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Show Alcatraz Warden Tells 'Inside9 of Break SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 20 (UP) Tha aacapa of two convicts from Alcatrai waa not dona recklessly on the spur of the moment to lake advantage of a dense fog, but had been planned for months before it waa executed. Warden James A. Johnston said today in describing describ-ing the "inside story" of the break. The escape was the culmination of dangerous, patience trying work over a long period of time, Johnston. Equipped with some sharp Instrument, In-strument, the twbconvrcTs" sawed" patiently away at the machine shop window bars a few minutes each day, Johnston said. When they eventually snapped the bars and leaped out they used a wrench from the machine shop to jimmy the gate of a near-by wire fence, which led to a 20-foot cliff and San Francisco bay. The escaped prisoners. Theodore Theo-dore Coif and Ralph Roe, OkI homa bad men. have been sought since Thursday, when they disappeared dis-appeared from the "eacapeproof" federal island prison. At first Warden Johnston expressed ex-pressed the opinion Cole and Roe drowned. Today he indicated belief be-lief the pair were picked up by a boat manned by accomplices by 1 prearrangement. |