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Show THIEVES ARE THOUGHTFUL Use the Postofflca to Return Rifled Purses and Papers. Some people havo a theory that tho publication publica-tion of crime has a tendency lo incrcaso rlme. It may bo that It has. but It may bo that two people have exactly tho came Inspiration no to the method of covering up their sin without ever having read about It. Two weeks or moro aco a purse conlalnlnR rnllroad tickets, but without any money In it. was deposited in the letter box nt tho post-office. post-office. The purwc had been carefully rifled of pny money, if any 11 contalntwl, but In II were rtund drafta for 1 and two railroad tickets. The strange, part of it ls that the purse has never been called for, t.lthoiiKh H was known that the owner went from Salt Lnlco City lo Yollowstono park. Yesterday another purse was found. In the postofflce. This also contained not a cent of money, but a railroad ticket and a Pullman ticket, tho former j:ood to Pueblo, tho latter to Grand Junction. Tho ticket bears the namo of J. T. Maloy, and tho supposition ls that , his homo Is In Pueblo. Tho owner of tho purao was on his way home from Portland, nrf" shown by tho ticket, but how his purso found Its way Into the jwstofflce Is a mystery. |