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Show OBITUARIES Franz Otto DrechseL Punrral wn-icM for Frani Otio Dwhwl, S9. of J70 Oraiis "!. who diet) Ltm ber 5 In BerMn, Crmaiiy, while tfrvlng a mlaalon fur tha L. I. A. church, will be conducted hare, Wediieaday it 1 p, n. in tha Thtrty-Mcoiid I. U. 8 ward char!, 331 Navajo atrcct. BUhor Frad H. Park Jr. will offtciaua and burial will ba m Cit t-emterv Mr. )rch1 u born In Oarmany lr ( tember 17. 1878. a mim of (iualav and' Hmrtatta Pfoiiff Prarhael He waa a fanner and bad lived in Salt Laka county for tH yeara. PTio'lvlnr ar Ma widow, Mn Martha K. DrechaeT; flva aona. Karl, Tekla. llyrum. Waller and Gerhard Drechael, and three daiiEhtera, Mra Martha Water. Mra Hilda Plant and Miaa Betty Dravtiael, all of Kalt Lake City. Ada E. Catmull Herridge Mra. Ada Rather Catmull Herrtdff. 3?. wile of Frank A. Herri.lKe of :th5 Oakley treet, died Hunday aftrrnoon In a local horilal after a lour Itlneaa. Mra. Herrtdge wu born In Beneoo. Utah. February 16, 190U. a uauRhter of William and Martha Thnmaa Catmull Hha waa a member of tha L. D. 8. churrn. Hurvivlne ara bar buaband, a daughter. Helen Herndee: a aon. Frank A. Herrldie Jr.; flva brothera. N. O.. J. T., L. V.. M J". and Oeorga B. Catmull. and her parenti all of Halt Lake City, and three tiatera. Mra. Mary A. Iveraon. O-naha. Neb-: Mra Bertba Htrombarg and Mra. Madia Hazen, both or Ogden. Ernest Sax Ernept "ax. 37. mlnlna; man nf Fureka. died Sunday In a Salt Lake Oly hmpital. He waa born January 1ft. 1h, tn La Junta, Colo., a aon of Jacob Martin aud lvJixa Anna H. Huehncr Max. Survlvlnf ara fait widow. Mra. Ludean Olaon Sax ; tare daughter and on a aon. Bel hint, Joan. Martau and Urneat Vaughn Hax of Kureka: two aiatera, Mra. Henry Mann. Salt lka City, and Mra. John Prtlrhett, Markay, Idaho, and atx brothera. Jacob A. Pax. Grand Junction. Colo. ; Charlea J. Hax. Copperton; Henry V. and Albert J. Bax, Lous Beach. Cal ; Irwin P. H. Kureka. and Krancia L- Hax. Bii.Kham Funeral aervkcee will be conducted Tua-day Tua-day at 2 p. m. m the Neil O'Uonnell mortuary, mor-tuary, with N. K. Thorn p"t of the River- rw Flrat L. D. 8. ward biahoprtc of- IKlattll. ; Frleuda nir call at the mortuary. " . J 1 Fast Flrat H-.uth atreet, Monday, and Tue- , day until time ot aerMcea. Burial will be , in City cematery. ( Ephraim Finch Kphrmlm Flnrh. ?, prvmilfiaT' Coahtri farmer, dld at a local hoapitaJ BJnaay at j A p m. after aa operation. Born Ju!y 1. 17. In Oohf, tl waa a an nf William ai.1 Elua Klrr Km-h An a-tlva civic arfr. h a h firft 1 nrranienr of th G-.hti town boarti. Hia wif. Mn. Mary lavia Fimh. died laat June Hurvivbm are two danehlera. Mr l.vfm PfrtvHi ft 0'.ahri aisd Mr Hhtrtev Prraaon of WrKxtiajitl. Cai.. and aon. Vem j Ktnrh of Ooahen. Funeral aer-Kcs will be ronducttd Thura- ! day at 2 P m. I'i Ihe Owner. L. It B ward i chapel, with Biahup Wi.liam Thomai tn : char re Interment will ba in tha Ooahen cemetery- , Frlende mar rail at the Oli mortiarv. ( 1444 Hoiiti. atate atraet. Tuuiv, aid at the home In r.oahen from Wrdi.eaday at 2 p. m. until time of aentrea. James Young Jamee Totin. 71. Kat Mill C'f-ek farmer for more ihn i f0 cr tli'l at a Wu ai hoapital Bundajr at a. m. of a heart ai.- "'Mr Young waa unmarried and had lived 1 at fcaat Tbirty-third Kou'J) atreet. Ha waa burn m Mill Creek Ji't t IT 16. a aon of Jamaa and Martha, Ha rrop Younc Ctirvlvora include 'hrea bro'hera. Mat new Young. Edmund Harrop Young and Jofto p. Vwung. ail of lt Luke City. j Michael H. Sullivan Michael H Bulltvan. 1. resident f fat ' Ike City 58 yaar died lata KatuMay afternoon at hu bom a ia a duiitoii I bo el , Bom In Ca eahurg. M . a aon t1 i"hn and ; Kathenna C'arria ggill.ai.. Mr. Xu.lna:. runt here when 3 yeara old. Ha had bean HI about four monTha He M survived by feta widow. Mra Mary , Sullivan; a atepaon. Arthur U. Young of ' Phkafo: tour aiatera. Mra. Am WilMnao-;, Mra. Kat Cun:riy ai d Mra. Eiiire'h , Cronln of "alt Lake City, and Mra. Mary . Mulim of lie t tie- ( ) Johnathoa A." Williams '( J'Jmathon Altua WiilUma. &. toVi!. Wrat Fifiii Bou'b atreat. retired launiry y man. rtied a' 5 IS a m. Monday hi a total . hoat'itat after a abort Mlneaa. . Mr WilUauna wu tsum Feoruary 2. 1149 at Minoti, Ind , and hart reateel ti fait . Iake t:ify 28 yeara Prior to hia retirement 1 in 1934. he waa aaid to be tha oideat attna 1 La'ifi-1r man m the -worl' J-Funeul J-Funeul aankcea will b rotidurte! Tuea- dav at 2 p m at !he Y.p -e Chapel tnur- A tuary. 124 Fourth Kaar ftfef I " Kntombment will be In. Halt ). Me- j I morial mauaoletiit. Prletda' may call at t Ue sBortuaxy ytux to acrvtcaa. t 1 |