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Show jtfOT GIVEN BY WRIGHT. Head of Pirm Tells About Donation to-Choir. to-Choir. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN. Aug. 21. The statement recently re-cently made by Fred J. Klesel lhat Wright A Sons of this city had donated the sum of $250 to help defray the expanses ex-panses of the Ogden choir al Portland. Is denied by A. L,. Wright, the preaent head of tho firm. Wright A Sons donatotl G0. Tho difference between these two sums was the balance left over from the Roosevelt Roose-velt entertainment fund of 1900. Wright & Sons do nol wish to claim credit for donating a larger sum than thfy really gave. The contributors to the Roosevelt fund aro unwilling for this balance to be diverted, and an accounting will likely bo called for from the committee. |