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Show More "Outrages." Tho mayor of I'envcr, having just issued a proclamation procla-mation that the licenses of houses whew gambling is permitted will be revoked, much indignation has arisen among tho sporting fraternity of our sister city, and there is talk that a delegation is preparing to visit Salt Lake to induce action, upon tho part of tho "ring" here, to have the mayor's may-or's corpus habcaacd, or other advisable action taken, whereby the rights of "loyal" American citizens may be pro- I tooted in Denver saloons. Tho "ring" will please proceed to institute the proper steps to encourage gambling in Denver. Perhaps it would bo well to send down au ass. press antntfor a short time to w.rk a hichly critical situation roquiricg immediate legislation legisla-tion by OOUfiresi, - |