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Show IE SENSATIOH I fflfil CUE Doctors Alleged lo Have Been Ofl'ered Money to Suppress Strychnine Story. HONOLULU. Aug. i The tragic death of Mrs. Jane Stanford has been recalled by a sensational story published hero to the effect tho representatives of the Stanford Stan-ford est a 10 practically offered monetary inducements to local phyalclnna to change, thoir opinion that strychnine caused the death of Mrs. Stanford. It Is alleged that the bill of 5100 of Dr. C. B. Wood, who performed the autopsy on the body of Mrs. Stanford, has been refused payment pay-ment by the estato on the ground that Territorial authorities should have performed per-formed tho autopsy. Dr. Wood declared he was employed on behalf of the estate by Dr. Humphries and the latter said that he considered the refusal to pay Dr. Wood to be amazing, as he considered tho employment of a private autopsy physician physi-cian to be proper. The Star, in Its story of tho mattor, says that in different interviews a representative repre-sentative of the estate Indicated to tho physicians that it would bo satisfactory to the estate If they could revise their findings of poisoning and In such event their bills were not to be questioned nnd that Humphries.- Day nnd Wood would be paid tho amount of their claims of 150. All four doctors aro preparing a statement state-ment to place their versl&n of the scientific scien-tific facta of the case before the public, In llnul Justification of the decision concerning con-cerning the cause of tho death of Mrs. Stanford. |