million mil-lion thaiers, for the erection and improvement im-provement of the foniS-Mti.-.ns of Cologne. Col-ogne. Koerdgiberg. WilhelmshaTen and Poien. The Kjtnan Catholic bishops have addressed a memorial to the emperor protesting agi:.t tho passage of the ecclesiastical bill now before the Prussian Prus-sian dieL The Carllat lnaurreciloD. Paris, 4. A wees' s mail is now due ; from Spain. The Union newspaper says the Carlist lines extend through the northern provinces of Spain from Cape Creux u Corunna. Don Aiphonze commands the insurgeets in Catalonia. Vailes, one of his generals, has entered Arragon ; Oho commands in Xavarre; ' Rodas, at the head of the right wing of the insurgents in Asturias, is marching oi Leon and Castile, Lizarraga -as command of the forces in Guipuzcoa. The Union represents the Carlist cause as flourishing in numbers, arms and resources. re-sources. Brlllih New , 1 London, 4. The price of coal has again advanced. It was selling this morning at 46s. per ton, advancing during dur-ing the day to 53s. Many furnaces haTO suspended. The cold is abating. |