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Show THE UGLY WATER PLOT. By calling up tho Ineffectiveness of the attempts In tho past to add sufficiently suffi-ciently to the wator supply of this city, so that there would bo ample for the needs of fifteen or twenty thousand more people than were here at tho time tho attempt wns made, the newly-won convert to the eccleslo-polltlcal machine ma-chine no doubt Intends quietly to warn the people ngalnst depending too much on the crude and doubtful scheme which Is now on the tapis. That Is Its natural turn of mind, nnd until recently recent-ly that would, have been Its outspoken caution. But since Its alliance with the plotters ugalnst the welfare of tho people, peo-ple, It has to disguise Its real sentiments; senti-ments; cover them up with gush lest Its new mnsters may suspect Its Veal belief and purpose. The main questions Involved In this proposed water addition are yet unsettled; unset-tled; oven the court order to Commissioner Commis-sioner J. Fewson Smith Is Ignored, though City Attorney Dey pointedly drew attention to Its Importance, and urged a protest against It on behalf of tho city. Tho whole subject of the power and rights" of the city In tho premises Is yet to be determined. And yet, the feverish Impatience of the. city officials prompts them to push on, regardless re-gardless of consequences. In the meantime, the destruction of , the lawns Is being forced, under pretense pre-tense that It is a question between the salvation of the lawns and the sprinkling sprink-ling of the streets; and yet tho streets an not sprinkled, though there Is an abundance of water running to waste In tho ditches to sprinkle them, and leave the lawns the water that would save them. This is a wanton destruction, a detestable programme, for which there Is no excuse save that It, is carried out In pursuance of an eccleslo-polltlcal and personal plot which Is designed to perpetuate the Smith control of this municipality. And there Is no move to relieve the present alleged scarcity of water (the scarcity being because of the refusal of the administration to prevent wanton wan-ton waste by the privileged class and to use the water which Is available) by turning In the ample How from the artesian ar-tesian wells, which Is sufficient to supply sup-ply fully all the alleged shortage. .These being Indisputable facts, what sense is there In claiming anything for the present administration save a stubborn stub-born imbecility determined totcarry out a secret scheme? |