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Show Mining- Notes. 1j. 11. Gray of tho Dlue Jay Extension. Beavor county, has returned, from tlio company's com-pany's properties much pleased with Ihelr behavior. be-havior. Manager Joseph has returned from tho cop-per-o?rirlnK mines of the Carls, company In Tlnttc, and promise a record next month when connection for air will havo bin mude with the Victor Con. Connection between the Utah Copper company's com-pany's mines and those of tho Ohio Copper company of Bingham Is scheduled for today. W. J. Lawrence, manager of the Scottish Chief. Park City. ha relumed from Its properties prop-erties and says tho main contact will havo been reached In short time. Alex Colbath has returned after a pllgrlni-ntfO pllgrlni-ntfO through B.ltc Cottonwood and American Kork canyons. Ho reiwrls Increased .ncllvlty In each, and nays twenty-live teams are moving mov-ing oro froai the Wyonllng. Machine drills are gnawing their way to the back vein by which the Fortuna of BlnRham Is traversed, and Important disclosures are promised when connection Is made at a depth of 1100 foet. The last of tho material for the furnace with which the Lost Packer of Loon Creek. Ida.. Is being equipped Is now being pent Into camp. Newton Dunyon, the new superintendent of tho Llttlo Bell of Park City, left tor camp yesterday morning 10 Inaugurate his labors. Late advices from Goodnprlngs Indicate Important Im-portant decelopments at the Chlqulta, controlled con-trolled in this city. Particulars are awaited with much eagorneso. Developments have been resumed at the Silver Sil-ver Dipper. Aim. wllh the tunnel now driving on twelve inches of high-grade ore. Manager Thomas Weir of the Ajax nad Laclede La-clede mine, Tlntlc, Is scheduled to return from Alaska next week. What Is a radical departure In railroading and an experiment .which will glvo tho people of Tonopah and Golddeld hourly transportation transporta-tion scrvlco between the two big camp, has been arranged for by the Tonopah railroad suys a dlapntch to the Reno Journal. ' |