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Show f beJterrideaBUS LOW BUS FARES and go placet this bound tbip rsM Christmas. Big stream- salt lake city toi line buses . . . cozy attests, nl ttT.1l nd comfortable. cri. cele. fill! Denver. Cele 14.44) rer Complete Bat Trsvel (.n.a Jaaetiea. Cele. lalereutlea Heker. Hub SI.) . . . . Lee Angeles. Csltf 1T. SALT LAKE omska. Nekr. . BUS DEPOT Mm. nun 4.4 J. WARNOCH. A re" . Paekle, Cete. 14-4 MS SOUTH STATS ST. rraarUce, CaUf. '22 raeae wssatch lle " she Owe. bUHe War- TtadawDw lilSl tsaai sees II TtMi ICIMIC WAV) l BIG CHRISTMAS OF , Furniture 325 LIVING ROOM, if BEDROOM AND jt DINING ROOM , SUITES to Choose t From r Wo Give and Redeem 'S & H" Green Stamps c GIVE BOOKS GIVE BOOKS GIVE BOOKS GIVE BOOKS GIVE BOOKS GIVE BOOKS 1 Satisfied Shoppers Prove We're Right I Hundreds of shoppers who have been doing their Christmas buying here prove our state- j O ment: That you can do most, if not all, of your gift shopping here and perhaps at ona visit! Besides thousands of books we have hundreds of other gifts and in what varietyl s m O "Thsr. Is a peculiar dignify attached to tha gift of I k I r irTP CLiiOD W O s book that is in no w.y effected by its priea." Vjll I jnUl O SPECIALLY SELECTED f Ttll'tl RADI?S , , , sHssssssBsssBsssssssssjsBBsssssssssii-1 " ths r3ss' n0 As low as $14 95. We carry six famous makes ol radios. In v' (( IbSIES I (tf b1 in ha 'n,er a wid ariety ol styles. Present the, family with a new ',!,,, ',!,?,,,,,, mountoln region. radio lo, ChrUtmas. 2 2 lliMllilljiJlj Retion or non-llc- FILMO MOVIE CAMERAS rn O "Wk JvH. Vi a a1 'on' w9 ave books Enjoy thealerjuality movies Oil- - WM I iWliN.MJJ , , i - mmmtmmm n your own home with FILMO. 5? jrUK Ult-T3.J J 1 1 This year lywood s linest studio cam- O Uj T-T J L" eras. FILMO personal morui . -rr ) I ir cameras and projectors are V f rjl y fcj've BOOKS I J3 TJVQ surprisingly simple to op- ' g wsl (-r, o 2 PiSoN PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS O . ror the ttudent or lor the home, nolhina is more practical. WHITB bannkrs. by Lloyd c Uoufis. !. w hoye thre leadina makeRoyal, Underwood and rjrj O TVPK hic.h, by P.ui Biry 'r'i I'll Bermnoion-all made to give years ol service. . Q CO A C ROINAL or Till! MKIIICI. by DUMD Hick. Black .00 V IULXATION UUIIHt VtWUL'N. by Arnold Iwl t. PCKJC AMD PPNIPIL O LU AND SO VICTORIA, by VauehD WUklna rCINS NINU TCIIUJ . conk WITH THE WIND, by Msrssret Mitebell Individually or In ensembles, In a wide 1 ( Oanothfr caf.sar. by Alfred Neumann variety ol models. Ensembles as low as VI IXHANTtBS niuhtshaiic. by Ann Brld. . i.J. Several famous lines carried In stock. If ANTHONY ADVERSK. by Hrrvey Allen l.O f I CTAJ ADC II (l THt BROTHUBS ASIIKKNA7.I by I J. 8lner f.Ti t7lrlWAIC II Oi.i-ki cir"Tiriki Two famous lines Chase and Revere rep- K 11 TI NON-HOI IUN resented in many a charming and useful PI O why Krrr tiifm u.iti. by Paul de Broil .0 article Abo pottery and glassware in A ?M - CQ the return To RELIGION, by Henry c. Link I.T pleasing designs, priced economically. f JlTl W ITigl ETTE, by Emily Port (complete new edition) 4.0) L tfA O LU AMERICA'S COOK BOOK t. LEATHER ft tlj 7"Z HIE OLD SHERIFF, by Lafayette Hanchett .SO . .. ,,. Ji.ii,,i. W. Be III -T the American LANGUAGE byH L. Mencken 6.00 Leather gilts ara always distinctive. W F LI " Jj athekine, the Portrut of an tmrea. by oma Ksua ... S.kO have mens luted cases, wallets, purses, PI VH3 stokieh behind THE WORLD'S GREAT MUSIC, lolat brief cases, xlpper cases and I frja Ql 3 cATSiW SaMct;w'iUipa-a-::::.'-:::"::: "h" ' gm.. If I J- NORTH TO TH( ORIENT, by Anne Morrow Undbertn.... 1.10 , , ,..,,.,, I I HI m O FROMNOWTOADAM.byBrettLaDfstaff B.OO STILL MORE SUGGESTIONS I Kj! 0 FOR children HEIDI, by Johanna Bpyri Cfl " &ertion.ry. Book Ends, Cameras Electric 1, f 1 Jl 52 2 Sniriey Temple Edition DUG Clocks. Table Lamps. Diaries. World Globes. , Q Thi. I. only one of our many ou'utand.ns books for younger . Scrapbooks. Stamp Albums and others- W Q LU readen of all a(e. come and see for yoursoli. VR i5 GAMES TO DELIGHT ALL AGES PRICED AS LOW AS 1 5c 0 1 DESERET BOOK COMPANY z . 1 1 Hat South Temple Telephone Watatch 6967 O r " OI'ES EVENINGS UNTIL AAt' ' 5IVE BOOKS GIVE BOOKS . GIVE BOOKS GIVE BOOKS' GIVE BOOKS GIVE BOOKS STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M y FOR PRACTICAL, LASTING C I FTS WALK JUST AROUND THE CORNER Follow ORIGINAL the Wite Chrislmat UTAH WOOLEN s"" to the MILLS Sa-ds Si" Sensible Gift! iMTWl LOK! . i I IjT ft FINEST, PURE WOOL BLANKETS f r-Zfifll II BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED A ..:' IN CELLOPHANE $575 to $1075 jrrrrrr- -J an ideal xmas gift I OVERCOATS NOW $1 450 - $1 350 - $2450 BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL MEN'S SUITS! FAwlrWATrnc FOR MEN. . . . $2.45 $3.75 $5.75 O WtA I CKb FOR WOMEN..... .$1.75 to $3J5 j NECKWEAR . 50c and $1.00 BELTS 50c nJ $1.00 SHIRTS $1.50 nd $1.95 SCARP AND CAP SETS $IJ5 SKI SUITS $5.95 to $12.95 KNIT GLOVES 60c 80c 90c DRESSES $4.75 $6.75 $9.75 GIRLS' COATS AND SWEATERS $1.95. . . HERE IS A GIFT STORE YOU'LL LIKE! Y |