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Show LAND PRONOUNCED GOOD Opinion of One Who Has Spent Years on "Uintah Reservation. So many opinions hnvo ben expressed r-cardlnfi r-cardlnfi tho vnlun of the lauds. Just thrown oiwrii to location that what n. Hurton saxs about It Is worth repeating. He has Just returned re-turned from tho minora! section and has spent moro or loss time on vnrlous pnrts of the I In-tnh In-tnh reservation wcr sinco 1S7C. and Is nul:c familiar with It. ... ,u r Ha asserts that nfr taking out tho farms that wore drawn at Provo thero will still bo many small ranches alone tho foothills foot-hills lhat will be worth locating, and upon which water can easily be brouftht from small creeks and streams which exist In 'ntl"' place. Besides these, there are other localities locali-ties where good cattle ranches can bo located. lo is of tho opinion that there Is fpilte a wrong impression nbout tho scarcity of water down there and fays. If properly conserved, there will bo enough for everylwdy Mr. Burton thinks that thero will bo not to exceed 2MO pcronn of those wno drew uckj numbers who will nio on the lands, leaving : a large number to others who may want to set-' set-' Ue there Ho pronounces iho land quite up to the average. |