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Show THE WESTERN PACIFIC. There need be no uneasiness In the public mind concerning the Western Pacific. Tho fact that the contracts for Its construction havo not yet been let, is not Important: tho announcement that they had been let was only premature, prema-ture, that Is all. President Jeffery's statement that the bids are being tabulated, tab-ulated, and that no contracts can be let until this tabulation Is complete, Is of course true. He says that It will take several days yet before the company will be In a uosltlon to announce the letting of contracts. That Is all right, and precisely what would- necessarily be the case. Any disappointment at the delay will not be warranted by the facts. The truth Is, that the building of this road Is absolutely abso-lutely assured; It has been assured for months past. It Is also true that the plan Is to make the building of this road a record for speed and thoroughness. thorough-ness. It Is slated, and there Is no reason rea-son to doubt It, that this road will be finished within two years from the date of the letting of the main contract. If there Is any delay it will be In the difficult dif-ficult places In Beckwlth Pass. So far as the track between this city and Beckwlth is concerned, there will-be no difficulty In carrying out the plan as announced; even though there should be some tunnels 'to make In tho Humboldt Hum-boldt mountnlns, these will not be so long as to make anw serious delay In consructlon; for with modern appliances appli-ances a tunnel can be made with a speed and certainty undreamed of a few years ago. The Western Pacific is all right; it Is a sure go. And The Tribune congratulates congrat-ulates the city and the whole western country on this undoubted fact. |