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Show Was for Years Medical Superintendent Superin-tendent at State Mental Hospital. HOMESEEKERS ARE LOST ON THE RESERVATION Monuments Are Gone, and Surveyors Sur-veyors Are Working the Big Graft. Special to Tho Tribune. PROVO. Aug. 21. Dr. M. H. Hardy died last night at about 11 o'clock nt the family fam-ily rsIdcnco In tho Fourth ward, of heart failure. - Dr. Hardy was born In Groveland. Mass., September 2S. ISM. Ha came to Utah with his parents In 152 and shortly after entered tho University of Utah as a student. In 1S71 he acted as principal of tho university during the absence of Dr. Park. In 1S73-T5 ho did missionary labor la-bor In Europe and on returning homo, In 1S75. identified himself .with the Brlgham Young academy. Ilo graduated In medicine medi-cine from tho University of Now York In Appointed to Asylum. In 1S36 he was appointed to the position of medical superintendent of tho Stato insane asylum, which name was afterward after-ward changed, through Dr. Hardy's efforts, to "Stato mental hospital." Ho served In lhat capacity until about two months ago. For a great many years Dr. Hardy has been prominent In educational educa-tional circles. v He loaves a wife and five children, the youngest child being S years old. Funeral services will be held on Sunday. The placo and hour will be announced later. Dies From His Injuries. Thomns Clotworthy. the man who was Injured at Tucker on Tuesday last, died at tho hospital here last evening. The remains were shipped to Hebcr City today to-day for Interment. Not n. Horso Thief. Wilson, the man who was nccuscd of appropriating a horso and buggy from Chapman's stable In American Fork and for whom the Sheriff hns been hunting, returned with the rig last evening. Explanations Ex-planations were made and no arrest. Homeseokers All at Sea. A Mr. Jackson of Colton, Just returned from tho reservation, reports that the people out thcro are all at sen. They cannot find any cornerstones, and It Is impossible to locate without the assistance assist-ance of a surveyor. All locators arc nt the mercy of a few men, who demand money for tho location of a cornerstone. The Government has paid for these stones onoo. but tho Individual must pay for It a second lime. Cupid Is at "Work. D. A. Gull and Annie Uallam have taken out a license to wed. Mr. and Mrs. James Sumner announce tho marriage In September of their daughter Elizabeth to J. II. Steele of Rlgby, Ida. Talking About Bonds. Hamilton R. Johnstone, representing N. W. Harris A Co.. bankers. Chicago. Is In Provo today to consult the Mnyor onil members of the Finance commltteo of the City Council In rolatlon to the $91,000 bond Issue. Democratic Candidates. Different men are being brought forward" ns probable candidates for municipal offices In tho fall elections. William M. Koylance. tho present Mayor. Is talked of for a renomlna-tlon renomlna-tlon on the Democratic ticket. E. S. Hinckley has a hot of friends who think ho Is the proper man. W. K. Henry, the present Marshal, Mar-shal, nnd his two policemen are' all mentioned In connection with tho Marshal's office, but iu to their Individual chances for the nomination nomina-tion there seems lo bo n difference of opinion, and It Is said that Tom Williams will como ' up with a following that will put all other candidates for tho Democratic nomination on their mettle. Smoot the Hoodoo. On tho Republican side, v. K. JJnyeett nnd John H. McEwan are urged ns the only logical logi-cal candidates. It Is said, however, that theso men cannot get the support of the Smoot forces because of their Independent stnnd In politics. If Smoot and his machine name the candidates these men won't stand much of n show, but the people of l'rovo have wit down pretty bard on Smootlsm In the past, and the Indications are that they won't stand for It In tho future. |