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Show RAILROADS. G. P. R R 01 A -1 1 A FT Hit HK IT KflHER loth, THAI 9IH WILL I.KAVK 0l:.K UA1L1T AM FOLLOW FOL-LOW M I O'trliui'l J'inKr Train fr Tiano, . ..J-Wliii, H inn.:fi,..v:a, WlI.iwmiIi, v'.eriu, Mar4 villa, ilwi.l t;l Hi r:y,a), .i:ramofit.,, r.u..;kl..n, il.d.,..t, SUr.:,A . V riM.i..a kr:i., - - - - 6.J) r.a. Ort-rliinri Kmilu mid Aw.man.di-Uu Aw.man.di-Uu irwu :t .ju t rattcij.;., - - tV'JfS jvh. A. .V. T'WN K. T. n. '10llf.l V, .l.nu'l .lup't don. l'n ,inJ Tinltot Aifant. GEO. II. Hl' h. A'.Di, .-'.ilt l.iifc.) Cir, 'rii.'.i uti Murjhull 1 Cartur, fTor W. if. C .Jan. tUJ rail BAILItOAD. Trains. run between IJiishaiu Junction with CP. U.K., LOGAN. On ami :iu-r K..hru,irv l-r, lTi, Daily Tniina, I.Miva rimlnim .fun. LLuii At T." .m. Arrive a. M-nd-.n, W:.i " Arrive r,t l.uat In " Lmvh !,.... turn H.m. Arrive a' .l..ii.i.,n !f: lJ " Arrive ut Uriuim l'J::J p.m. t(i ruiuiuut is ilk WuliM iur Undue and tst.lt Lnko. Trains Run onSalt Lake Time. ttr fitnnn mnnent wilh Trains tn and from Nnrihisrii utlluuiunU la Cliche County utl- IAHKHi Between Lug an anil -nit Luko $.1 00 'K,li,n -I "U Mondon anil -Salt Luku I 7Ci ., ,. OKd-il 2 75 Koduco-l Baton to Kxouraion Parties, Paw.er.Kcrs will ploaso purchase their TiokoU at the Ufliooe. For ell Information eonoQrnitiK Freight or Pu0, ep..J tO OK AH. NIRLF.Y, Qeutrel i'miuht and lioket Agent, JNU. W. YlHNi, dll Uou'l Huv'L UTAH CENTRAL ItAILBtO AI. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Ua aw d after Deocmbur 4U, 1 114. Dully Truliin Leave Sn.lt Lake City it & a.m. and 2:45 p.oa Arrive lU Ojfdon 7 a. in, and 4 Ah p. va. Leave Ogdun at 8 n. m. ami 0:30 i. m. Arrive at Halt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p. a In addition to the aboii DJI-XT1T3 TIX-A-I3NT) Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED LoaviDg Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 1.30 p.m., and Ogden at 5 a.m. and 5.50 p.m. assaagers will please Parihi thlr Tickets at the Offl. riflr Centi additional will be oharced who ia faro la oollooWd on tho ira.'a. For all Worinatlrin oonoernlnt freight or luiago, applj to J AN. KlI ARl'i '"''allreliht and TiokotAit JtHNv SHARP, ITTTiaillTlNDBNT UT SOUHERN RALROAi DAILY 'JtAlivs Leave tho Utah CeDK Oopot, Bait Lako City, ' hi. and 2.30 p.ui; Amfo at Lotu 9 , m and 4.30 p.m. Leavo Lot 9 30 and 5 p.m. Arrive at vk at 11.30 a. in. and t p.n lu addition to thovo MIXED TRs Will run daily, Suolay te Leavinp the Utah CcnraJ ii.ot fait Lake City, at 1 m. u-,t 6 a.m. Passe Dccrs will plcsc pitvtis 1 e wliwni on tho tnii '' ill inforruaIioo c-S rreif! ' Psso, apply (. JAS. A .-. .00. PreUht u i,iokot Ateat. JOHJ 11AKP, nrpiawnsBiST. SflN 'WANCISGO TRADE. 2anuss Saddler, Lcathcr. J. CJOH.VSOS' o. JOJ .f- 106 Front Snw. Einstein Bro's & Co., Mini fact urers acd Imrrf-Ts of BOOTS & SHOES Aid deiicra ia " IE ATHKR. VtNDINGS. Etc, JOB PRINTING. The varied wanta !o the MIXER, AHTIZAN anil TRAVELER i'O JOB PRINTING CAN B F.I I I, 1 F. I AT THE HERALD JOB OFFICE. The unanimous satisfaction gifeo by tho work dona at our office in the past has justified us in ootrtinuall; im-portiDg im-portiDg all the Newest Attractions with whioh to pleane ourj'patrone Id Elegance AND Style, and perform Job Printing to compare favorably with any importation importa-tion in this line from the East or Wost, Anything in the nature or' PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, stW CARDS, MINItfj BLANKS, BUSINEStBLANKS, CERTIFICATE:. HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, . 1- e C0UNTIX6H0USE W0RK1 H CEIPTS, CIRCULAR BILLHEADS, CARDS, ' ""FT0.,ETC., done to order in black, co , , T gold. We do not profess to work belov cost, nor work for the sake of working nor give baits of any natnre, bat by i system of calculating prices, make I jTiie to compete with outside &JFigures Salt Lake' Iron Co. CIIAS. ROOMK, PresMent. KNRY J. DAVISON. Secretary. M ANrr CTPE BKS OF JIIXLVG &. 31ILT.1AG MACIIIMIi V. Engines and Boilers Mads and Repaired to Order IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MODEL WORK. Agricxiltm'al IlVIctclairiory-. Orders Proini t!y Executed in a Workmanlike Mann.-r. Old Cat Iron Boaht at tho iiidhixt -Market 1'ricu. L. V. SITUKKLWI), Manager. j- WOKKa : Block South ol p't P. U. Koi. oo1, J XX 1 XXX ZOfXXXOX tSs Co., GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED KNABE PIAMOS, THE BEST for Touch, Tone and Durability now in use; ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAVORITE BAUER PIANOS. EVER? INSTRUMENT FULLY WAKRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS, OF BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE TO ANY" ADDRESS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. JULIUS BATJEB & CO., 650 Broadway, 390, 392-394 & 396 Wabash Avenue . NEW YORK. CHICAG lylS GROCERY DEP'l Z. O. 3VE. X. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, stoves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, ALL OUK GOODS -A.3FIE OHEAP' DEALERS IN THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWN8 WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL -I AND ENQUIRE" PRICES BEFORE . PURCHASING. aj u.-n. oLAWsoij .vp.ru . S T 0 V E S! Grocery arid Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a great variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, comprising com-prising the largest assortment to be found in any stock in Utah; prices very iow, call and see octM H. B. CLAWSON, Supt I 1 GENERAL MACHINERY WAGONND DEPOT, COUNCIL HOUSE YARD, NEAR THE TEMPLE BLOCK. Pitt's and other Thrasliin? 3Iacliines, fl ood's 3Iower aud Combined Maclilue, Excelsior Slower and Eeaper, s M'orld Jloiver and Eeaper, Champion Slower and Eeaper, v Sulky Bakes. "Welcome" and "Superior" Turbine Wheels, "Eureka" Smutter. i.ie 31111s, Lue Extras!! !' - ialhfeee...rj0UNCIL H0USE YMiB . We arc cxpocua aa unxea:ata snipmL.r- "SGHUTTLER WAGON?744 The factory hiTin? just cot fririj ririnicj since tho RFAT CHICAGO Fl RE J j H. B. QJ WSON, Saperintefldear. ' Z. C. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SHra OF THE -j I C3- -j O O T GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For Enu weather or stormy ireatber; for walk-miz, walk-miz, dancing, working, si-inaiso, climbing, nding, tuning, mining, etc., otc A large and choice assortment of tbo above, our own moke and imported, at tbo nio.t reasonable rea-sonable prices. We make to order amy gtyle and quelity desired and Insure atl.raetlon. OLD BOOTS AXD SI10KS ' Made as good as now alinoit SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather! Upper Leather! Harness Leather 1 Imported Calfskins, American Calf Skinfl, Morocco and Kid Skins, 'le Findings, "KIT" OP ALk KINDS!! hoese" COLLAES! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! l" by M.11 receive specl.l and -J!lnOL BOUBHT. a B- CLAWBoy, Suf.u THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME W hen furnished wilh a magnifijcnt ggTy-v- AKlON.STElSWAYORCHICKERlSa JS3 I'MIITI Or a Handsome and Brilliant MASON & HAMLIN Cabinet Organ and a durable, eay running and matcble-s Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine. Sole Ageuts, CALDER & CARELESS, 37 AST TEMPLE STREET, Where you will find an immense stock of Musical Instruments, and Musical Merchandise of every description; alio an endless variety of Sunday School Cards, Books, Stationery, Ac., janl5 Sewing4 Machine. rcspoctfully invite tht Public to oall and soo our oxoclloDt varloty o Sewing Machines, IN Plaiii.Beautiful aud Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED W1TU TUB IF -A. 3NT T O 3ST G J STORS. The Total, Sala of the SINGER MACHINE are rum THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEA 11, 1. & S., o An ovidonoe that it in Ttut winninK supraino favor In tho housohold, The Singer Company sold over tho othor Oompanios, 52,734. la?" Tbo Chicago Relief Coramittce furnished sufierors by the Pire to March is, 1872, 8,944; 3,151 Siiifcer Machines, all othor makes, 793. Applicants made their selection, with same discount on all. OUK SALES IN UTAH EXCEED ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE. SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. Wc court oouily invito tho Ladies to aeo our Hm broidery Attaotimont, It attracts general attention and admiration. Wo also dofiire you to nee our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-8ASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, BUITAILE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWINO MACHINES. WE GUARANTEE EVERT MACHINE WE SELL TO OJVE ENTIRE SATISFA0 tion. as eachono is tborougbly adjustod, tried nod tostod by erporieaood Moohanios and all are warranted to sow with ease all kinds of goods, from tho ooarsost to tho finost, Lace, Muslin, Cauibric, Domestic, DeniiuB, Tickings. Ducking, Beaver, Buckskin and Leather. !& Instruction given free of ohargo by oompotont attendants, and tormj of sale to Buit all oircumstanocs. OTHER SEWINC MACHINES REPAIRED ON REA-8QNABLE REA-8QNABLE TERMS. We estend a oordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not. IT TUB SINGER SBW0G MICIME DEPARTMENT G M. I. C-eneral Agents Two doors south of Eagle Emporium. Saw Laki Crm UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ME TABLE. DNT1L further notico, Trains will leave and arrive at Ogden Daily, as follows : LEAY. I ArRITH. Daily Epregs, 8-30 a.m. Daily Eip's,5-10 p.m. Mixed. - 6-30 p.m. Mixed. - 2-35 p.m. freight. - 10-3S a,m. I Freight, - 6-10 a.m Daily connections made at Ofrden with Utah Central Pacific Koad from Salt Lake city and all poinLa in Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Cheyenne with Denvei Pacific Railroad lor Denver, Control city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and New Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North Western, Chicago, Kock Island and Pacilic, Burlington and Missouri Biver, Kansas city. St. Joe and Council Blufla Railroads and Missouri River Line of Steamers for all points East and South Tickets for sale to al points East at office of Wells, Fargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the office of Utah Con-tral Con-tral Railroad, in Salt Talie eity; also at Union Pacific Railroad ticket office in Ogden, at which office berths on sleop-ng sleop-ng care can be secured. Arrangements haye been made whore-by whore-by passengers desiring to visit Denver : on their way East can avail themselves ; of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to 1 Denver, and return at greatly reduced 1 rates. Por particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should be careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern points via OilAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping car, comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. THOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket AgenL T. E. Sick. els, Chf. Engineer and Superintendent. Herald Bindery l.Pur'. EPARED 10 AJbujoi, Old Booki,Mc, .to. Mod Bind I CHICAGO BOCK ISLAND, AND Pacific Railroad. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE NOW OVEN DIRECT TC CMcago and the East. VIA DE8 MOINES, DAVENPORT, AND ROCK ISLAND, Connecting at Dee Moines with Des Moines Valley R,R, i"0R KEOKUK AXD ST. LOUIS. At Davenport wilh Boats for all points on the Upper Mississippi, At La Eallo with the ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. NORTH A.ND SOUTH. Andat Chicago with :,lliho f lines East and iulh TWO J.-A.ST EXPRESS TKAIiS'S Leave Cvun.il Blo. Daily. miSS MI CI CEICA&O THE. Thi- joad boini- tbroushly e-iuif.pcd with ELEGANT NEW COACHES AND SLEEPING CARS, .IMIavJr;, rt, .Jras.m, of a ,m.!h. w.H-' w.H-' i. .1 k , i. ... - tu tOL Ira . .Jir,; oubhc ac i.a :..Tn line ui....-iU;iU, d :cr UC SJ'ELD. C'.'MFUKT, AND GAIETY. -r.,T,:A Ti-Vc via ,M. Line t all Kv-T- L.'.i--nr. ' 1..T1 a: i.e. - aa,-. T.. i,., ?,;," "" V-S. l i The iiA... I'iK rtlFV'KHn Tftr.r.i T0 , . . i-l.l.'.Lil-Ai. EA.cIEl:. I'c.LSIi A,.u i.ca : - it.:.. Ueccral ,4....r,t. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, KOR WHOLKSALK TllADK, H eaver &. Tayior, Ml Market Street, San yranoiseo, CJ. aU ' E. A.FARCO&CO., IintKirtori and Jobtr ef Braiiiies, Wines and Liprs, 16 Front St., cor. Commercial, p. a. kyi. i'-JS SAN FUANCISCO a. saaiaa. J lora. j. baum & CO., Jiujtorten and Munulttcturtiri of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 'US k liW lumoiut St., 8u Krauvlauo. No IB Warren SL. New York. ft) HK0HT, BRO'S & Co. BOOTSaSHOKSfc I.KATUKU X (M Jt 100 Suwoom St., San ITrimclico And U Jt li! 1'oari St,, Uoslon. OUCKIAtltASr at HECtlT, Unmifttcinrvn of the "CITRA DUAL in" CALIfOIKIA tOOTS ADD SHOE!. oil A. J. GRIFFITH, leiw In M Uaia 8ALMCN AND HERRINGS, 111 WftiiLlktRiOB Strttt. Ml klr.ttn of Drif-l, rtnir.kr.1 ., l"lrfcl(l n.h oomUulIyon hknd, J4 PARKER, WATTSON Sl CO.' (Sucoetmorii to tVoil Ji I'O.J lmpurtere tud tUni.urut m er of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front St., oor. Sacramento, a5 SAM FUAMClfSCO, CAL. m. cntBLovim. walt a uooi, ti. s. iiuitr. , M. OHIHLOVIOH CO., import (vii wnl wbulcoulo doulura ia riRIC WINKS Sl LIQ.UORS, ku iuiiii oa JESSE, MOORt Sl CO S FINfc 010 BOURBON AND RYE WWSKItS, maaai r a o m louistilli, it, 601 Front St.. HAN FRANCISQU. api KBUbllahedin 1851. C. VENARD, Manufaoturer of ths Original Chartrcs Coll'eo, And all kinds of Spices and Ctdifomia Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Street, botwoon Jnokaon and PooiQo. SAN Jf'UAiN UliiOO. a5 ESTADLIS11ED isa). Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 and 216 f'Vmi Street, San Franciseo. o20 GI1AND HOTEL On Market. New Montgomery and Btwoiid titroeu, aw FKAJiroxaoo, cja t. , ft JOHNSON & Co., PaoPBiETOaa. E. EVlARTifd & CO. i ' Wholesale Lipr Dealers, OB rroKt Street, Framelaeo. I Proprietors of ULLL.JCH'9 X Tit A OL.D BOUJEIBOJI And sole agents for . h. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a fall assortment of all the ard Brand! or Whliklti, Fore Iff m aid DomutU Win a, mb Bltte re, Cordials, Ae L. A. Bandenon, T. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN .Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AA'D TOBACCO. j (Proprietor! Of La Bipanola Olgar Fac Ury ,) I Sole manulacturera of Via celebrc.tc i'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR ! 413 Front (Street, Between Waihlngton and Clay, SAN FRANCISCO. ap MURPHY.GRANT&CO. Importora of American and European Slajile and Fanc DEY GOODS, AN JETXtAIVCIWCIO, CAIIFOUniA, Oall the attention of the Trade t iheii large and oomiilote stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS; Which they are now rocoiWn direct from JSuropoan Manufacturers, oomprinina in part French Plarlaoa. Wool Satlnea, Wool Plaid., IroncWaiidaennan, Irla'h and French Poplins. BniirBs Cloths, Tamlss, black sod oolored, Vslvsteens, Alpacas, black end colored. Oil V O llr-l if r- ia, TELrtis, RIBBONS. ALSO C3- Xj O "V E S , Kid.Baok, Berlin CLadiee". Mines', aenuO Gents' Underwear And all kinds of 6ent8' Furnishing Goods, HI'.,,lrr'corr,r1''t to 11 't lrDcbee White Ooodi, Handktrchlifi, Shirting L.lnna, Q,ullta, wl,lte and colorwi,' Damaaks, brown l'm and bl 'ached. Towels, Hrjrk, Diaj-r, Tnrkj.h; napkins anrl Moyllaa. Kte., JCl., SPRUANCE, STANLEY Importers and Dealerj in Fine Old Bourbon mil RYE WHISKIES, Brandies, Gins, Wines, etc., 410 FRONT STREET, " BA.V IRAXCISC0. MACONDRAY & CO., Importers of HII-A & JJP! TEAS, SHIPPIMC COMMISSION MERCHANTS W d 200 SAXSOME ETIIELT SA.1 tKA.N'C'lSCO. da TRAVEL, REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. Ul'IOX LINK BETWEEN New York, Qiiet'iistowii, una Liverpool. Cturius I ho L'uitoJ Stulos MaiU MINN KSOTA. ''i" N KHIt ASIvA M N11A I I'A.NV- l Wiu.Ml.NU. WISCONSIN, LcSEiEffia SAlU.NOKltnM NKH'YOilK KVURYB CA1UN Pll.shko irom Now Yt.rk jso fitVt Buld. Slutorouius on llio buuio deck.ua L S LKiatAdK: fsi from Now York; tWfrom Liverpimlur Qiioonstown, puyuble in ciirrrncy I'liaMifio troni or in Uuriiiunv, Kiunoo, iior WAV, SLHlin, oU'., ill l.i'Hf.sl Itutett. Itt'iiiiiiuiif.vs to (irtul ltriuiu, lielandand the Continent. .W-i.ly.lo WILLIAMS A C UinL1i fl. ,.a. w.iv; or 11 S. liLUllr.lHU:. .Ul Suit UaknCity, THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY In Iho VIONEKli KOUTK botwoon OMAUA and ClllCAUO. complalod ftmr oh rti ki), oinct) which tium the Cotnimny Imvo spnroil uuithor pttinanor axpniiiio in porftuitiiiR iu rnd buel anil track, and equipping it with rolling tiH'k.uf tho most nmdorn iuiprovomonu; this, tojrotlior with tlin fuel u( its boinr tho Shortest Line, mlors to tho Travel- ' iiiR l'u Mien r.mlit iiiimirpRsaod in this Qounlry fur Fpi-il, ounfurL safety and Him GtllHlLHliliNH. 1 JPAKTIOULAK CAUTION ihould be Uil; en by pusM-nnrH in soloctinjr , thoir rmitc, nini nut lm dennivoil by fuloa (nlvnrLinmut.'iiLs uud rcproKentiLtiiniB l)y ilitentfd ptirtioe o uuinpetitiK lilies in I't'jti'd to time, diritiinoiis, r it ton, otc This pnpu Itir route requires no Ua stiitouionlH, relying on iut true merits, it nueda only be known by tho travel-UK travel-UK lniblio to bo approuitited. TIM lL: Shu Francisco to Omuha, four day id seven hours. Via Chictifro and North Woate.-i .vtiilwny, Omaha to Chicago, twonly-hreo twonly-hreo hours. Omaha tc Now York, sixty boura. Omaha to liutton, sixty-four hours. Culluiui" "laB, Hotel, aud 8li(j. lug Cars Aro run on all throiiRh traini froin Omaha to Chicago. Uow to Secure Slooping Borths Bo-foro Bo-foro Koftching Omahn: Vassensere dosirous of securing Sloop-ing Sloop-ing liortba, Sections or Slate Knoina in Iho Slooping Car from Omaha Kast, can do so by telegraphing from any of tho (stations ou the Union Pauillo itailroAil, to V. A. Carpontor. General A gout, (J & N. W. liailway, Omaha, stating what thoy want. This is all tlioy nood to do until thoy roach the C. & N. W. Kail-way Kail-way Depot on tho oast sido of tho Missouri Mis-souri Itivor, then go to tho Slooping (Jar Conductor, give him their naiaos, as nor telegram, and thoy will And that ho has their borlhs resorvod for thorn. Passengers going East will consult their own intorosl by securing Through Tickots via CUIAGO & NOKTlI "WESTEKN KAIL WAY, which can be procured at all principal ticket offices in California and tho Wost, and at railroad offices to San 1'ranciaco, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Omaha and Council JBlulls. JNO. C. GAULT, General Sup'l Chicago. H. P. 8TAN WOOD, General Ticket Agent, Chicagd. GILMER S SALISBURY'S Fiar DAILY STAGE LINES TIlllUVOH Utah, South - east Ievala c Montana. Mon-tana. Leaving Halt Lk CUyDall, vanning van-ning Houlh to Tintio, AmonoaD Fork, Mount Nobo, Sovicr, St. Gcorco, Utah ; and riocho, Nevada ; Passing through Vrovo, Springville, Spanish Fork,Pay son, Salt Creek, Chiokon Crcok, Roand Valley, Fiilmoro.Com Crock, Bca7cr, Mincnj-villo, Mincnj-villo, and All the principal town and mining camps in touthcrn Utah and iouth-tatt Nevada. Also leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Bentn, Deer Lodfo, Cedar Creek mines, and paBtiing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana, Mon-tana, PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Firgo & Co. Building ion SaltLak. Citi Lo Win. h. P. Ktmballi SAlT lake, Ami Tintic Stage and Express KCHMiao dai: t raoH SAX.1 l-AKE CITr, via LAKJC TOW. tuuele city, btocktom AMD OFHiK TO TIMTIO. The ronte haj beon reitocKed witO iPlen-did iPlen-did Cor.crd Coaeaoa, Udo .-Stook. faiefnl and attentive Driven, and oven ft i tent ion ii r'd o tho c&iufor: ani convenience of pa' ert. Good accommodailoTu on. the road. TrLRObGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Dfliti at Walls, Fargo Co.', gaJt Lake Cltj, WINKS k KIMBALL, kpll rnprleW |