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Show DELINQUENT NOTICE. Trout Creek Mining company. Principal Princi-pal place of business, Salt Lake City. Utah Notice. There aro delinquent upon tho followed described stock, on account of assessment Ko. 1 of one-quarter (V4) cent per share, levied July 10. 1905. tho several amounts sot opposite tho names of tho respective shareholders, a follows: fol-lows: No. Ko. of Cert Shares. Am't 20 Cursetjeo Coovejeo Mody -- 2o S .034 21 Cursetjeo Coovejeo Mody 23 -OCM, 22 Cursetjeo Coovejeo Mody 23 Cursetjeo Coovejeo Mody wOCVi 20 Cursetjeo Coovejeo Mody 100 .20 27 Cursetjeo Coovejeo Mody 100 .25 2S-CurseUco Coovejoo Modv 100 .25 29 Cursetjeo Coovejeo Mody 100 19-R. C. Reover 63,000 162.50 30- R. C. Reevor 9.600 23,75 And In accordance with law and an order of tho board of directors, made on tho 10th day of July. 1903. so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be neces-r-ary will be sold at the secretary's office, Ko. 133 South West Temple street. Silt Jako City. Utah, on Monday, tho 2Stn day of August. 1905. at 12 o'clock noon, to pay the delinquent assessment, together to-gether with the cost of advertising and expenses of sale. H. F. ROBINSON. Secretary. No 133 South West Temple street, Silt Lake City. Utah. 10H |