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Show ALFONSO CAUSES SENSATION X Disappears Mysteriously; Turns Up on nn Automobile Jaunt. MADRID. Aug 21. There was consternation In court and Ministerial circles this weok cwlng to the sudden disappearance of tho King from Han Sebastian. Ills Mnjasty started start-ed nn his motor car without earning, and In a short tlmo all trnco of him had buen loM Public telephones wore i-ot ringing. Pampo-h Pampo-h na HVnchiy.i and other places being called up In turn, all declared they had seen nothing noth-ing of tho King. While Snn Solmstlan telephoned tho Governor Gover-nor of Navarro, the young King- was speeding across the Pyrenees via Jaca, mid on to Pan, whero lu vlsltwl the castlo of llonry IV. Finally doubts wore sol at rest by positive Information that tho Kim; was at Tarhus, and ufterwnrd that hu had motored to Lourdos, whero he visited the famous grotto. King- Not Recognized. Nobody took much nollco of tho tall young man. who, dressod In a bluo motoiln; cnslgmu and cap, stood In nn altitude of diiop devotion before tho grotto, ovor which the crutches of tho miraculously cured nro arranged In a panoply, and where by day and night wux cindlcB aro kept burning. As the King took his placo In tho long line of pilgrims waiting for their cup of water from tho spring, a whisper whis-per finally went round xhnt tho devout young pilgrim wus his Catholic Mujesty. Tho King r.turnpd tq Pai? nt 2 o'clock In the afternoon, affurwurd setting out for San Sebastian, Se-bastian, which he reached early In the "even- |