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Show DIED FROM EBY3IPELAS. Sinramoth Minor Leaves Family of Six Children. 1 Special lo Tho Tribune. MAMMOTH. Aug. 2l.-WIIl!am E. Elton," agod 42 years, died at his homo in this place today from erysipelas nnd blood poisoning, air. Elton was. until a few weeks ago, employed ns bookkeeper at J. T. Donohuo & Co.'s store. He was not In the best of health, and secured se-cured a short lay-off In order that ho might dovoto his llmo to n lease upon the old Shoebrldge mill dump, which he owned In pnrlnershlp with Mlko Roc. While nt work on this leaso he was taken 111 with erysipelas. The deceased has held tho office of postmaster at Mammoth for the past three years, and was one of tho most prominent residents of tho camp. Ho leaves a wife and six children, tho youngest being but eight months old. The deceased was a natlvo of New York Slate. Tho date of tho funeral has not yet been announced. |