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Show Netherlands Edugationnl Society So-ciety ?i!akos Bad Start' So-vard So-vard Patriotism. AfCR ONR THOUSAND ' . HOLLANDERS IN WEBER Apparently a Scheme Is on '' Foit to Use This . Vole. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN. Aug. 21. The Netherlnndu Educational Educa-tional society of Ogtlen was orgunliod In tho Fourth ecclesiastical ward last nlfiht. nearly iOO of the Doutsch being present. There are about 1000 Netherlander In this city nnd probably prob-ably as many more In the county. The purpoites of the society are to pursue 1 Jur-utlon.il l.lt-a.- nn'l jilirtlriilarlv those af-. af-. ft tlnir th' quullfli-Atlons ,f Itlzenshlp. The first oMh.ts niv a follow W. J. Do Dry. pnealtlent : E. Neuteboom. n-cretory end treasurer: treas-urer: J. W. F. Volker. (i. J. K. Abels. II. D. Denkcrs. J. Sander. J. den Hartog, A. G. Neutebuoni. W. Uouwhuls, executive or advisory ad-visory committee. Education in Politics. A constitution nd by-laws were adopted and It waa set out that one of the purposes of the organisation Is to educate the Hollanders In rolHlcs. v - The fact tfint political education Is the prime rurpose. Itself commendable enough, coupled with tho fact thnt the organisation was effected ef-fected tn n lloimon meeting-hoiso. Is regarded re-garded a another move to cement and oon-fotldate oon-fotldate Mormon vote. The Netherlander, consolidated Into nn organisation and learning their olltlral religion from the seme sourro from which they obtain their spiritual Instruc-t'on. Instruc-t'on. would. It Is considered, be a unit In the matter of an flection. An Ominous Sign4. At last evening's meeting Republicans, Democrats Dem-ocrats and Socialists combined. Thin would be nsturjal, but the reference to political education edu-cation waa regarded as ominous of pollttoo-rellztous pollttoo-rellztous Intentions.1 |