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Show YELLOW JACK II II BOTH COHTBOL Situation Materially Improves in New Orleans; Money for the Campaign. . . NEW ORLfiAN. Aug-. Jl. Up to 0 p. ni.: New cUii, -H: total to date. lCOO." ' fj Death. 7; total. 224. New foci, 10: total. StiO. Remaining under treatment, 287. With the fever here cornlur steadily under control and apprehension no longer felt of a dangerous epidemic, tho Fdernl authorities aro anxious to put rostrlctlons against free intercourse between New Orleans nnd Infected communlUes in Louisiana nnd elsewhere. Tho necessity for somo sucfi action arises especially espe-cially 'from the conduct of tho Italians and other foreign races. Many of thorn Hod from New Orleans to tho surrounding parishes when the fever first grew violent ho. They established es-tablished nests of infection at various points. Since then- many of them have been drifting back to New Orleans, settling In new neighborhoods neigh-borhoods and Increasing the foci here. Today's report continued to be encouraging. The death list was romcwhnt, larger than tho day before but It did not reach the maximum set cnrller In tho month. Prof. R"brt Boyce of lhf Liverpool school , "f troplo.il rie-'lli Ini' rcjirh. 1 Ihto ti.luy. Pr.if. !.! -o x !( in in iiiok' .i c-nrful Mudy f,t th cauii'AiRti uealnt the fvvor ami to inako a rv-poj-t of hl otvr atlnnn to ills scluxil. Surgeon Von Kzdorf ryo! ted to Dr. Whitr-today. Whitr-today. Surgeon Radorf ha ben Identified nlth the nanltitry work on the Isthmus, where yellow fever has ben prevailing for 'some time, and brcnuitc of hit knowledge of the disease dis-ease there wm ordered to Now torlwms by the department. Another case of feer at Terre Aus Boeuf, the. iwciah staL of St.. Bernard. w reported today. brlnliJg the, total' to 11 there. '7 .' . ?300,000 for Fever Plffht. " ' The cltlzer.n' roinm!t(r hen ben called to meet on Monday. wh?n the whole fever situation situa-tion will be (llsui'td nnd a full report rgade of the work of financing the flsht. Chairman Chair-man Janvier Is continuing to take subscriptions subscrip-tions to the general fund, arvl thre is a dally flow or cash and clKckn Into hut office. The committee haa fixed I3W.0O0 as the total fund, and tho probability is that It Will all he subscribed. sub-scribed. All the money that Dr. White can use Is at his disposal. |