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Show CONTEMPT CASES POSTPONED. Absence of Judgo Howell Will Delay Water Case. Special to The Tribune. OGDKN. Aug. 21. While It was ordered by Jiidire Armstrong that the dcfcndniitn In the liTlKiitlon contempt cones should appear before JihIk-' I low oil tomorrow. It will In- Inipoyullilf. for them, to comjilv with the order of ihe court. This for the reason that Judse Howell will not return from the East tomorrow, as expected, dnd will not arrive bore until Tuesday, Tues-day, the ; 29th. This Is the day on which the niinual Iidks convention opens, nnd as Judge Howell Is exslted ruler of local lodge No 719 !,i".n.turn 18 not P:lcd to be later than that day. |