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Show Let's Explore Your Mind By Dr. Albert Edwerd Wiggam j LOVE 6C6NE& ON oTAba- . o'-V 'A " VwO fCMl w ec WHAT y AVt Vf4 iHrf ,.e PLA-lIN? , . ThJbmf IV J V J: iYi l- Jr ht HeaB, oitL0' enreirr V ',. I ' ' ' OH TM6 6LECTS.ICOH6AK " I L!KX'lr i I , JeMOUt.O CHILD w vv, ' 1 'LV'rVT - VI MuiitkL P.0Di6itVS H I s. I'M ."VJ ' i ; CA- EMCOLiM.E01:,SeoftNO n j T I I i j a .11 I 1 V St a J D ot 6' Cif FOt a" eoOO A ThSV mauv Ml ? Addreu Or. Wiqqem, cere of The Telegrem, inclotino. a ttemped envelope end 10 eeett,.fer "The Art ef Convertetioe." by MiWea Wriaht. Answer to Question No. 1 1. This is a question that has never been settled and probably never will be. I think it depends mostly on the emotional stability and maturity ol tha actors snd actresses. ac-tresses. They have to feel great emotion in great scenes. The result with one is a grsdual development of a lack of steadfastness. He becomes be-comes emotionally confused snd his sffections scattered, ao he is first in eornery skunk, utterly undeserving of such noble fsith. Mothers keep on believing those qualities are in their sons even when they have die-appointed die-appointed them time and again. But it is that faith that in the end re-deema re-deema us to some sort of decency, some effort to justify it. ! Copyright. 1937, for The Telegrsm love with one person tnen witn sn-: Dther. But with snother actor it . la all in the day's work snd in- I creases his steadiness of emotion j snd character. Whether it results . In greater fickleness or greater I teadineas. aa I ssy. depends on the actor's own stability of character. Answer to Queation t 2. Everybody ahould be encour- aged to develop every particle of talent he baa whether musical, me- J rhanical. artistic, or what not. Thia doea not mean "child pushing" arhlcb. aa Professor Lewis Tsrman. ; authority on brilliant children, aaid I to me, "is a sorry buainess." But j every unusual talent in a child ' should' be fostered as the moat I precious thing in the world, and , j the child be given aa much oppor-j , tunity to develop it as la consistent 1 1 with all round social and general education and good health. , Answer to Question S I - X. Of course. I'm tempted to aay. i "Not by a Jugful." But I. rather , think women give us crsdit for I being better -then we realty are ,j they endow us with bravery, cour- . t:sv. generosity, nob.ilty that few ' men possess. At least. I have aeen hoa of women trying to believe and really believing these qualities quali-ties were somewhere within some mail whom I knew waa a low down,! |