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Show UNEXPECTED BREAK 1 11 WHEAT PIES Reports of Large Quantities of Cereal From Argentine Cause Decline. CHICAGO, Aug. 21. Estimates forecasting fore-casting tho shipment of Immense quantities quan-tities of the cereal from Argentlno precipitated pre-cipitated a sharp break In wheat prices here today. September closed viGldc down. Scplember corn Is up &c. Onts are llrVic higher. Provisions advanced 2te to VAfi. Wheat opened easy, with seemingly nothing in tho news to Justify the sentiment senti-ment except a modification of the previous pre-vious bullish undertone In Northwestern markets. On the contrary, there wero elements of strength In tho situation which began almost Immediately to havo effect. There was an apparent reluctance on the part of farmers to accept prevailing prevail-ing prices, as evidenced by smnll receipts. re-ceipts. September, which wna freely offered of-fered at tho outset by leading pit traders at S0 to S'Hic to J,4c under the previous pre-vious close found ready purchasers In local shorts, who wero becoming uneasy over the outlook. Weakness waa succeeded suc-ceeded almost Immediately by strength and buying orders from outside began to come In. - September quickly made up tho Initial loss and continued to advance until un-til It reached SU4c. At this point reports of Argentine shipments aggregating 3,-000,000 3,-000,000 bushels, against half that quantity a year ago. caused a revision of feeling and a quick reaction In prlcea. The market mar-ket soon became oversold. September broke to SOc and closed weak at JsOtfTSOc. Corn was firm. September started with a gain of c. at 53'jC, advanced under, the forco of active covering by shorts to Sl'tc The prices suffered to the extent of c wtlh the break In wheat, but at tho closo confidence had been restored and prices were again on tho rise. September Sep-tember finished firm nt 64,ic. The oats market showed a steady undertone. un-dertone. September closed at 26c after having sold up from 25c at the start to 2CKC Provisions were given good support by packers. September pork Is up 7'Ac; lard gained 2Vc and rjbk closed 24c higher. ItAXGIS OF THK' LEADING FUTUIlES. Articles Ojn. High. Low. Closo. "Wheat. No. 2 Soptomber S0 81U SO SOU, December S2 SS SI 14 Sli May S3& SS 1 8I1 Corn. No. 2 ' September (old) 5P,i W 61 September (now) CJVi MVi MV6 Ol'i -December (old) 4G7i 10i 45?i 40 December (now) .... 43T4 !4i 43 14 Mny 13 1416 ISTfi II Onts. No. r ' September 23?i 2 25 10 Peccmber '. ICS ' 27 2 2G"fc Mny y 2Si 23 23 28 Meee pork, per bbl. 1 September .. 14. K 11.72V4 14.55 . 14. R7j October 11.074 11.75 14.0714 14. CO Uurd. nr 300 lbs. Septomljor 7.33 S.00 7.?5 7.07Mi October 8.0214 S.10 $.00 S.02 Short ribs, per 100 Hp. September 8.07H P.05 8.&74 S.D74 October 0.0214 0.2Vj 0.0214 9. 05 CASK QUOTATIONS. Cnsh quotations wero as follows: Flour, steady: No. 3 sprint wheal, DOcfftl.OJ; No. 2 red. 7DCSlHc; No. 2 corn, KUc: No. 2 y.llow, G5V4c; No. 2 oats. 25c; No. 2 white, S7ic; No. 3 whlto. 25Vifi27c; No. 2 rye. M"4c; good feej-Inp feej-Inp barloy. 37S7c: fnlr to cholco nmlllnB, 42i-47c: No. 1 flax seed, $1.03: No. 1 Northwestern, North-western, $1.10; prlmo timothy seed. $3. CO; mess pork, per barrel. ?H.55?14.G0: lnrd, per 100 pounds, $7.0714: short ribs sides (loose). SS.&O'tf 0.00; short clear sldeH (boxed). $S.S7!4fl0.12l4; whisky, basis of high wines, $1.28. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Articles Jtocclpts. Shlnments. Flour, bnrrols 30,200 ,l4.0f0 Whent. bushols Gl.OO1) 108.200 Corn. buHhelit 310,00) 427.800 Oats, bushels 350,700 303.600 Itye. bushols 4,000 Barley, busbols 5.500 29,000 PRODUCE EXCHANGE. On tho produco oxehango todny tho butter inarkot was steady; creams, 17 21c; dairy. 1C 1814c; ccrs, steady, nt mark, cases Included, 13"4lG!ic; cheeso. strong, 10illlic. e Coast Grain. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 21. Wheat steady; December. 51.33. Barloy steady; December,- 0014c bid. LIVE STOCK Chicago. CHICAGO. Aug, 24.-Cattle Receipts. 0000; 2000 Westerns; steady to strong; good to prlmo steers, $5.50!3'G.OO; poor to medium, me-dium, $1.00(35.30; stockcrs and feeders. $2.23 0-1.35; cows. S.OO.GO; heifers. J2.255.00; canners. $1.&02.40; bulls, S2.2uJ?4.Q0; calves. J3.0OS7.00; Texas fed steers, J3.-10S-1.50; Western steers, S3.5OtTS.O0. Hogs Receipts today, 15.000; tomorrow, 20,000 ; 20c lower; mixed and butchers, $5.75 G.53; good to choice heavy. $5.10ffG.3G; rough heavy. J5.75fTG.00; light, $5.DOG.-10; bulk of sales. $o.0SRG.30. Sheep Receipts. 15.000; sheep steady to strong; good to choice wethers. $5.2fgo.50: fair to choice mixed. Sl.EOflo.OO; Western sheep. $4.50tf5.-f0; native lambs, $5.SO(g7.50; Western lambs. JG.OOS'GO Omnhn. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 2i.-Cattle Receipts. Re-ceipts. 2000; market steady; native steers. J4.afJ5.7j; cows and heifers. $2.75'gMM0: Western steers, xS3.00g,4.D0; Texns steers. $2.75fj35; cows and heifers. $3.0OS4.40; canners. Sl.50ff2.50; stockcrs and feeders, $2.0033.50: calves, $2.757?5.50; bulls, stags, etc., $2.S1.00. Hogs Receipts. 0500; market stendy; heavy. 5.S0fj"5.95 ; mixed. ?5.?54?5.90: light. $5.00gG.10; pigs, ?5.0(yg-5.75; bulk of sales. Ja.SifjG.OO. ' Sheep Receipts. 3000; markot 10c higher; Westerns. $5.505.G0; wethers. $5.005.25:, ewes, $l.DOJf5.0; lambs, 5G.C0S--7.25. St. Louis Wool jyinrkot. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 21. Wool steady; medium me-dium grades, combing and clothing. 20t4T 31c; light fine, 21fiC0c; heavy lino, 1S? 22c; tub washod. 23I2c. |