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Show AWAITING DEVELOPMENTS. ' No Further Move by Roosevelt in the jH Ponce Negotiations. OYSTER BAY, Auy. Sl.-I'reldent rtooscveltjlfc ll Is iiwnitln? developments In the pending ne- 1 KOlIatlons for pence. Dryond his direct op- H peal to Emperor Nlcholat of Kusslp. ho Iom . 1 not feel that h can ko further at this time. IH There aro reasons for the Mutemantc thai, - H tho President hnn made tornu reprentntIon i IH to tho Tokio Government, but whether they IH were made direct to the Japanese Kmperar I? ' .' JH not Icnown. No confirmation of the report, however, is ohtnlr.able here H Acting Secretary Unrnea t-ald today that Bra 1 H bassador Meyer's report of his audience with IH ICmpcror Nlcholan, cnbled yesterday from St. IH Pctcrsbunr, had not been received. IH Aexlritant Secretary of Stnto Pclrce at Porta- H mouth. Ih Kceplm; the President ndvled. coil- IH stanlly of tho dcvclopmentii of the conference,. ' IH An Impression Is likely to be created iH by some recent reports of the Precldom's H activity In the pcaco proceedings thnt he j ll Is exerting tho ioworful influence: ' ho , JH wields to force the envoys into some sort iH of an agreement. No such Impression, is j'l warranted by the efforts he has .made. Il From the Inclplency of the negotiations, '1 the President has been actuated by mo- 1 jH friendship for. bota jH f. ..beHlgroronta jmd by-.u deslro to do l tl.'at in 'hlm'llcfe to ' ternilnhte' a con-i con-i llict so sanguinary thai It has shocked the i entire civilized world. In the Identical 1 note which he directed to tin St. Pcters- I owe and Toklo Governments ho expressed ' - the hope that their representatives might , ccmo together and settle their differences thi-mselvca. Since the envoys asaomhl.d '' n America. In fin effort to carrv nut thn ' President's suggestion, ho has fo'llowed in .Nplrlc and In principle the Ideas he enunciated enun-ciated in his Identical note. .Impressed by the bellof that nn agreo-; agreo-; irjent cai be reached by the envoys, nf- ; ' ter full discussion and thorough consld- i ' oration of all phases of tho question at issue. President RooseveU finally hns appealed ap-pealed for pence to the St." Petersburg j ' and Toklo Governments, communicating his appeals simultaneously to tho envoys themselves. Such suggestions as ho has offered and such preparations (in ha has rondo, worn.- for the consideration of the plenipotentiaries and wero presented with a view to facilitating their labors. It is Known that both tho Russian and Japan-ese Japan-ese Governments appreciate the disinterested disinter-ested friendship of the President, and that both have expressed that appreciation apprecia-tion of his efforts to insure "a lasting and honorable peace." |